Hello again, our beloved readers. Welcome back to MasteringBahasa.com. This is the perfect media and source for you to learning Bahasa Indonesia by online. Recently, we are discuss about words from each alphabet. From Indonesian Words Starting with Letter ‘G’Â to Z.
Indonesian words that start with r
- Raba = (ra-ba) = Touch
- Rabi = (ra-bi) = Rabbi
- Rabies = (ra-bee-yes) = Rabies
- Rabat (Similar with ‘Diskon’) = (ra-bat) = Discount
- Rabu = (ra-boo) = Wednesday
- Rabun (could be ‘Rabun Jauh’ or ‘Rabun Dekat’) = (ra-boon) = (Could be ‘Farsightness’ or ‘Nearsightness’)
- Racau (Similar with ‘Igau) = (ra-caw) = Raved/Delirium
- Racik = (ra-cheek) = Blend in
- Racun = (ra-choon) = Poison
- Radang = (ra-dang) = Inflammation
- Radar = (ra-dar) = Radar
- Radian = (ra-dee-yan) = Radians
- Radial = (ra-dee-yal) = Radial
- Radiasi = (Ra-dee-ya-see) = Radiatob
- Radiator = (ra-dee-ya-tor) = Radiator
- Radikal = (Ra-dee-kal) = Radical
- Radikalisme = (ra-dee-ka-lis-me) = Radicalism
- Radio = (ra-dee-yo) = Radio
- Radioaktif = (ra-dee-yo-ak-tif) = Radioactive
- Radioterapi = (ra-dee-yo-te-ra-pi) = Radiotherapy
- Radiologi =Â (ra-dee-yo-lo-gi) = Radiology
- Radium = (ra-dee-yoom) = Radium
- Radius = (ra-dee-yoos) = Radius
- Raflesia = (ra-fle-see-ya) = Raflesia
- Raga = (ra-ga) = Physic
- Ragam = (ra-gam) = Variety
- Ragawi = (ra-ga-wee) = Physically
- Ragu = (ra-goo) = Doubt
- Rahang = (ra-hang) = Jaw
- Rahasia = (ra-ha-see-ya) = Secret
- Rahib = (ra-heeb) = Monk
- Rahim = (ra-heem) = Uterus
- Rahmat = (rah-mat) = Grace
- Raib = (ra-yeeb) = Unseen
- Raih = (ra-yeeh) = Reach
- Raja = (ra-ja) = King
- Rajungan (Other word from ‘Kepiting’) = (ra-joo-ngan) = Crab
- Raket = (ra-ket) = Racket
- Rakit = (ra-kit) = Raft
- Raksa = (rak-sa) = Mercury
- Rakus = (ra-koos) = Greedy
- Raksasa = (rak-sa-sa) = Giant
- Rakyat = (rak-yat) = People
- Ramah = (ra-mah) = Friendly
- Ramadhan = (ra-ma-dan) = Ramadan
- Ramai = (ra-mai) = Crowded
- Rambut = (ram-boot) = Hair
- Rambutan = (ram-boo-tan) = Rambutans
- Rampok = (ram-pok) = Robber
- Rampung = (ram-poong) = Finished
- Ranah = (ra-nah) = Domain
- Rangka = (rang-ka) = Frame
- Rangkum = (rang-koom) = Summarize
- Rangsang = (rang-sang) = Stimulative
- Rantai = (run-tai) = ChainÂ
- Rapat = (ra-pat) = Meeting
- Rapi = (ra-pee) = Neat
- Rasial = (ra-see-yal) = Racial
- Rasio = (ra-see-yo) = Ratio
- Rasis = (ra-sees) = Racist
- Rasisme = (ra-sees-me) = Racism
- Rasa = (ra-sa) = Flavors
- Rasberi = (ras-be-ri) = Raspberries
- Rasional = (ra-see-yo-nal) = Rational
- Ratu = (ra-too) = Queen
- Rasul = (ra-sool) = Apostle
- Ratap = (ra-tap) = Stare
- Rata = (ra-ta) = Flat
- Rawa = (ra-wa) = Swamp
- Rayap = (ra-yap) = Termite
- Rayu = (ra-yoo) = Seduce
- Razia = (ra-zee-ya) = Raids
- Reaksi = (re-ak-see) = Reaction
- Reaktor = (re-ak-tor) = Reactor
- Residu = (re-see-doo) = Residue
- Realis = (re-a-lis) = Realist
- Realitas = (re-a-lee-ta) = Reality
- Realistis = (re-a-lis-tis) = Realistic
- Realisasi = (re-a-lee-sa-see) = Realization
- Relokasi = (re-lo-ka-see) = RelocationÂ
- Reboisasi = (re-bow-ee-sa-see) = Reforestation
- Rebana = (re-ba-na) = Tambourine
- Receh = (re-ceh) = Change (refer to Small Change)
- Redaksi = (re-dak-see) = Redaction
- Redup = (re-doop) = Dim
- Reduksi = (re-duk-see) = Reduction
- Refleks = (re-fleks) = Reflex
- Referensi = (re-fe-ren-see) = Reference
- Referendum = (re-fe-ren-dum) = Referendum
- Reformasi = (re-for-ma-see) = Reform (or Reformation)
- Regang = (re-gang) = Stretch
- Regu = (re-goo) = Team
- Regulasi = (re-goo-la-see) = Regulation
- Regulator = (re-goo-la-tor) = Regulator
- Rehabilitasi = (re-ha-bee-lee-ta-see) = Rehabilitation
- Rekayasa = (re-ka-ya-sa) = Engineering
- Rekapitulasi = (re-ka-pee-to-la-see) = Recapitulation
- Rekondisi = (re-kon-dee-see) = Recondition
- Rekonstruksi = (re-kon-struk-see) = Reconstruction
- Rekrutmen = (re-krut-men) = Recruitment
- Reksadana = (rek-sa-da-na) = Mutual Funds
- Rektor = (rek-tor) = Rector
- Relaksasi = (re-lak-sa-see) = Relaxation
- Relasi = (re-la-see) = Relation
- Relatif = (re-la-tif) = Relative
- Relativitas = (re-la-tee-fee-tas) = Relativity
- Rela = (re-la) = Willing
- Relawan = (re-la-wan) = Volunteer
- Religi = (re-lee-gee) = Religion
- Religius = (re-lee-gee-yoos) = Religious
- Relung = (re-lung) = Niche
- Remas = (re-mas) = Squeeze
- Rematik = (re-ma-tik) = Rheumatism
- Rembulan = (rem-boo-lan) = Moon
- Remisi = (re-mee-see) = Remission
- Rempah = (rem-pah) = Spices
- Rencana = (ren-ca-na) = Plan
- Rendah = (ren-dah) = Low
- Reparasi = (re-pa-ra-see) = Repair
- Repetisi = (re-pe-tee-see) = Reps
- Reporter = (re-por-ter) = Reporter
- Reportase = (re-por-ta-se) = Reportage
- Reptil = (rep-til) = Reptile
- Republik = (re-poo-bleek) = Republic
- Reputasi = (re-poo-ta-see) = ReputationÂ
- Resep = (re-sep) = Recipe
- Resmi = (res-mee) = Official
- Restoran = (res-to-ran) = Restaurant
- Revisi = (re-fi-si) = Revision
- Restorasi = (res-to-ra-see) = Restoration
- Resepsi = (re-sep-see) = Reception
- Residen = (re-see-den) = Resident
- Resolusi = (re-so-loo-see) = Resolution
- Revolusi = (re-fo-loo-see) = Revolution
- Responden = (res-pon-den-see) = Respondents
That was the list of Indonesian words that start with ‘R’. It is obviously long and a lot of words. But believe us that these will help you learn Bahasa Indonesia quickly, instead Indonesian Words Starting with ‘J’. We will see you in the next article.
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