
120 Indonesian Words Starting with B – Examples

Hello Readers, Welcome Back to This is the right media for you to learn Bahasa Indonesia. You may have Portuguese Words in Indonesian Language and Indonesian Words Starting with ‘A’ for adding your vocabulary in Bahasa Indonesia.

Indonesian Words Starting with B

This time, we give you amount of words from alphabet ‘B’. Here is the words…

  1. Babak = (ba-bak) = Round
  2. Babad = (ba-bad) = Chronicle
  3. Babat = (ba-bat) = Tripe
  4. Bisul = (bee-sool) = Boils / Ulcer
  5. Babi = (ba-bee) = Pig / Pork  / Lard
  6. Bisik = (bee-seek) = Whisper
  7. Babon = (ba-bon) = Baboon
  8. Baca = (ba-ca) = Read
  9. Bisa = (bee-sa) = Can / Could
  10. Badai = (ba-dai) = Storm
  11. Badam = (ba-dam) = Storm
  12. Badan = (ba-dan) = Body
  13. Badminton = (bad-min-ton) = Badminton
  14. Badui = (ba-doo-ee) = Bedouin
  15. Bison = (bee-son) = Byson
  16. Bagai = (ba-gai) = Like / Such As / As Though
  17. Bagaimana = (ba-gai-ma-na) = How
  18. Bagi = (ba-gee) = For / Divide
  19. Baginda = (Ba-gin-daa) = Your Majesty
  20. Bagong = (ba-gong) = Cumbersome
  21. Bahagia = (ba-ha-gee-ya) = Happy
  22. Bahan = (ba-han) = Material
  23. Bahana = (ba-ha-na) = Loud Noise
  24. Bahari = (ba-ha-ree) = Nautical
  25. Bahtera = (bah-te-ra) = Ark
  26. Bahu = (ba-hoo) = Shoulder
  27. Bahwa = (bah-wa) = That
  28. Baik = (ba-ik) = Good
  29. Bait = (ba-it) = Stanza / Verse
  30. Bajak = (ba-jak) = Plow
  31. Biskuit = (bis-ku-wit) = Biscuit
  32. Bakar = (ba-kar) = Burn
  33. Bakul = (ba-kool) = Basket
  34. Bakso = (bak-so) = Meatball
  35. Bakpao = (bak-pao) = Meatbun
  36. Bakti = (bak-tee) = Devotion
  37. Bakteri = (bak-te-ree) = Bacteria
  38. Baku = (ba-koo) = Raw
  39. Blus = (blus) = Blouse
  40. Baki = (ba-kee) = Tray
  41. Bakung = (ba-koong) = Lilies / Daffodil
  42. Blokir = (blo-keer) = Block
  43. Balai = (ba-lai) = Hall
  44. Balas = (ba-las) = Reply
  45. Balap = (ba-lap) = Racing
  46. Balerina = (ba-le-ree-na) = Balerina
  47. Balet = (ba-let) = Ballet
  48. Balistik = (ba-lis-tik) = Ballistic
  49. Balok = (ba-lok) = Beam
  50. Balkon = (bal-kon) = Balcony 
  51. Bandar = (ban-dar) = Port
  52. Balsam = (bal-sam) = Balm
  53. Banci = (ban-chi) = Sissy / Pansy
  54. Bandul = (ban-dool) = Pendulum
  55. Bandit = (ban-deet) = Bandit
  56. Banding = (ban-deeng) = Appeal
  57. Bangau = (ba-ngaw) = Stork
  58. Bangga = (bang-ga) = Proud
  59. Bangku = (bang-koo) = Bench
  60. Bangkrut = (bang-kroot) = Bankrupt
  61. Bangsa = (bang-sa) = Nation
  62. Bangsawan = (bang-sa-wan) = Noble / Nobility
  63. Bangsal = (bang-sal) = Ward
  64. Bantu = (ban-too) = Help
  65. Banjir = (ban-jeer) = Flood
  66. Bangun = (ba-ngoon) = Get Up
  67. Bank = (bang) = Bank
  68. Bantal = (ban-tal) = Pillow
  69. Banteng = (ban-teng) = Bull
  70. Bobot = (bo-bot) = Weight 
  71. Bantai = (ban-tai) = Slaughter
  72. Bocor = (bo-cor) = Leak
  73. Bapak = (ba-pak) = Father
  74. Baptis = (bap-tis) = Baptism
  75. Bara = (ba-ra) = Coal
  76. Barang = (ba-rang) = Goods
  77. Barangkali = (ba-rang-ka-lee) = Perhaps
  78. Barat = (ba-rat) = West
  79. Barbar = (bar-bar) = Barbarian
  80. Baris = (ba-rees) = Line
  81. Barikade = (ba-ree-ka-de) = Barricade
  82. Bariton = (ba-ree-ton) = Baritone
  83. Basa = (ba-sa) = Bases
  84. Basi = (ba-see) = Stale
  85. Basa-basi = (ba-sa-ba-see) = Chit Chat
  86. Basah = (ba-sah) = Wet
  87. Bakau = (ba-kaw) = Mangrove
  88. Basalt = (ba-salt) = Basalt
  89. Bola = (bo-la) = Ball
  90. Bata = (ba-ta) = Bricks
  91. Batu = (ba-too) = Stone
  92. Batako = (ba-ta-ko) = Brick
  93. Batalion = (ba-ta-lyon) = Battalion
  94. Batik = (ba-teak) = Batik
  95. Baterai = (ba-te-rai) = Battery
  96. Batin = (ba-thin) = Inner
  97. Bau = (ba-woo) = Smell
  98. Bawa = (ba-wa) = Bring
  99. Bawang = (ba-wang) = Onion
  100. Bawah = (ba-wah) = Under
  101. Bayi = (ba-yee) = Baby
  102. Baur = (ba-woor) = Diffuse / Blend
  103. Bazar = (ba-zar) = Bazaar
  104. Bazoka = (ba-zo-ka) = Bazooka
  105. Bayang = (ba-yang) = Shadow
  106. Bayam = (ba-yam) = Spinach
  107. Bea = (be-ya) = Tariff / Custom
  108. Beasiswa = (be-ya-sis-wa) = Scholarship
  109. Bebas = (be-bas) = Free
  110. Beban = (be-ban) = Load
  111. Bebal = (be-bal) = Ignorant
  112. Becak = (be-cak) = Pedicab
  113. Beda = (be-da) = Different
  114. Bedah = (be-dah) = Surgery
  115. Bedak = (be-dak) = Powder
  116. Biola = (bi-yo-la) = Violin
  117. Belut = (be-lut) = Eel
  118. Bejana = (be-ja-na) = Vessel
  119. Bekal = (be-kal) = Stock
  120. Beku = (be-koo) = Provision

That was the list of numerous Indonesian words starting with B. And of course, there are lot of Indonesian words starting with B and also, from another letter. Such as Indonesian Words Starting with ‘Z’ and Indonesian Words Starting with ‘A’. For more information you can read Indonesian Words That You Need to Know so it can help you to learn Bahasa quickly. Terima Kasih. Selamat Belajar Bahasa Indonesia.