How to Learn Indonesian in Your Car? The Easiest Way to Learn Bahasa

The jammed traffic, long hours of commuting every day is such a bad way to waste your time if you just do nothing in the car. 

You can actually use those precious time for learning, especially to learn Indonesian language. To know how to learn Indonesian in the car, read the complete explanation below.

  1. Listen to Indonesian audiobooks in the car

Audiobooks is good media if you are already in intermediate or advanced level of Indonesian language.
Audiobooks are usually have longer format and use higher level of vocabulary. You can find many good Indonesian audiobooks to listen in your car instead of listen to some random music while doing nothing.

  1. Using language learning apps in the car

If you don’t usually drive by yourself, you can consider to use language learning apps in the car. There are so many useful apps that you can find and download into your smartphone.
These apps will help you to learn Indonesian better and faster. It will also be better than stuck in the jam while complaining about the time you lost.

  1. Listen to Indonesian radio in the car

If you interested more in learning Indonesian daily conversation, you can try to listen to Indonesian radio in the car. It is a great way for you to simulate hearing Indonesian conversation.
Some of the Indonesian radio host use Indonesian informal language that different than the formal language used in audiobooks, so you will also learn about Indonesian informal daily conversation.

  1. Listen to Indonesian Podcasts in the car

If you don’t enjoy listening to radio, you can try to listen Indonesian podcasts in your car. There are many good Indonesian podcast that you can download and listen during your drive. You can choose the one that use the specific kind of language and accent that you want to learn.

  1. Listen to Indonesian music in the car

Listening to music in the car is very fun and healing. If you want to learn Indonesian, you may want to change your music into Indonesian songs. Indonesia has many good musicians that able to produce good quality songs with good lyrics.
You can choose several good songs and listen to them in the car. This way, you can add more words to your Indonesian vocabularies while learning the pronunciation and learning how to listen to Indonesian people talking.

  1. Talking to yourself or other people if any

People say that the best way to learn new language is by practicing it. There is nothing wrong with talking to yourself in the car using Indonesian. You can say whatever you want freely without feeling shy or afraid of making mistakes.
You can use your time in the car to master your pronunciation. If you are not alone in the car, you may want to learn the Indonesian language together with your companion.

Read more about how to learn Indonesian:

That’s all about the explanation on how to learn Indonesian in your car. Thank you for reading.

Categories: Learning