A-Z Indonesia Important Phrases That You Need to Learn

Hello there, are you ready to start learning Bahasa Indonesia this time? Well, what will we talk today is about Indonesia important phrases. Last time, we already have done to learn how to say I like you in Indonesianhow to say No in Indonesian, and even you have done learning about the general Indonesian Phrases including with the examples.

However, there are many Indonesian important phases that commonly we used. So, below here are some of the Indonesian important phrases that used in the conversation. Here are the examples.

Example of Indonesian important phrases in a conversation

  1. Selamat pagi, bagaimana kabarmu hari ini? (Good morning, how are you today?)
  2. Halo, anda bisa berbahasa Indonesia? (Hello, do you speak Indonesian?)
  3. Siapa namamu? Namaku Ali dan berasal dari Jakarta. (What’s your name? My name is Ali and I am from Jakarta.)
  4. Hati-hati, Selamat jalan. Semoga selamat sampai tujuan.  (Be careful, goodbye may you get to your destination.)

The greeting is the most Indonesian important phrases, there are some examples of how to use the Indonesian important phrases in the sentences. If you are in Indonesia, please say this when you meet someone; Selamat pagi, bagaimana kabarmu hari ini? This question is how to greet people in the morning and know how they are, it is good or bad. Next, how to ask someone to know do they speak Indonesian or not? Greet Indonesian people with these; halo, Anda bisa berbahasa Indonesia? (hello, do you speak Indonesian?). Then they will answer; ya, saya bisa berbahasa Indonesia (yes, I do speak Indonesian).

Siapa namamu? Namaku Ali dan berasal dari Jakarta. The question words “Siapa” are a question that used for asking someone. So, if you want to ask other’s name you should say. Siapa namamu? Then the answer is namaku Ali dan berasal dari Jakarta (My name is Ali and I am from Jakarta). The last example; how to end the conversation in Indonesia? Before you say farewell or goodbye. You can say this; hati-hati, selamat jalan, semoga selamat sampai tujuan. It means be careful, goodbye, may you get to your destination.

Example of Indonesian important phrases in polite expression

  1. Permisi, bisakah Anda membantu saya? (Excuse me, could you help me?)
  2. Maaf, saya tidak tahu tentang hal tersebut. (Sorry, I don’t know about that.)
  3. Mohon maaf, dapatkah Anda berbicara lebih pelan? (Pardon, could you speak more slowly?)
  4. Tolong, bisakah kamu panggil polisi sekarang? (Please, could you call the police, now?)

All people know that Indonesian’s peoples are famous because of their hospitality. So, in here you should speak with polite phrases. So, how to express politeness in Indonesian phrases? First, if you want to ask help to someone you should say, permisi, bisakah Anda membantu saya? (excuse me, could you help me?) Permisi can have two meanings, they are permisi and maaf. It depends what are the sentences.

Maaf, saya tidak tahu tentang hal tersebut, this sentence explains that if you want to say sorry you could say like this. How to ask someone to repeat their words? Well, you should say like the third example; mohon maaf, dapatkah Anda berbicara lebih pelan? Mohon maaf in Indonesia it’s mean pardon in English. Next, how to ask someone to repeat their words in Indonesian? Just said, dapatkah Anda berbicara lebih pelan? With you said like these, that people will speak more slowly than usual. The last, how to ask someone help in Indonesia? If you want to ask someone help to call the police, you can say; tolong bisakah kamu panggil polisi sekarang? Then he or she will help you to call the police for you. 

The list of  common Indonesia important phrases

There are lots of Indonesia important phrases, that we should know. So, below here are the common Indonesia important phrases that you should learn and practice. These are phrases commonly used in daily activities. So, used this and never stop to learn Bahasa Indonesia.

Indonesia phrases[/th] [th]Meaning

Ada[/td] [td]There is

Anda[/td] [td]You (formal)

Boleh[/td] [td]Can / could

Buka[/td] [td]Open

Dia[/td] [td]He/She

Dimana[/td] [td]Where

Hati-hati[/td] [td]Be careful

Kami[/td] [td]We

Kamu[/td] [td]You

Kita[/td] [td]Us

Maaf[/td] [td]Sorry

Mereka[/td] [td]They

Mohon maaf[/td] [td]Pardon

Permisi[/td] [td]Excuse me

Saya[/td] [td]I am

Siapa[/td] [td]Who

Terima kasih[/td] [td]Thank you

Terima kasih kembali[/td] [td]Your welcome

Tidak ada[/td] [td]There is not

Tutup[/td] [td]Closed

Hopefully, the above on Indonesia important phrases could useful for you. Well if you want to know more about polite Indonesian phrases, you could see it on polite Indonesian phrases. In there, there are some examples that could help you out. So keep practicing in Bahasa Indonesia and do not give up. Good luck.

Categories: Verbs