6 Indonesian Exclamations Guide – Types – Examples

So, we have learned about Indonesian pronunciation, Indonesian grammar, and even Indonesian proverbs with English equivalent. After all those subjects, there is one more important thing to learn if you want to expand the knowledge to Indonesian proper writing and reading. Yes, it is punctuation marks which are always used in writing. In this article, we are not going to discuss the entire collection of punctuation mark but only exclamations.

In general, the collections of punctuation mark are quite the same including exclamations. Do you already know the use of exclamations in Bahasa Indonesia? Exclamation in Bahasa Indonesia is used in the end of a sentence or after interjection. This punctuation mark is mostly used to show strong emotions or high tone speech. It is widely found in any language with various function and symbol.

So, how to use exclamations in bahasa Indonesia? In general, there are few ways exclamation is used in sentence according to Indonesian perfected spelling as the following.

1. To give orders

The first function of exclamation is used to give orders. When using exclamation to give order, sometimes it is a little bit forceful and gives the feeling like when you order someone to run errand.

Indonesian Exclamations Guide

Indonesia English
Bersihkan kamar iu sekarang juga! Clean that room right now!
Jangan parkir di situ! Do not park there!
Datanglah ke rumah direktur siang ini! Come to the director’s house this noon!
Pergi dari rumah ini sekarang juga! Go out from this house right now!
Cuci baju ini sampai bersih! Wash this laundry as clean as possible!
Jangan keluar rumah sebelum Ibu pulang! Do not go out before Mom comes home!

Also learn: Indonesia conversation examples.

2. To show sincerity

In some cases, exclamation is also used to show sincerity. Even though it is used to show sincerity, but it is mostly spoken in serious tone like when you try to convince someone to believe in you.

Indonesian Exclamations Guide

Indonesian English
Benar, Bu! Saya tidak punya cukup uang untuk naik taksi. It is true, Miss! I do not have enough money to ride a taxi.
Sungguh! Saya sudah membeli buku pesanan anda! For real! I have bought the book you ordered!
Sungguh, sayang! Aku tidak akan berbohong lagi! For real, my dear! I will not going to tell a lie again!
Sungguh tidak masuk akal! Bagaimana bisa kamu tidak datang ke kantor! Unbelievable! How can you not come to the office!

Also learn: How to say please in Bahasa Indonesia

3. To show distrust

The main function of exclamation is to emphasize on something, it can be sincerity and also distrust.

Indonesia English
Masa, kereta api bisa bertabrakan! Really, trains can hit over each other!
Aku tak menyangka, ternyata selama ini kamu berbohong padaku! I can’t believe that this whole time you tell only lies to me!

Also learn: Indonesian Phonetic Transcription

4. Strong emotions and amazement

Exclamation is also used to show amazement of something and also tells strong emotions. It can be used to threaten and expressing amazement over something.

Indonesia English
Wah, harga baju di toko ini mahal sekali! Wow, the clothing price in this store is very expensive!
Kalau kamu tidak bisa berubah, aku yang akan pergi dari rumah ini! If you cannot be the change, I will be the one who leave the house!
Aduh, uang saya hilang! Darn it, I lost my money!

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5. To show anger

The most common function of exclamation is to show anger. In most language, exclamation is used in high tone speech to show anger.

Indonesia English
Camkan ucapanku baik-baik, nona muda! Mark my words, young lady!
Pergi dari sini! Get out!
Jangan pernah kembali lagi ke sini! Never come back here again!

Also learn: Indonesian Language Examples for Beginner

6. Exclamation writing guide

Since exclamation is used to show strong feeling, anger, distrust, sincerity, and give order. It cannot be used in any situation. It should be used carefully according to the conversation context because it potentially creates misunderstanding. For example if you use exclamation in text message or email, the recipient will think that you are angry even when you are not. Unless you know the function of exclamation, it is best to avoid its use and prevent misunderstanding.

In addition, exclamation should also be never used in encyclopaedia or scientific journal or work unless it is in parentheses and has the element of exclamation. This punctuation mark is also widely used in drama script to show certain emotions. However, it is important to note that exclamation mark is never followed with full stop. It is always either one of it. Selamat Belajar!

Categories: Writing