Indonesian Helpful Phrases to Learn – Complete Examples

Hello everyone and welcome back to Mastering Bahasa. Learning about Indonesian helpful phrase could be the fast track of mastering Bahasa Indonesia. These also includes some Indonesian survival phrases that would make you sounds like an advance learner. Now, let’s we take look some examples of Indonesian helpful phrases that would help you less than five minutes. Then, why don’t you use it as ways to improver your speaking Bahasa Indonesia skill.

Learn to express your feeling in Indonesian

Indonesian easy phrases that will be very helpful to the beginner is how to say you’re happy or sad. Of course, it would help you to be understood and also understand people condition (at least their feeling). Here are the common ways to express the feeling.

  • Bagaimana kabar Anda? (How are you)
  • Apa kabar? (What’s up)
  • (saya) baik-baik saja (I am fine)
  • Saya sehat (I am good/fit)
  • Tidak begitu baik (I’m not really well)
  • Saya kurang enak badan (I’m ill/not well)
  • (dan) kamu? (and) you?)
  • Saya senang (I’m happy)
    *Other vocabulary for happy in Bahasa Indonesia is ‘gembira’, ‘bahagia’
  • Kamu sedih ( You are sad)
  • Dia marah (She is angry)
  • Andi kecewa (Andi is dissapointed)
  • Ima terkejut (Ima is shocked)
  • Aku terburu-buru (I’m in rush)
  • Mereka sakit (They are sick/ill)
  • Kami menangis (We are crying)
  • Saya terharu (I’m moved)
  • Ia lupa (He forgets)
  • Saya lelah (I’m exhausted)
  • Saya muak (I’m sick [of you])
  • Saya sakit(I’m sick/hurt/ill)
  • Saya terluka (I’m hurt)
  • Saya puas (I’m satisfied)
  • Saya kurang puas (I’m not too satisfied)
  • Saya tidak puas (I’m not satisfied)

Let’s learn more phrases in Indonesian

Beside general phrases that you have learned, we should also learn some questions that would be tremendously helpful to you in Indonesia. These Indonesian helpful phrases will also take you to advance level of Bahasa Indonesia. 

  • Bagaimana cara saya ke stasiun? (How to reach the train station?)
  • Bagaimana cara tercepat ke kota Jakarta? (What is the fastest way to go to Jakarta?)
  • Bagaimana cara termurah untuk ke Jakarta? (What is the cheapest way to go to the Jakarta?
  • Di mana saya bisa membeli makanan vegetarian ? (Where can I find vegetarian food/restaurant?)
  • Bisakah Anda membantu saya? (Could you help me?)
  • Jam berapa kantor pos buka? (What time does the post office opens?)
  • Berapa harga tiket Jakarta–Yogyakarta? (How much is the Jakarta–Yogyakarta ticket costs?)
  • Apakah Anda dapat lebih cepat? (Could you do/drive more fast)
  • Bagaimana cara ke Yogyakarta yang paling cepat? (What [and how] is the fastest way to Yogyakarta?)
  • Di mana tempat wisata yang menarik di Yogyakarta? (Where are some interesting tourist destination places in Yogyakarta?)
  • Di mana pantai terbaik di Indonesia untuk berselancar? (Where is the best beach in Indonesia to surf?
  • Apa makanan khas di daerah ini? (Which food is considered as the culinary icon here?)
  • Kalian sedang apa di sekolah? (inf)/ Apa yang kalian lakukan di sekolah? (formal) (What are you doing at school)
  • Pada hari apa saja kantor pos buka? (When does the post offices open?/On what day does the post office open?
  • Bisakah Anda tunjukkan jalan ini? (Could you give me direction to this street)
  • Apa saja peraturang di sini? (What are the local rules [that should be followed]?)
  • Mengapa Anda terlambat? (Why are you so late?)
  • Mengapa Anda bersedih? (Why are you sad?)
  • Bisakah kamu lebih berbahagia? (Could you be more happy) 

Learn the place: know where you go in Indonesian

Other vocabulary that quite helpful and would be found in daily-life is about places name. Beside, the terms of transport in Bahasa, learning the places name would also very helpful. It is very important, especially when you need to know direction in Bahasa Indonesia.

  • pasar (traditional market)
  • bank (bank)
  • kantor pos (post office)
  • sekolah (school)
  • universitas (university)
  • taman (park)
  • toko (shop)
  • kedai kopi (coffee shop)
  • restoran (restaurant)
  • rumah (house)
  • kantor (office)
  • mal (mall)
  • gereja (church)
  • mesjid (mosque)
  • kuil (temple)
  • jalan (road/street)
  • halte (bus station)
  • stasiun (train station)
  • bandara (airport)
  • pelabuhan (port)
  • museum (museum)
  • gedung (building)
  • jembatan (bridge)
  • perpustakaan (library)
  • toko buku = bookshop
  • kamar = room
  • kamar mandi = bathroom
  • kamar (tidur) = bedroom
  • dapur = kitchen
  • ruang tamu = living room
  • ruang makan = dining room
  • garasi = garage
  • teras = terrace
  • loteng = attic

Of course, in reality you might also found another interesting phrases to learn. Add many vocabulary related to places more and more.

Therefore, that’s a wrap of Indonesian helpful phrases that both effective and efficient. In addition, if you want to easily adapt to the locals, you might also need to learn some cultural words as well as high context culture. Learn Bahasa Indonesia is easy, but also complex at the same time. Learn more vocabulary, master the grammar and collect slang as well as cultural background of society in Indonesia.

Categories: Phrases