A-Z List of Cities in Indonesian – Travelers Guide – Direction

Hello there, how are you today? We hope that you are all fine. So, at the last lesson, you already to know on how to greet people in Indonesia with gesture and also the culture. That is mean that you all already know how peoples in Indonesia are. In here, we have a question for you, do you ever to go to Indonesia before? What are the cities that you already come?

You might come to several beauty cities of Indonesia, such as Denpasar, Manado, Ambon, Palembang, Bandung and more. Today, we learn about the list of cities in Indonesian with their province. In here, you will know what is the right capital in each province in Indonesia and some tips on how to ask the location or ask where to live in Bahasa Indonesia.

Here are the examples of how to asks the location

  • Dimana alamat tempat tinggalmu? (Where is your address?)
  • Kamu tinggal dimana? (What is your address?)
  • Apakah kamu tinggal disini? (Do you live near here?)
  • Dari mana kamu berasal? (Where are you from?)
  • Dapatkah saya tahu dimana kamu tinggal? (Can I know where do you live?)

While you want to ask someone address, you could ask like this; Kamu tinggal dimana? (informal) or Dimana alamat tempat tinggalmu? (formal). Both questions have the same meaning of What is your address? The difference is the way how to tells it. If you meet a little girl or someone younger than you can use Kamu tinggal dimana?

If you meet someone older than you, you can use Dimana alamat tempat tinggal Bapak atau Ibu? Secondly, if you want to ask something to know where does he or she come from you can use; dari mana kamu berasal? or dapatkah saya tahu dimana kamu tinggal? The last, if you want to know that she or he lives near here you can say, apakah kamu berasal dari sini? For the next lesson, please see the examples below.

Here are the examples of an expression of the impression

  • Bagaimana kesanmu Anda terhadap kota Surabaya? (How do you feel about the city of Surabaya?)
  • Bagaimana menurutmu tentang kota Denpasar? (What do you think about the city of Denpasar?)
  • Saya benar-benar terkejut akan keindahan alam di Medan. (I am really surprised by the beauty of nature in Medan.)
  • Astaga, pantai-pantai di Lombok sungguh indah sekali. (My goodness, the beaches in Lombok are very beautiful)

When a traveler stay in one place or in a city, he or she absolutely express how the impression the city is. So, the examples above are the way how to tell the way of impression and how to ask a question in impression with Bahasa Indonesia.

You can say, saya benar-benar terkejut akan keindahan alam di Medan and astaga, pantai-pantai di Lombok sungguh indah sekali. Both of these expressions are the way how to express an impression in Bahasa Indonesia. How about asking the question about an expression of the impression in Bahasa Indonesia? You can try with these both questions, Bagaimana kesan Anda terhadap kota Surabaya? (formal) atau Bagaimana menurutmu tentang kota Denpasar? (informal). So, do you understand? Below here are the examples of how to asking directions while you get lost.

Here are the examples expressions asking directions

  • Permisi, tahukah kamu dimana pusat oleh-oleh berada? (Excuse me, do you know where is the souvenir center ?)
  • Apakah ini jalan yang benar menuju ke Monas? (Is this the right way to Monas?)
  • Bisakah kamu menunjukkan kepada saya bagaimana cara untuk pergi ke Taman Mini Indonesia Indah? (Could you show me how to go to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah?)
  • Bisakah Anda menunjukkan saya jalan menuju ke jalan utama? (Will you show me the way to the main street?)

At your first time, you have a plan to go to Bandung, Indonesia. You want to go to Tangkuban Perahu Mountain that it has a legend story. In here, you get lost and you do not know how to get there. So, you can ask the people around here with these questions, Apakah ini jalan yang benar menuju ke….?  This question is used to know it is the right way or not to go to Tangkuban Perahu Mountain.

Fill the blanks with a place that you want to go. Besides, you can use bisakah Anda menunjukkan kepada saya bagaimana cara untuk pergi ke…? (formal). While you ask this question to someone, he or she will show you the right way to go to your destination. So, with these ways do not worry to get lost while in Indonesia, right. 

List of Cities in Indonesian

Below here are the tables of list capital cities in Indonesia belongs to their province. So, whenever you travel in Indonesia, make sure to know what is the province and what is the capital city is. We hoped you enjoy while traveling in Indonesia. Happy traveling everybody and try to find some souvenirs. How to bargain in bahasa Indonesia youcan open this Indonesian Bargaining Words for Travelers Shopping Guide, this really can help you full.

Island City Population
Bali Denpasar 834,881
Java Bandung 2,575,478
Java Banjar 175,910
Java Batu 190,184
Java Bekasi 2,510,951
Java Blitar 132,018
Java Bogor 1,022,002
Java Cianjur 165,420
Java Cilegon 416,464
Java Cimahi 566,200
Java Cirebon 298,224
Java Depok 1,751,696
Java Jakarta 9,588,198
Java Kediri 268,507
Java Madiun 170,964
Java Magelang 118,227
Java Malang 820,243
Java Mojokerto 120,196
Java Pasuruan 186,262
Java Pekalongan 281,434
Java Probolinggo 217,062
Java Purwokerto 292,782
Java Salatiga 170,332
Java Semarang 1,555,984
Java Serang 577,785
Java South Tangerang 1,290,322
Java Sukabumi 298,681
Java Surabaya 2,765,487
Java Surakarta 499,337
Java Tasikmalaya 635,464
Java Tangerang 1,798,601
Java Tegal 239,599
Java Yogyakarta 388,627
Kalimantan Balikpapan 557,579
Kalimantan Banjarbaru 199,627
Kalimantan Banjarmasin 625,481
Kalimantan Bontang 143,683
Kalimantan Palangkaraya 220,962
Kalimantan Pontianak 501,843
Kalimantan Samarinda 727,500
Kalimantan Singkawang 186,462
Tarakan Tarakan 193,370
Kalimantan Tenggarong 72,458
Ambon Ambon 331,254
Kai Tual 58,082
Ternate Ternate 185,705
Tidore Tidore 90,055
Sumbawa Bima 142,579
Lombok Mataram 402,843
Timor Kupang 336,239
Timor Atambua 74,903
New Guinea Jayapura 200,524
New Guinea Merauke 71,838
New Guinea Kota Sorong 184,239
New Guinea Manokwari 136,302
Buton Bau-Bau 118,998
Sulawesi Bitung 173,837
Sulawesi Gorontalo 153,036
Sulawesi Kendari 236,269
Sulawesi Kotamobagu 107,459
Sulawesi Makassar 1,194,583
Sulawesi Manado 405,715
Sulawesi Palu 291,872
Sulawesi Pare-Pare 112,625
Sulawesi Palopo 129,273
Sulawesi Tomohon 80,649
Sumatra Banda Aceh 174,433
Sumatra Bandar Lampung 923,970
Batam Batam 1,153,860
Sumatra Bengkulu 257,763
Sumatra Binjai 238,209
Sumatra Bukittinggi 117,097
Sumatra Dumai 291,393
Sumatra Gunungsitoli 125,566
Sumatra Jambi 586,930
Sumatra Langsa 133,600
Sumatra Lhokseumawe 152,895
Sumatra Lubuklinggau 174,472
Sumatra Medan 2,029,797
Sumatra Metro 127,569
Sumatra Padang 1,020,880
Sumatra Padang Panjang 49,451
Sumatra Padang Sidempuan 178,148
Sumatra Pagar Alam 114,609
Sumatra Palembang 1,342,258
Bangka Pangkal Pinang 145,945
Sumatra Pariaman 83,151
Sumatra Payakumbuh 122,896
Sumatra Pekanbaru 1,030,732
Sumatra Pematang Siantar 229,525
Sumatra Prabumulih 129,201
Weh Island Sabang 28,454
Sumatra Sawah Lunto 59,821
Sumatra Sibolga 90,489
Sumatra Solok 62,483
Sumatra Sungai Penuh 82,619
Sumatra Tanjung Balai 152,272
Bintan Tanjung Pinang 167,958
Sumatra Tebing Tinggi 134,548

Hopefully, above on list of cities in Indonesian could benefit us. Where you get lost while traveling, it is permissible to ask others with above ways that explain. So, the people will show you how to get there.

However, if you really do not understand while you travel in Indonesia, you could try these Indonesian phrases for travelers. With these phrases, you will not get a problem. Stay learn Bahasa Indonesia and keep practicing it. Good luck

Categories: Vocabulary