Learning Business Greetings in Indonesia – Customs and Etiquette

Hello, selamat datang!

This time we learn about business greetings in Indonesia.
Actually, there is no standard rule about business in Indonesia. When people meet each other for business, they usually just say usual greetings, such as ‘selamat pagi (Good Morning) and shakes their partner’s right hand to show respect. Remember, using your left hand, such as shaking hands or giving things, is considered disrespectful by many in Indonesia.

Nonetheless, of course when you do interaction for business purpose you want to show respect to others. Here are some recommendations about how to say business greetings directly.

To Open the conversation

  • Selamat pagi! Bagaimana kabar Anda? (Good morning! How are you?)

Notes: asking how are you is an optional and depends on the situation. You also could only say Selamat pagi! or other greetings (Check Good Morning Greetings and Good Afternoon in Indonesian Language)

To Close the conversation

  • Terima kasih, Pak. Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan. (Thank you, Sir. Have a nice day)
  • Terima kasih, Bu. Senang bekerja sama dengan Anda (Thank you, Mam. It such a pleasure working together with you).
  • Terima kasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan (Thanks for the opportunity)
  • Terima kasih. Sampai ketemu di lain kesempatan (Thank you. See you later in the future)

Notes: It is highly recommended to use the word terima kasih (thank you) when you end a conversation in any situation to show respect. In common situation, you usually need to shake your partner’s right hand too.

More to know about business greetings in Indonesia

Furthermore, when you have to do some written greetings, including when you learn about business greetings in Indonesia. things become a little bit different. You must use formal and standard language. It is also happened in the business field to show your intellectual, seriousness, and also respect. Here is the common example.

Bapak/ Ibu
di Jakarta

Dengan hormat,


      Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu, kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

Salam hormat,



Dear Sir or Madam
PT X HRD staff
in Jakarta

With all due respect,


     Thank you for your attention.

Best regards



Business Greetings in Indonesia 



Function in English
Yth. (Yang Terhormat)

[je te hɑ]

[jɑŋ tərhormɑt]

refers the audience(s) (also in speech) Dear
Dengan hormat

[dəŋɑn hormɑt]

As an opening in formal letter With all due respect (rarely used)
Atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu, kami mengucapkan terima kasih.


[ɑtɑs pərhɑti’ɑn bɑpɑk/ibu kɑmi məŋucɑpkɑn tərimɑ kɑsih]

To end a formal letter (also in speech) Thank you for your attention
Salam hormat

[sɑlɑm hormɑt]

As a closing in formal letter Best regards

Some notes:

  • Sometimes people add the word kepada before Yth. However, it is considered incorrect in formal and standard language.
  • Yth. is an abbreviation from Yang terhormat. It is  unusual to use Yang terhormat as a complete phrase in a written letter.

The formula of using Yth in written letter

  • Yth. + Name (without title) — Yth. Dika Andi
    Yth + Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/Saudari — Yth. Bapak/Ibu
    Yth. + their position (Head office, Director, etc.) –Yth. Direktur PT Sukamaju
    Name + title (optional) — Dr. Juni Indah

It is only happened in the written form of language. In the oral conversation, the rule is more flexible and usually not applied.

Beside learn about business greetings in Indonesia, you may also check

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