Selamat Pagi Response in Bahasa Indonesia – Conversation in Bahasa

Selamat Pagi Meaning in Bahasa Indonesia

Selamat pagi is one of the most used greetings in Indonesia. If translated to English, “selamat pagi” equals to “good morning”. People use this morning as a greetings for people, formal or informal in the morning.

People usually use this greetings when meeting a person or a group of people for the first time in that day. As a result, some people even still use this phrase in the noon or even afternoon in an event as stimulus to raise people’s spirit like in the morning.

In formal occasions, people usually say it full as “selamat pagi” or added with words to address someone for example “selamat pagi Pak (good morning, Sir)” or “selamat pagi Bu (good morning Ma’am)”. However, in informal occasions, people usually say it as only “pagi!” or “morning!”

Read more about greetings in Bahasa Indonesia:

Selamat Pagi Response in Bahasa Indonesia

Response to the greeting “selamat pagi” can be done by saying “selamat pagi” too. You can also add the name of the people or the words you used to address him or her. In informal occassion, you can also answer it by only saying “pagi”. Usually, you can also add hand gestures.

To get a clearer understanding, read the examples below:

  • A: Selamat pagi (good morning)

B: Selamat pagi (good morning)

  • A: Selamat pagi (good morning)

B: Selamat pagi juga (good morning for you to)

  • A: Selamat pagi (good morning)

B: Pagi (morning)

  • A: Pagi (morning), here you can add gand gesture 

B: Pagi (morning), here you can add hand gesture too

  • A: Selamat pagi (good morning)

B: Selamat pagi, Pak (good morning, Sir)

  • A: Selamat pagi B (good morning B)

B: Selamat pagi A (good morning A)

How to Pronounce Word Selamat Pagi in Indonesian

Pronouncing the word selamat is not really difficult. Similar with other Indonesian words, you just have to say it same to the way it written. “Se” in selamat is pronounced similar with pronouncing “se” in service. “La” in selamat is pronounced similar with pronouncing “la” in large. While “ma” in selamat is pronounced similar with pronouncing “ma” in “march”.

Pronouncing the word pagi is also not difficult. Same with before, you just have to say it same to the way it written. “Pa” in pagi is pronounced similar with pronouncing “pa” in pallet. While “gi” in pagi is pronounced similar with pronouncing “gi” in gift.

That’s all the explanation about selamat pagi response in Bahasa Indonesia. I hope the information will be helpful for all of the readers and can expand your knowledge on Indonesian language. Thank you for reading.

Categories: Greetings