15 Examples of Conversation in Indonesian for Beginner

What do you think about conversation? Well, conversation is a common way to connect us with other people. It shows our ideas and feelings. In this section, we are going to learn basic conversation in Indonesian daily activities. For your information, conversation in Indonesian is easy to  practice as long as you often practice and memorize the sentences and intonation.

However,if we want to create a conversation in daily activities, consider the differentiation between formal and informal situation. Because it is a bit funny when you  talk  formally in informal situation and also vice versa. Here is some examples of basic conversation in Indonesian language formal or informal situation. It is just the same as you use informal and informal language in English.

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Informal Situation

Here are the examples of conversation in Indonesian in informal situation. In informal situation,we have to use informal language.

1. Introductory Conversation

Introductory conversation is a conversation between two or more people in informal situation. They would like to introduce themselves each other. This is the example of introduction conversation in Indonesian.

Examples of Introduction conversation in Indonesian:

John: Hey,senang bisa kenalan dengan kamu!
(Hey, nice to meet you!)

Mary: Oh ya, senang juga bisa kenalan sama kamu!
(Oh ya,nice to meet you too)

John: Ngomong ngomong,nama kamu siapa?
(By the way,what’s your name?)

Mary: Namaku Marianne. Kamu bisa panggil aku Mary!
(My name is Marianne. You can call me Mary)

John: Nama yang bagus! Hmm.. ngomong- ngomong aku Johny. Kamu bisa panggil aku John
(Nice name! Hmm.by the way I am Johny. You can call me John.)

Mary: Oh hai, John!
(Oh hey John!)

John: Hai juga Mary!
(Hey Mary)

Well, this conversation used in informal conversation where commonly happen between two people.

Examples of Introduction conversation in Indonesian

Boy: Hei,boleh kenalan?
(Hey! Can I get to know you?)

Shinta: Boleh dong!
(Why not!)

Boy: Kenalin, aku Boy! Kamu siapa?
( I’m Boy by the way)

Shinta: Aku Shinta!
(I’m Shinta)

Boy: Okay Shinta. Kamu baik banget!
(Okay Shinta. You are so nice)

Indeed, this informal conversation usually happens with people at the average age, young people, when they first met.

2. At a Taxi

This conversation happens when someone wants to go somewhere by taxi. She asks the driver to bring her up to the airport

Examples of conversation in Indonesian at a Taxi

Driver: Mau pergi kemana, Mbak?
(Where are you going, Miss?)

Shinta: Mau ke Bandara Pak!
(Off to the airport,Sir!)

Driver: Okay, siap meluncur!
(Okay, ready to run)

Shinta: Jarak dari sini ke bandara berapakilometer ya pak?
(How far  is the distance fromhere to the airport,Sir?’

Driver: Kira- kira 2 kilometer . Mbak
(About 2km, Miss!)

The conversation above is informal conversation at a taxi.

3. At a Cafe

This conversation happens when someone wants to order something to the waitress.

Examples of conversation in Indonesian at a cafe 

Zayn : Permisi! Bisa pesan secangkir teh?
(Excuse me! Can I have a cup of tea?)

Waitress: Ya bisa, mas. Tunggu sebentar ya!’
(Yes,of course, Sir! Wait for a minute!

Waitress: Ini tehnya, mas!’
(This is your cup of tea, Sir!)

Zayn: Makasih!

Waitress: Ada pesanan lagi,Mas?
(Anything else, Sir?)

Zayn : Nggak. Cukup ini dulu aja!
(No. I think it’s enough)

Waitress: Okay, mas. Selamat menimati!
(Okay, Sir. Enjoy it)

 The conversation above is one of conversation at a cafe.

4. At The Airport

In Indonesia, if we want to ask help to passenger service agent, we ask her/him in  informal way.

Examples of conversation in Indonesian at the airport 

Passenger Service Agent: Boleh lihat tiketnya Pak?
(Can I see the ticket, Sir?)

Passenger: Boleh. Ini dia!
(Of course. Here it is!)

Passengger Service Agent: Apa barang yang anda bawa?
(What staffs are you carrying?)

Passenger : Hanya beberapa baju saja di koperku!
(Only some clothes in my suitcase)

Passenger Service Agent: Baiklah,tiketnya sudah diproses,bapak bisa menuju gate 7!
(Well, the ticket has been processed.You can go the 7 gate, Sir)

Passenger : Oke. Makasih banyak!’
(Okay, thank you very much)

Passenger Service Agent: Sama- sama, Pak!’
(You are welcome, Sir!’’)

The conversation above is a conversation at the airport when someone goes to ”check in”

5. At School with a friend

When we talk at school with friends,we use informal language

Examples of conversation in Indonesian at school 

Taylor: Bisa pinjam pulpenmu nggak?
(Can I borrow your pen?)

James: Oh maaf. Aku Cuma punya satu pulpen yang aku pakai sekarang!
(Oh sorry. I only have one pen i am using now)

Taylor: Baikllah kalau begitu. Bisa pinjam pensilmu?
( Okay, then. Can I borrow your pencil?)

James: Pasti dong. Ini dia!
(Sure. Here it is)

Taylor: Makasih, James!
(Thanks, James!)

James: Sama- sama!
(You are welcome)

The conversation above is a conversation between two friends at school.

6. At home

If you create conversation at home, we also use informal language

Examples of conversation in Indonesian at home

Mom: Selamat pagi, sayang!
(Good morning, sweety)

Dad: Selamat pagi juga,sayang!
(Good morning too,Sweety)

Mom: Sudah sarapan, belum?
(Have you had your breakfast?)

Dad: Belum!
(Not yet)

Mom: Tenang. Aku bakalan masak buat sarapan kok!
(Relax! Iam going to cook something for breakfast)

Dad: Kamu memang yang terbaik!
(You are the best)

The conversation above is conversation between father and mother in informal language.

Those that have been mentioned above are some examples of conversation in informal situation. We should see the different from conversation in formal situation. Here the explanation about formal situation:

Formal Situation

Conversation in formal situation using formal language in formal situation.

1. At the office

As we know, office is a place where people work and meet. Office is a formal place , so we should use formal language at work.

Examples of conversation in Indonesian at the office

Manager: Selamat pagi rekan- rekan sekalian!’
(Good morning ladies and gentlemen)

Employees: Selamat pagi!
(Good morning)

Manager: Hari ini kita akan mengadakan rapat!
(Today, we are going to have a meeting!)

Employees: Rapat apa, Pak?
(What meeting, Sir?)

Manager: Rapat kita kali ini membahas tentang kinerja para karyawan!
(Today’s meeting discusses about performance of employees)

Employees: Baik. Silahkan anda mulai Pak!
(Well, you may begin Sir, please)

Manager: Dimohon untuk duduk buat para rekan- rekan sekalian!
(Have a sit, please, ladies and gentlemen)

The conversation above is a conversation happens in meeting room at the office

2. At school

In formal situation,if a teacher wants to explain something, he/she is used to say something in formal language.

Examples of formal conversation in Indonesian at school 

Teacher: Selamat pagi, anak-anak!
(Good morning, students)

Students: Selamat pagi, Bu Mela!
(Good morning, Miss Mela)

Teacher: Apa kabar kalian pagi ini?
(How are you today,students?)

Students: Baik, Bu!
(We are fine, Miss Mela)

Teacher: baik.Ibu harap kalian semua baik- baik saja. Silahkan duduk yang rapi ya!
(Well, I wish you all fine.Have a sit,please)

Students: Baik, Bu!
(Of course, Miss)

Teacher: Sekarang kita akan belajar mengenai percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris. Silahkan salah satu dari              kalian yang bisa memberikan contoh!
(Today we are going to learn about conversation in English. One of you should give an example,please!)

The conversation above happens between teacher and students

3. In a Job Interview

If manager wants  to interview an employer candidate,he/she must use formal language.

Examples of formal conversation in Indonesian at a job vacancy 

Manager: Selamat pagi, John!
(Good morning, John)

John: Selamat pagi, Pak!
(Good morning, Sir!)

Manager: Silakan Ceritakan sesuatu tentang anda!
(Tell me something about you, please!)

John : Nama saya Johny Horan.Saya lulusan Universitas Padjadjaran di Bandung. Saya pernah bekerja                     sebagai seorang administrasi di sebuah  perusahaan. Keahlian saya adalah saya mahir berbahasa Inggris                     dan Prancis, komputer, dan internet!
(My name is Johny Horan. I am an alumnus of Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung.I have ever worked as an administrator in a company. My skill is I can speak English and French, computer, and internet!)

Manager: Menarik sekali. Sudah pernah menjadi translator?
(Very interesting. Have u ever worked as a translator?)

John : Sudah, pak!
(Yes I have, Sir!)

Manager: Silahkan coba translate teks ini ke dalam bahasa Prancis. Ini bagain dari tes!
(Translate this text into French,please!.This is test!)

John : Baik, pak!
(Sure, Sir!)

The conversation above happens when the manager interviewing an employer candidate

From the explanation above,we can conclude that conversation in Indonesian is easy to learn. However, remember that conversation in informal or formal situation is quite different. It is just the same as conversation in English. There is informal and formal situation. If English conversation has rules and Indonesian grammar in sentences, then ‘’Bahasa’’ has no strict rules in grammar.

Indonesian Phrases

If u want to learn and speak Indonesian, you have to know some words meaning. Upon memorizing some vocabulary,then you should try to memorize sentences and conversation. Furthermore, you memorize the conversation,the more you will understand sentences. In conversation in Indonesian, you don’t have to think much about rules and grammar. You only need to remember sentences in conversation and practice it directly to every people you meet. These are some sentences in informal situation you need to remember.

Informal Phrases in Indonesian

  1. Apa apaan sih? / What the hell?
  2. Kamu lagi ngapain sih?/ What the hell are you doing?
  3. Pengen bobo ah! / Wanna take some sleep!
  4. Ada ada aja!/Excuses excuses!
  5. Bego!/ idiot!
  6. Sana pergi!/ You better get out of here!
  7. Payah kamu ah! /You suck!
  8. Wow,indah banget!/ wow, what a beautiful!
  9. Capek banget,euy!/ I am so exhausted!
  10. Gak berguna banget!/ So useless!
  11. Pengen pipis!/ Wanna pee!
  12. Ribet banget!/So complicated
  13. Mati aja lu sana!/ You better die!
  14. Dari mana aja kamu?/ Where have you been?
  15. Keren banget/So cool!
  16. Cepetan dong!/ Hurry up!
  17. Aku lagi buru buru nih!/I am in a hurry!
  18. Gak mungkinlah!/ No way!
  19. Masa sih?/ Really?
  20. Oh,begitu!/Oh,I see!
  21. Kocak banget!/So funny!
  22. Aku gak peduli lagi/Idon’t care anymore
  23. Berisik banget sih. Diam dong!/ It is so noisy.Shut up!
  24. Aku lagi bosen banget nih!/ i am so fucking boring!/ I feeli bored
  25. Kayanya dia banget deh ke gue!/ It seems like he is nice to me!
  26. Kamu baik banget!/ You are so kind!/How kind of you!
  27. Kamu jahat banget!/ You are so mean!
  28. Jangan gitu dooong!/ Don’t be like that
  29. Jangan ganggu aku!/Don’t disturb me!
  30. Jangan ribut ya! / Don’t be so noisy!
  31. Bangun dong!/ Wake up!
  32. Belagu banget sih dia!/He isso fucking arrogant
  33. Ngerti gak?/ Understood?
  34. Dingin banget ih!/ It is so cold!
  35. Panas banget hari ini!/ It is so hot today!
  36. Jangan kasar ya sama cewek!/ Don’t be rude to girls!
  37. Jangan marah dong. Aku Cuma bercanda!/ Don’t be mad.I am just kidding!’’

Thus, you can learn the informal Indonesian phrases only when you talk with your friends. If you said to elder people then it would be impolite.

Formal Phrases in Indonesian 

Here is some examples of Indonesian conversation in formal situation

  1. Silakan duduk!/Have a sit please!
  2. Maukah anda membawakan secangkir teh padaku?/ Would you like to bring me a cup of tea?
  3. Dapatkah kau meminjamkan pulpenmu padaku?/ Could you borrow your pen to me?
  4. Dapatkah aku mengenalmu? /May I know you?
  5. Selamat pagi, rekan rekan sekalian!/Good morning ladies and gentlemen!
  6. Silahkan diminum,Pak!/Have a drink,Sir!
  7. Maukah anda bercerita sesuatu?/Would you like to tell something?
  8. Bolehkan saya mengunjungi rumah anda?/ May I visit your house?
  9. Terimakasih banyak atas perhatiannya!/ Thank you very much for your attention
  10. Pertama tama, saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih1/ First of all, i would like to say thank you
  11. Saya senang bertemu dengan anda/ I am very glad to see you!
  12. Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya Bapak Agus!/ I am really sorry for Sir Agus death
  13. Anda tidak seharusnya meninggalkan rakyat anda!/You must not abandoning your people!
  14. Maaf telah mengganggu waktumu Yang Mulia!/I am really sorry for disturbing your time,Your Majesty!
  15. Terimakasih sudah datang King Jhon Snow/Thank you for coming King Jhon Snow!
  16. Saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih!/ I would like to say thank you!

Nah,isn’t it easy to learn basic conversation in Indonesian? The more you memorize the vocabulary and sentences with its meaning, the more you will understand and practice it. Try hard and practice that to every Indonesian you meet. If u try hard, God never leave you because results never betray process.

Categories: Conversation