Examples of Metaphor of Colors in Indonesian

Metaphor of colors is an interesting topic of metaphor that you can use in your Indonesian writing or literature work.

There are many unique and interesting metaphors of colors in Indonesian that you can use. Read the more complete and thorough explanation below.

Metaphor Meaning in Indonesian

In Indonesia, we call metaphor as “metafora” or “majas metafora”. Metaphor or metafora is part of language style in Indonesian literature that has figurative or metaphor meaning  with the base of similarity with another object. In other words, metaphor is not a real meaning, it uses comparison with other object. Check also metaphor meaning in Indonesian.

Metaphor is usually used in a writing or literature work to emphasize the meaning of a certain object. The writer can also use metaphor as their own style of writing.

Indonesian words for Color

Before we go to the examples of metaphor of colors in Indonesia, it will be good for you if you know about Indonesian words for color. Find the color vocabulary for you below:

  • Black: hitam
  • Blue: biru
  • Brown: coklat
  • Gold: emas
  • Green: hijau
  • Gray: abu-abu
  • Orange: jingga
  • Pink: merah muda
  • Purple: ungu
  • Red: merah
  • White: putih
  • Yellow: kuning

Examples of Metaphor of Colors in Indonesian

Indonesian language has many unique examples for metaphor. Below are the examples of metaphor of colors in Indonesia. Pay attention to the metaphor typed in bold below.

  • Rumah itu habis dilalap oleh si jago merah.

That house was burned completely by the fire.

  • Dia adalah anak emas dari orang tuanya.

She is the beloved child of her parents

  • Eko menjadi kambing hitam dari kejahatan orang lain.

Eko became the black sheep of other people’s crime

  • Dia memiliki keturunan darah biru dari ibunya.

She has a nobleman ancestors from her mother.

  • Di hitam matamu kembang mawar dan melati

You have roses and jasmine flowers in your dark eyes

The explanation for this metaphor is roses usually have red color, represent bravery and love. While jasmine usually have white color, represent pureness

  • Dia sudah masuk daftar hitam sehingga tidak bisa lagi mendaftar ke perusahaan tersebut.

He is on the blacklist so he cannot apply for a job to that company again.

  • Buku putih itu tidak boleh dibuka oleh siapa pun.

That white book cannot be opened by anyone.

  • Rapormu bagus, banyak nilai merahnya.

You got good reports, many of you grades are poor .

  • Setiap orang memiliki warna-warni kehidupannya masing-masing.

Every person has their own colors in life.

Read more about Indonesian sayings:

That’s all the explanation about examples of Metaphor of Colors in Indonesian. I hope the article will be helpful and can expand your knowledge on Indonesian language.

Categories: Literature