40 Funny Jokes in Indonesian Language Will Make You Laugh

Hello, how are you doing? Have you improved in learning more Indonesian? Indonesian is actually an easy language you can learn in a day. If you have stayed in Indonesia even for a short while, you’ll know that Indonesian people are friendly and sociable.

Not only that, they love to joke around! Yes, jokes and riddles are an essential part in most friendly exchanges and conversations during gatherings. Indonesians love to make their own riddles and you can find some of them hard to understand in English because they contain Indonesian puns.

Funny Jokes in Indonesian Language

There are also funny Indonesian phrases and unique Indonesian words you’re likely to encounter. In today’s post, we’ll share some famous funny Indonesian jokes. Enjoy!

  1. Yang jual enggak doyan, yang doyan enggak beli, yang beli enggak doyan? (The one who sells it doesn’t like it, the one who likes it doesn’t eat it, the one who buys it doesn’t like it?)
    Rumput (Grass—for cows to eat)
  2. Ada ayam jantan, kepalanya ada di Amerika, ekornya di Afrika, sayapnya di Jakarta,
    matanya ada di Brazil, telurnya ada di mana..? (There’s a rooster with its head in USA, its tail in Africa, its wing in Jakarta, its eye in Brazil, where are the eggs?)
    Ga dimana-mana (Nowhere—roosters don’t lay eggs)
  3. Kebo apa yang bikin orang capek? (What kind of buffalo makes people tired?)
    Kebo-gor jalan kaki (Going to Bogor (kebo-gor) on foot)
  4. Monyet apa yang nyebelin ? (What kind of monkey is annoying?)
    Monyet-elin tv kagak bisa, monyet-elin radio kagak bisa juga (Can’t turn on the tv and the radio)
  5. Check out more Indonesian words for animals.
  6. Buah semangka, dilubangin, dikasih es batu, dikocok-kocok terus digelindingin. Jadi apa? (A watermelon is drilled, iced, shaken, and rolled. What does it become?)
    Jadi jauh (It becomes far away)
  7. Kapan sebaiknya kita membuka pintu ? (When is the best time to open the door?)
    Kalo pintu tertutup (When the door is closed)
  8. Kenapa robin jadi pembasmi kejahatan? (Why does Robin become a superhero?)
    Soalnya dia ketemu sama batman..kalo ketemunya sama baskin dia bakalan buka toko eskrim (Because he meets Batman, if he meets Baskin, he will end up opening an ice cream shop)
  9. Saya memiliki tiga kepala, tiga kaki, tiga tangan dan tiga jari. Siapakah saya? (I have 3 heads, 3 feet, 3 hands and 3 fingers, what am I?)
    Pembohong (A liar)
  10. Learn more about how to say Indonesian numbers here.
  11. Pintu apa yg di dorong2 sama 10 orang nggak bakal terbuka ? (What kind of door cannot be opened even if it was pushed by 10 people?)
    Pintu yang ada tulisannya “TARIK” (A door that says ‘pull’)
  12. Ayam apa yang tidak bisa mundur ? (What chicken cannot walk backwards?)
    mana ada ayam yang bisa mundur (There are no chickens that can walk backwards anyway)
  13. Orang bungkuk tidurnya gimana ? (How does the hunchback sleep?)
    Merem (Closing his eyes of course)
  14. Ayam apa yang bisa bertelur di gunung, di lembah, di kandang macan, pokoknya di semua sempat? (What kind of chicken can lay eggs in mountains, valleys, tiger dens, and everywhere?)
    Ayam betina dong (Hens, of course)
  15. Orang apa yang berenang tapi rambutnya tidak basah ? (What men can swim without having his hair wet?)
    Orang botak (Bald men) 
  16. Kecil, putih, tinggi, apa hayooo? (What is small, white, and tall?)
    Nasi nempel dikapal terbang (Rice stuck on an airplane)
  17. Kalau tidur berdiri, tapi kalau berdiri dia tidur? (What stands up when you’re sleeping and sleeps when you stand?)
    Jempol kaki (Toe)
  18. Kecil item dipencet nendang….. ? (What is small, black, but can kick you if you press it?)
    Tahi lalat di idung komandan Kamra…… (A mole on the nose of an army commander)
  19. Apa yang dipunyai kucing tapi tidak dipunyai hewan laen? (What does a cat have that other animals don’t?)
    Anak kucing (Kittens)
  20. Kenapa manusia hidungnya didepan? (Why do humans have their nose in front?)
    Soalnya kalo diatas, orang enggak bisa pake topi (If they have it above their head, people can’t wear hats)
  21. Apa bedanya kacang panjang dengan celana panjang? (What’s the difference between longbeans and long pants?)
    Kacang panjang bila dipotong namanya tetap kacang panjang
    Celana panjang bila dipotong namanya menjadi celana pendek (If you cut longbeans, it’s still called longbeans but if you cut long pants it becomes shorts)
  22. Mengapa turun dari kendaraan harus kaki kiri dulu? (Why should you leave your vehicle with your left foot first?)
    Kalau kepala dulu namanya nyungsep.(If you use your head first, you’ll tumble)
  23. Tulang apa yang biru ?? (What bone is blue?)
    Tulang-it biru (The sky)
  24. Per apa yg sopan? (What spring is polite?)
    Per-misi pak! (Excuse me, Sir! (Per=spring)) 
  25. Kuda apa yang bikin girang ? (What horse causes you to be excited?)
    Kuda-pat rejeki nomplok (I got lots of money (kuda=horse))
  26. Belut apa yang paling berbahaya? (What eel is the most dangerous?)
    Belut-ang banyak ental bangklut (Having lots of debt causing bankruptcy (belut=eel)
  27. Hewan apa yg paling panjang? (What kind of animal is the longest?)
    Ular ngantre beras (Snakes lining up for ration)
  28. 5 orang berjalan di bawah satu payung kecil tapi kenapa tidak ada satupun orang yang kehujanan ? (5 people are walking under the same small umbrella, but none of them got wet. How is this possible?)
    Karena tidak hujan (It’s not raining)
  29. Pocong apa yang disenengin ibu-ibu? (What kind of pocong (Indonesian scary creature) is adored by women?)
    Pocongan harga! (Discounts (potongan harga))
  30. Kera apa yg bikin heboh jg bikin repot? (What monkey gets you in trouble?)
    KERAcunan makanan. (Food poisoning (kera=monkey))
  31. Apa yang menyebabkan jakarta sering KEBANJIRAN…??? (What causes Jakarta to flood often?)
    AIR (Water)
  32. Ikan apa yg nggak bisa berenang? (What kind of fish cannot swim?)
    Ikan bodoh (A stupid fish)

Impress your Indonesian colleague by bringing some funny jokes in Indonesian Language to the table the next time you have a relaxing hangout or gathering. Good luck!

Funny Jokes in Indonesian Language Will Make You Laugh, Here Is The Pick Up Lines!

Categories: Translation