
How Do Indonesians Pronounce to ‘wkwkwk?’

Slang words are often found in every languages from countries around the world. The slang words relate to any type of informal language, for example onomatopoeia which usually speak or write to introduce an example of a sound. According to Oxford online dictionary, onomatopoeia is the fact of words containing sounds similar to the noises […]


80 Funny Indonesian Translations Will Blown Your Mind

Indonesian is truly a unique language. Did you know that Indonesian words in Minions? You might have learned some basic Indonesian vocabulary and Indonesian conversation examples but as you progress in your learning, you might find many odd phrases in Indonesian that might sound weird if you translate them literally into your native language such […]


40 Funny Jokes in Indonesian Language Will Make You Laugh

Hello, how are you doing? Have you improved in learning more Indonesian? Indonesian is actually an easy language you can learn in a day. If you have stayed in Indonesia even for a short while, you’ll know that Indonesian people are friendly and sociable. Not only that, they love to joke around! Yes, jokes and […]