How to Say Have a Safe Trip in Indonesian – Phrases and Examples

Usually in Indonesia, after people visit their relatives or any other people’s home, and they will go back to their home, Indonesian people will pray for them to have a safe trip.

How to Say Have a Safe Trip in Indonesian

So, how to say it in Indonesian? How to say have a safe trip in Indonesian?

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Indonesian Formal language

This is how to say have a safe trip in Indonesian in formal language:

1. Hati – hati di jalan (Be careful/ Take Care)

“Hati – hati di jalan” usually is one of sentence which often pronounced by many Indonesian people. This is formal language in Indonesia. So, this sentence can used for everybody, younger or older people.

2. Semoga selamat sampai tujuan (Have a Safe Trip)

“Semoga selamat sampai tujuan” also one of formal sentence in Indonesia. Who’s not glad if other people pray for their safe? This sentence is very simple but touch the heart and have a meaning

3. Jangan melamun dan berhati – hatilah 

“Jangan melamun”is one sentence that commemorate you. Because, if you’re daydreaming (melamun) it will really harm you, especially when you are using public transport. And “berhati – hatilah” have a same mean with be careful.

4. Semoga perjalananmu menyenangkan (Have a Nice Trip)

5. Sampai jumpa (See you later) 

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Indonesian Informal Language :

1. Ati – ati yaa

“Ati – ati” have a same mean with “hati – hati” and in english is “be careful”. This is informal language. You can use this sentence to younger people or your friend who have same old.

2. Moga di jalan gak ada apa-apa

“Moga di jalan gak ada apa-apa” is one of sentence which have mean”Hopefully on the road there is not anything” in english. This is means that they hope in the road no obstacles who will difficult your trip.

3. Moga sampe sana masih selamat dan gak ada yang terjadi di jalan

“Moga sampe sana masih selamat dan gak ada yang terjadi di jalan” is sentence which mean a pray for you so that when you get to the destination, you still safe and there are no obstacles in the road. 

This is example of Indonesian conversation

This is how to say have a safe trip in Indonesian in informal language:

1. Indonesian Formal Language

Billy : “Kami akan kembali ke Jakarta besok pagi.”

Sally : “Hati – hati di jalan dan semoga perjalananmu menyenangkan.”

Billy : “Terima kasih.”

Sally : “Apakah kamu akan naik pesawat?”

Billy : “Iya benar.”

Sally : “Hati – hati.”

In English :

Billy :” We will go back to Jakarta tomorrow morning.”

Sally: “Be careful and have a nice trip!”

Billy : “Thank youu.”

Sally : “Are you going on a plane tomorrow?”

Billy : “Yes, you are right.”

Sally : “Be careful and happy landing.” 

2. Indonesian Informal Language

Billy :”Besok kami akan balik ke Jakarta.”

Sally : “Ati – ati yaa. Moga di jalan gak ada apa-apa.”

Billy : “Makasih.”

In English :

Billy : “We will go back to Jakarta tomorrow morning.”

Sally : “Be careful. Hopefully in the road there is not anything.”

Billy : “Thanks.”

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Categories: Phrases