How to Tell Time in Indonesia – Vocabulary – Phrases

Welcome back to MasteringBahasa! In our previous article about Indonesian Common Verbs, we have discussed about Indonesian Verbs. This article is related to that article. Why? Because we will discuss How to Tell Time in Indonesian Language.

In our previous article about Indonesian Questions , we have discussed how to tell time with the question word of “Kapan”. That is so related to this article. In this article, we are going to discuss how to ask time and how to tell time in Indonesian language. Before further ado, let’s do it!

Here are some words you need to learn related to how to tell in Indonesian:

English Indonesian
Hour Jam
Minute Menit
Second Detik
Before Kurang
After Lewat
Quarter Seperempat
Half Setengah
Morning (6 AM to 10 AM) Pagi
Noon (11 AM to 4 PM) Siang
Afternoon (5 PM to 8 PM) Sore
Night (After Sunset) Malam
Midnight Dini hari
Rubber Time Jam Karet

1. How to Ask about Time

Before moving to the examples, here are some common yet useful vocabularies that suits to sentences that ask for time. If this list does not help you much, you can check our another article of Indonesian Basic Vocabularies or Indonesian Basic Words to find more common and useful vocabularies!

Indonesian Vocabularies and Phrases[/th] [th]Meaning

Kapan[/td] [td]When

Jam (noun)[/td] [td]Clock

Jam[/td] [td]Time

Pukul[/td] [td]Time

Sejak[/td] [td]Since

Sejak Kapan[/td] [td]Since When

Jam berapa[/td] [td]What time

Permisi[/td][td]Excuse me











Now we will begin our examples on how to tell the time in Indonesia:

  • Jam berapa sekarang?
    (What time is it?)
  • Sekarang jam berapa?
    (What time is it?)
  • Apakah kamu membawa jam tangan?
    (Do you bring your watch?)
  • Apakah kamu tahu sekarang jam berapa?
    (Do you know what time is it?)
  • Maukah kau memberitahuku sekarang jam berapa?
    (Will you tell me what time is it?)
  • Maaf, bolehkah saya tahu jam berapa sekarang?
    (Excuse me, may I know what time is now?)
  • Apakah kamu tahu hari apa sekarang?
    (Do you know what day is it?)
  • Apakah kamu ingat tanggal berapa sekarang?
    (Do you know what date is today?)

2. How to Tell Specific Time

Now, imagine a person asked the questions from point one. How to answer them? You can use these sentences to answer those question!

  • Ya
  • Sekarang jam satu siang.
    Now it is one o’clock.
  • Sekarang sudah jam tiga lebih lima belas menit.
    It is three past fifteen.

Basically, how Indonesian speakers tell time is the same when English speakers do. We say it by numbers. Yet, Indonesian speakers always the hours first. Unlike English speakers, in English, we can say the minutes first. For examples:

  • It is a quarter to three.
  • It is half to ten.
  • Now it is ten minutes before eleven o’clock.

This is how you say O’clock in Bahasa:

  • 1 o’clock – jam satu
  • 2 o’clock – jam dua
  • 3 o’clock – jam tiga
  • 4 o’clock – jam empat
  • 5 o’clock – jam lima
  • 6 o’clock- jam enam
  • 7 o’clock jam tujuh
  • 8 o’clock jam delapan
  • 9 o’clock jam sembilan
  • 10 o’clock jam sepuluh
  • 11 o’clock jam sebelas
12.00 am jam dua belas malam 12.00 pm jam dua belas siang 12.01 pm siang jam dua belas satu
1.00 am jam satu malam 1.00 pm jam satu siang 1.01 pm siang jam satu satu
2.00 am jam dua malam 2.00 pm jam dua siang 2.01 pm siang jam dua satu
3.00 am jam tiga malam 3.00 pm jam tiga siang 3.01 pm siang jam tiga satu
4.00 am jam empat malam 4.00 pm jam empat siang 4.01 pm siang jam empat satu
5.00 am jam lima malam 5.00 pm jam lima sore 5.01 pm sore jam lima satu
6.00 am jam enam pagi 6.00 pm jam enam sore 6.01 pm sore jam enam satu
7.00 am jam tujuh pagi 7.00 pm jam tujuh sore 7.01 pm sore jam tujuh satu
8.00 am jam delapan pagi 8.00 pm jam delapan sore 8.01 pm sore jam delapan satu
9.00 am jam sembilan pagi 9.00 pm jam sembilan malam 9.01 pm malam jam sembilan satu
10.00 am jam sepuluh pagi 10.00 pm jam sepuluh malam 10.01 pm malam jam sepuluh satu
11.00 am jam sebelas siang 11.00 pm jam sebelas malam 11.01 pm malam jam sebelas satu

This is a simple formula when we want to tell specific time in Indonesian language:

         Hours    +    Minutes          

And that is it! So easy right? So here are the examples:

  • Jam satu lebih sepuluh menit.
    (One o’clock past ten minutes)
  • Jam lima seperempat.
    (One o’clock past fifteen minutes)
  • Jam empat tepat.
    (Four o’clock)
  • Tepat pukul sembilan.
    (Nine o’clock)
  • Pukul Sepuluh pagi.
    (Ten o’clock in the morning)

We have discussed about numbers in our article of Indonesian Basic Vocabularies. But as a quick learn, here is a list of numbers in Indonesian that you can use to tell time too!

Indonesian Numbers[/th] [th]English Numbers

Satu[/td] [td]One

Dua[/td] [td]Two

Tiga[/td] [td]Three

Empat[/td] [td]Four

Lima[/td] [td]Five

Enam[/td] [td]Six

Tujuh[/td] [td]Seven

Delapan[/td] [td]Eight

Sembilan[/td] [td]Nine

Sepuluh[/td] [td]Ten

Sebelas[/td] [td]Eleven

Dua Belas[/td] [td]Twelve

No, I’ll bet you understand how to tell the time in Indonesia, but let’s learn more here.

3. How to Tell Time By Days

As English languages and every languages in the world, Indonesian weeks are divided into seven days. Here is the list:

Indonesian Days[/th] [th]English Days

Senin[/td] [td]Monday

Selasa[/td] [td]Tuesday

Rabu[/td] [td]Wednesday

Kamis[/td] [td]Thursday

Jum’at[/td] [td]Friday

Sabtu[/td] [td]Saturday

Minggu[/td] [td]Sunday

Here are some examples how to use them!

  • Hari ini hari Senin.
    (Today is Monday)
  • Besok hari Selasa.
    (Tommorrow is Tuesday.)
  • Lusa adalah hari Rabu.
    (The day after tomorrow is Wednesday)
  • Aku akan berkencan dengan Enrico pada hari Kamis.
    (I will have a date with Enrico at Thursday.)
  • Setahu aku, tugas kelompok itu harus dikumpulkan di hari Jum’at.
    (As far as I know, the group work should be collected at Friday.)
  • Festival Kebudayaan itu sudah terlaksana hari Sabtu yang lalu.
  • (The Cultural Festival was held at the past Saturday)
  • Biasanya keluarga pak Markus pergi ke Gereja di hari Minggu.
    (Usually Mr. Markus’s family go to Church at Sundays.)

Oh, anyway, as a bonus, we will give you list of month too! Well, Indonesian people followed the Roman Calendar. But we will put them here anyway, if you wonder how to spell Roman months in Indonesian!

Indonesian Calendar[/th] [th]English Calendar

Januari[/td] [td]January

Februari[/td] [td]February

Maret[/td] [td]March

April[/td] [td]April

Mei[/td] [td]May

Juni[/td] [td]June

Juli[/td] [td]July

Agustus[/td] [td]August

September[/td] [td]September

Oktober[/td] [td]October

November[/td] [td]November

Desember[/td] [td]December

Not too different, right? But at least you won’t mess up to spell Indonesian months in your traveling book or learn more Indonesian Phrases for Travellers

4. How to Tell Time According to Sun

The sun is shine! Indonesian people can also tell time based by the sun. However, like school or office, we can use them based on the clock as well! Here is the list to help you:

Indonesian Time[/th] [th]At What Time[/th] [th]Meaning

Subuh[/td] [td]12.00 AM – 3.59 AM[/td] [td]Dawn

Pagi[/td] [td]4.00 AM – 10.59 AM[/td] [td]Morning

Siang[/td] [td]11.00 AM – 3.59 PM[/td] [td]Afternoon

Sore[/td] [td]4.00 PM – 5.50 PM[/td] [td]Evening

Malam (1)[/td] [td]6.00 PM – 8.59 PM[/td] [td]Dusk

Malam (2)[/td] [td]9.00 PM – 10.59 PM[/td] [td]Night

Tengah Malam[/td] [td]11.00 PM – 12PM[/td] [td]Middle of Night

Kinda different with English version, no? But the usage are still the same! It is just because the influence of religion and culture in Indonesia, how we separate time with English version is kinda different. Anyway, here are some examples:

  • Ayo bangun! Sekarang sudah pagi!
    (Wake up, please! It is morning now!)
  • Sudah siang rupanya. Saatnya menjemur cucian di bawah teriknya matahari.
    (It is afternoon already. It is time to dry the laundry under the sunshine.)
  • Kakak dan adik sudah sampai rumah sejak sore tadi.
    (The brothers arrived at house already since this evening.)
  • Berhenti bermain di luar! Sudah malam!
    Stop playing outside! It is dusk already!)
  • Ayah pulang malam karena sibuk mencari kado untuk ulang tahun pernikahan ibu dan ayah.
    (My father came home at night because he is busy to search a present for mother and father’s wedding anniversary)
  • Kakak mengerjakan proyek sekolahnya hingga tengah malam.
    (My brother is doing his school project in middle of night.)

5. How to Tell Time for Telling Past and Future

We have learned how to tell time by specific time, days, and sun. Now, we are going to discuss for you to tell time when you have plans! Before the explanation, here is the list first Indonesian Conversation Phrases:

Indonesian Words of Time[/th] [th]Meaning

Hari ini[/td] [td]Today

Besok[/td] [td]Tomorrow

Kemarin[/td] [td]Yesterday

Lusa[/td] [td]Day after Tomorrow

Minggu Depan[/td] [td]Next Week

Bulan Depan[/td] [td]Next Month

Tahun Depan[/td] [td]Next Year


Minggu Lalu[/td] [td]Last Week

Bulan Lalu[/td] [td]Last Month

Tahun Lalu[/td] [td]Last Year

Akhir Minggu[/td] [td]Weekend

Awal Minggu[/td] [td]Early Week

Akhir Bulan[/td] [td]End of Month

Awal Bulan[/td] [td]Early Month

Akhir Tahun[/td] [td]End of Year

Awal Tahun[/td] [td]Early Year

Here are examples of Indonesian time and how do you use them:

  • Hari ini = Today
    Hari ini aku berulang tahun. Aku berharap untuk mendapat sebuah sepeda berwarna pink.
    (Today is my birthday. I hope I will get a pink bicycle.)
  • Besok = Tomorrow
    Rencananya, besok aku, Susi, dan Sally akan mendaki gunung Bromo bersama-sama.
    (The plan is tomorrow, me, Susi, and Sally will climb the Bromo mountain together.)
  • Kemarin = Yesterday
    Saya melihat kucing kamu berada di rumah pak Sutarto kemarin. Mungkin kau bisa menanyakan kepada beliau apakah kucingmu masih ada di rumahnya.
    (I saw your cat in Mr. Sutarto’s house yesterday. Perhaps you can ask him whether your cat is still in his house.)
  • Lusa = Day after Tomorrow
    Sayangnya, lusa suamiku akan keluar dari pekerjaannya.
    (Unfortunately, in the day after tomorror my husband will be resigned from his current job.)
  • Minggu Depan = Next Week
    Ibu guru Lara berjanji untuk membawakan buku cerita miliknya minggu depan pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.
    (Our teacher Mrs Lara had promised to bring her story book next week in the subject of Bahasa Indonesia.)
  • Bulan Depan = Next Month
    Kabarnya, putra tunggal tetangga kami akan menikah bulan depan.
    (The news is our neighbor’s only son will get married next month.)
  • Tahun Depan = Next Year
    Aku akan mengikuti ujian masuk perguruan tinggi tahun depan.
    (I will attend a university admission next year.)
  • Nanti = Later
    Adikku berjanji akan mencuci piring nanti.
    (My sister promises to wash the dishes later.)
  • Minggu Lalu = Last Week
    Minggu lalu kami menghadapi ujian akhir semester.
    (Last week we had faces the final exams.)
  • Bulan Lalu = Last Month
    Kami mengikuti kegiatan camping bulan lalu di bukit Manglayang, Sumedang.
    (We attended a camping event last month in Manglayang hill, Sumedang.
  • Tahun Lalu = Last Year
    Kami tidak merayakan Natal tahun lalu.
    (We did not celebrate the Christmas last year.)
  • Akhir Minggu = Weekend
    Pada akhir minggu, banyak orang Jakarta yang datang ke Bandung.
    (On the weekends, many Jakarta people came to Bandung.)
  • Awal Minggu = Early Week
    Tidak terasa sekarang sudah awal minggu.
    (I can’t believe it is early week now.)
  • Akhir Bulan = End of Month
    Banyak mahasiswa yang hanya memakan mie instan sehari-hari ketika akhir bulan.
    (Many college students only eat instant noodle as daily meal at the end of months.)
  • Awal Bulan = Early Month
    Beberapa kantor memberikan gaji pada awal bulan.
    Many offices give paydays in early month.
  • Akhir Tahun = End of Year
    Orang-orang mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tahun baru setiap akhir tahun.
    (People are preparing themselves to face the new year in every end of years.)
  • Awal Tahun = Early Year.
    Aku tidak sabar untuk melihat matahari di awal tahun.
    (I can not wait to see the sun in the early year.)

So those are how to tell the time in Indonesia. Not that bad right? Those are useful to be used in Indonesian Conversations. Stay tune in MasteringBahasa. Thank you so much for joining us today! Have a nice day and good luck for you!
A video about telling time in Indonesian:

Categories: Vocabulary