How to Say “My Name is” in Bahasa Indonesia – The Basic Introduction

Your early introduction can be the contrast between beginning an effective relationship and completing with a coincidental gathering. It is anything but difficult to establish a negative first connection on somebody, regularly without knowing you’ve done as such. It’s considerably harder to establish a positive connection, so you should put some exertion into your presentations.

The manner in which you present yourself furnishes individuals with an early introduction of you. The vast majority start shaping a supposition of you inside 3 seconds and these sentiments can be hard to alter.

When we acquaint ourselves with somebody, we’re stating we’re keen on setting up a type of continuous compatibility for shared advantage. There are 3 sections to our presentations:

  • A handshake (always)
  • Introducing yourself
  • Start the conversation.

Your presentation should tell individuals your identity and it ought to urge individuals to connect with you. You have to offer yourself and feel certain at the same time since this will comfort others.

The length of your presentation will rely upon the conditions of the presentation. It shouldn’t should be long, and it’s conceivable to join certain components, for example, your business and your advantage articulation.

Keep in mind forget to talk obviously and grin, looking at the individual you’re addressing. Utilizing a touch of cleverness can comfort individuals, yet recollect that specific sorts of silliness insult.

So, how to say “My Name is” in Bahasa Indonesia? Learn it here!

1. Name

While presenting yourself, the principal thing you’ll give is typically your name. It’s super simple asking and noting this inquiry in Indonesian:

What’s your name? (Siapa nama anda?)

My name is John. (Nama saya adalah John.)

Before we proceed onward, let me bring up a couple of things. In Indonesian, siapa signifies “what,” nama signifies “name,” and anda signifies “you.” Don’t endeavor to interpret straightforwardly, in light of the fact that you’ll get “What name you?” You’ll become accustomed to Indonesian language structure in the end. It’s very simple! You can most likely get it at this point, however saya signifies “me/I.” Well, that’s how to say “My Name is” in Bahasa Indonesia!

Thus, let’s learn more about How to Introduce Yourself in Indonesian

2. Where you are from

Next up, we should figure out how to get some information about where somebody is from. In case you’re a bule (outsider) going in Indonesia, you’ll be made this inquiry constantly.

Where are you from? ((Anda) dari mana?/(Anda) asli mana?)

I’m from US (Saya dari US/Saya asli US)

As should be obvious here, “Anda” is discretionary in this inquiry. This is expecting you’ve officially given your name. Spoken Indonesian is about straightforwardness – the less words, the better. The two inquiries here signify “Where are you from?”, so you can utilize possibly one. Thus, let’s learn more about General Indonesian Phrases

3. Job

Next up, let’s learn how to ask and answer about someone’s job:

What’s your job? (Apa pekerjaan anda?/Apa kerjanya?)

I work as a teacher. (Saya bekerja sebagai guru).

The main inquiry is more formal. In Indonesian, pekerjaan signifies “employment” or “calling,” while kerja is a verb signifying “to work.” Adding the addition – nya can signify “your/his/her,” so together it signifies “your work.” An incredible thing about learning Indonesian is that you don’t need to waste time with various verbs signifying “to be” as you do in English or different dialects. Just say saya in addition to your activity title! Not certain what yours is in Indonesian? Look at this post on work titles in Indonesian. 

4. Age

We understand that age doesn’t generally come up in self-presentations, however it’s helpful in any case so you can rehearse Indonesian numbers.

How old are you? (Berapa umur Anda? / Berapa umurnya?)

I’m 25 years old. (Umur saya 25 tahun.)

In Indonesian, berapa signifies “what number of/much” and umur signifies “age.” once more, you can’t generally straightforwardly decipher the inquiry, as you’d get “What number of age you?” This is only the manner in which you ask “How old are you?” in Indonesian. Thus, let’s learn more about Ways to Improve Your Indonesian Speaking Skills

5. Live

Finally, there is also a question and answer about where you live as the following example.

Where do you live? (Anda tinggal di mana?)

I live in New York. (Saya tinggal di New York.)

You might ask why this inquiry utilizes di mana rather than only mana to signify “where.” In Indonesian, di is a relational word that can have numerous implications. Here it signifies “at” or “in.” As you can see, you’ll utilize it while noting this inquiry also.

6. Practice

Alright, now that you’ve learned five valuable inquiries for self-presentations in Indonesian, simply ahead and hone!

Nama saya John. Saya dari US. Saya bekerja sebagai master. Umur saya 25 tahun. Saya tinggal di York.

My name is John. I’m from the US. I fill in as an educator. I’m 25 years of age. I live in New York.

Before you begin a presentation, you can likewise have a decent friendly exchange to break the ice. Here’s the means by which to begin a discussion without making it sound irregular or wrong. Thus, let’s learn more about Asking Question in Indonesian

More Introduction Phrases in Indonesia

  • Hi, it’s good to see you.

Saying good to see you in Bahasa Indonesia is quite a must. Here is an example.

Hello, it’s good to see you.

Halo, senang berjumpa dengan Anda.

  • I’ve been learning Indonesian for _____.

To what extent have you been learning Indonesian for? Multi month? A year?

I’ve been learning Indonesian for a long time.

Aku telah belajar bahasa Indonesia selama dua tahun.

  • I’m learning Indonesian at _____.

Where are you learning Indonesian? At school? At home? This would be an awesome line to know and utilize when you’re presenting yourself. Here’s my illustration:

I’m learning Indonesian at a neighborhood organization.

Saya sedang belajar bahasa Indonesia di sebuah institusi lokal.

Thus, let’s learn more about Indonesian Pronunciation of Basic Words

  • One of my leisure activities is _____.

Presently, how about we move onto individual interests – pastimes! My side interests are dialects, sports, and so on. You should?

You’ll certainly require this line while presenting yourself in Indonesian.

Here’s a case to utilize:

One of my leisure activities is reading.

Salah satu hobi saya adalah membaca.

  • I love Indonesia because _____.

This is an example of giving a complement to a place you are visiting. This is quite necessary in order to gain respect from the local community. You can try this example.

I love Indonesia because of the food.

Saya cinta Indonesia karena makanannya.

So, that’s how to say “My Name is” in Bahasa Indonesia and more phrases in Indonesian.

Categories: Structures