Learn How to Say ‘Yes’ in Indonesian with Examples

Selamat Datang Kembali di MasteringBahasa.com! Welcome back to Mastering Bahasa where you can learn Bahasa Indonesia like a pro! We will provide you all material till you can speak Indonesian fluently.

Indeed, the next topic is how to say Yes in Indonesian. It can be so important to learn, the basic phrases in Indonesian that can get you anywhere in Indonesia. Also, Useful Indonesian Conversation Phrases

Firs of all, let’s check all the ways (formal and informal) how to say Yes in Indonesian and examples below:

Formal Indonesian

Yes: Iya

Vowels: [ija]

Examples of Indonesian Phrases with “Yes” (Iya)

  • This is yours?
    Apakah ini milikmu?
  • Yes, that’s mine
    Iya, itu milikku

Informal Indonesian of “Yes”

  • Yes: Ya [ja]
  • Yes/Yeah: Iya nih [ija nih]
  • Yes/Yeah/Alright: Sip Sip or Sip2 [sip-sip]
  • Yes/Okay: Oke [oke]

Is that easy? You can save this useful every where you go in Indonesian. You can say “iya” while nod your head as the sign that you agree or you understand. By the way, this is also the Indonesian Phrases for Travellers You Should Know.

Meanwhile, Indonesian have many ways to say “Yes.” Let’s learn more examples:

  • Yes, I will do it right away
    Ya, Aku akan menengerjakannya segera
  • Well yeah, the weather is so cold
    Iya nih, udaranya sangat dingin
  • I’ll call you later. Alright then!
    Aku akan menelepon kamu nanti. Sip sip!
  • I am coming late. Oh, okay!
    Aku datang terlambat. Oh, oke.

Is that easy to understand? You can use all the Yes phrases in Indonesian. But watch out, you can only use “Sip sip” to your informal conversation with people you already know well. You can’t say it to older people or strangers cause it could be impolite. Also check about how to Learn Basic Indonesian Tenses with Examples and Basic Words in Indonesian For Beginner.

More Indonesian Phrases to Remember

  • No: Tidak
  • Baik: Nice
  • Okay: Oke
  • Thank You: Terima Kasih
  • Welcome: Selamat Datang
  • See You: Sampai Jumpa

Well, that’s easy right? You must practice it in daily conversation to make you fluent in Bahasa. Are you agree? Is Indonesia an Easy Language to Learn? Iya! So, learning Indonesian is quite easy and fun. Happy Learning! Selamat Belajar dan Sampai Jumpa. See you in the next Indonesian theories!

Categories: Vocabulary