Indonesian Days Name – Vocabulary – Examples

How’s your day? We hope you have a great day as always
Still urge to learn something new? Good, as today we will tell you Indonesian days name.

Day in Bahasa means “Hari”. Days are plural which called “Hari-hari”. Just like others, Indonesia have seven days a week. However there is a slight difference in the order. In English, days is started from Sunday, however in Indonesia, it is common to start week from Monday. Here are the Indonesian day names. 

How to create a sentence with name of days in Indonesia:

Past:  If you wish to make the sentence to past, you can put lalu (formal) or kemaren (informal) after the day’s name: Aku pergi ke kebun binatang sabtu lalu (I went to zoo last saturday).  

Present: To make it present, you can simply put the name of the days, ie Saya sekolah pada hari senin (I go to school on monday)

Future: In order to make it future, just put depan (formal), ie Kami akan belajar bahasa indonesia jumat depan (We will learn Indonesian language on next friday)

Here are the list of days in Indonesia remember to read it in Indonesian way:

  • Monday : Senin (Se- nin)
  • Tuesday: Selasa (Se-la-sa)
  • Wednesday: Rabu (Ra-bu)
  • Thursday: Kamis (Ka-mis)
  • Friday: Jumat (Jum-at)
  • Saturday: Sabtu (Sab-tu)
  • Sunday: Minggu (Ming-gu)

In informal way, Indonesians often to combine word night with the name of next day to pronounced current day. ie, sabtu sometimes pronounced as malam minggu. However this only used for the night of the day. You may also read about Indonesian Months and Days

Now let’s break the day one by one with examples (formal and informal) on each day:

Monday- Senin

Just like others, Senin is known as the busiest day of the week because it’s the first day of the week after spend leisure time in weekend.

Senin in informal pronounced Senen (Se-nen) or malam selasa (night before tuesday)

Here’re the examples of Senin:

  • Hari ini adalah hari senin
    Today is monday
  • Saya ke kantor setiap hari senen
    I go to office every monday
  • Kamu pergi kemana malam selasa kemarin?
    Where did you go on last monday night?

You may also read about Indonesian Words for Days of the Week


Known as second day of a week. In informal way it pronounced malam rabu.

See these examples for more explanation:

  • Hari ini adalah hari selasa
    Today is tuesday
  • Saya akan pergi memancing selasa depan
    I will go to fishing on next tuesday
  • Apa yang akan kamu lakukan malam rabu ini?
    What will you do this tuesday night?

You may also read about Indonesian Simple Future Tense

Wednesday- Rabu

Rabu is known as the third day of the week. Sometimes, it can be pronounced as Rebo (Re-bo)  or malam kamis in informal way

Look at these examples:

  • Hari ini adalah hari rabu
    Today is wednesday
  • Hari favoritku adalah hari rebo.
    My favorite day is wednesday
  • Sampai ketemu malam kamis nanti!
    See you on wednesday night!

Thursday- Kamis

Kamis is the fourth day of the week. In informal way, thursday night is called malam jumat. In Indonesia thursday night is identical with mystic and ghost. Thus, some parents keep their children at home on thursday night. Spooky~ 

Check out these examples:

  • Hari ini hari kamis
    Today is thursday
  • Kamis adalah hari favoritku
    Thursday is my favorite day
  • Maukah kamu ke bioskop bersamaku malam jumat ini?
    Would you like to go to cinema with me this thursday night?

You may also read about List of Indonesian Adverbs

Friday- Jumat

As the end of weekday, friday seems has shorter time compare to other day. In informal way, friday could be pronounced as malam sabtu.

Let’s see how to create sentence with jumat:

  • Hari ini adalah hari jumat.
    Today is friday
  • Saya pergi ke pasar setiap hari jumat
    I go to market every friday.
  • Yuk ketemu nanti malam sabtu!
    Let’s meet on friday night!  

Saturday- Sabtu

Now it’ time for the weekend. Saturday is called sabtu in formal way and malam minggu in informal way. Malam minggu is one of almost waited day in a week as it has same meaning with TGIF. Malam minggu is commonly used for Indonesian to relieve their stress by stay with your beloved like family, lover, and friends.

Try to look at these examples:

  • Hari ini adalah hari sabtu
    Today is Saturday
  • Aku pergi ke taman safari sabtu lalu
    I went to Safari park last saturday
  • Aku akan bertemu dengan pacarku malam sabtu ini.
    I will meet my girlfriend this saturday night

Sunday- Minggu

Sunday is the last day of the week. In informal way Minggu can be pronounced as ahad or malam senin. Please don’t be confused with term minggu in Indonesian as it has same meaning with week and sunday. Minggu (week) and Hari Minggu (sunday)

Try to make similar sentences with these examples:

  • Hari ini adalah hari minggu.
    Today is sunday.
  • Saya membeli tas hari minggu lalu.
    I bought this bag last sunday.
  • Kamu akan pergi ke bali hari minggu.
    You are going to Bali on sunday.

Now, you have learn all the Indonesian day names from Senin to Minggu. You can try to make an example on each day with past, present and future to practice your Bahasa.

If you want to memorize all these days name, try find Indonesian children song called nama-nama hari Indonesia. It will help you a lot! Good luck on your studies and don’t forget to keep practice your lessons.

Categories: Learning Nouns