A-Z List of Indonesian Adverbs – Types and Complete Examples

Hi! Still struggling with your Indonesian lesson? Worry not, we are here to make it easier for you.

In this session, we will show you list of Indonesian adverbs. Adverbs in Indonesia mean  “Kata Keterangan”. Adverbs is an adjunct which gives information about something. There are several adverbs in Indonesia such as: adverbs of time (keterangan waktu), adverbs of place (keterangan tempat), adverbs of manners (keterangan sikap), conjunct adverbs (keterangan penghubung), interrogative adverbs (keterangan tanya), and adverbs of frequency (keterangan frekuensi). For more information, you can check our lesson “5 Types of Indonesian Adverbs (Indonesian Grammar rules and Explanation).

Please remember that adverbs is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. Generally they’re words that modify any part of language other than a noun. Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives (including numbers), clauses, sentences and other adverbs. Let’s dig more!

1. Adverbs of Time (Keterangan Waktu)

These adverbs give an explanation of when the activities occur. Let’s see this simple example:

  • I will go to cinema tomorrow
    Saya akan pergi ke bioskop besok
  • My boyfriend proposed me yesterday night
    Pacarku melamar kemarin malam

Here are the list of adverbs of time in Indonesia:

Adverbs of Time Keterangan Waktu
Yesterday Kemarin
Today Hari ini
Tomorrow Besok
Now Sekarang
Then Kemudian
Tonight Malam ini
Right now Sekarang juga
Last night Tadi malam
This morning Pagi ini
Next week Minggu depan
Already Sudah
Recently Baru-baru ini
Lately Akhir-akhir ini
Soon Segera
Immediately Segera
Still Masih
Yet Masih
Ago Silam
A Week Seminggu
Last Week Minggu Lalu
A Month Sebulan
Next Month Bulan Depan
Last Month Bulan Lalu
A Year Setahun
Next Year Tahun Depan
Last Year Tahun Lalu
Later Nanti

There are more to learn, such as: Indonesian Plural Nouns

2. Adverbs of Place

These list of Indonesian adverbs give an explanation of where the activities occur. Let’s see this simple example:

  • Try look over there!
    Coba lihat di sana
  • My boyfriend lives far away from me
    Pacarku tinggal sangat jauh

Take glance at this list of adverbs of place:

Adverbs Of Place Kata Keterangan Tempat
Here Di sini
There Sana
Over there Di sana
Everywhere Mana-mana
Anywhere Di manapun
Nowhere Tidak dimanapun
Home Rumah
Away Jauh
Out Ke luar

There are more to learn, such as: Indonesian to English Grammar

3. Adverbs of Manner (Keterangan Sikap)

These adverbs give an explanation of how the activities occur. Let’s see this simple example:

  • Try look over there!
  • Coba lihat di sana
  • My boyfriend lives far away from me
  • Pacarku tinggal sangat jauh

Here are the list of adverbs of manners in Indonesia:

Adverb of Manner Keterangan Sikap
Very Sangat
Quite Agak
Pretty Cantik
Really Benar-benar
Fast Cepat
Well Baik
Hard Keras
Quickly Segera
Slowly Pelan-pelan
Carefully Hati-hati
Hardly Tidak
Barely Baru saja
Mostly Kebanyakan
Almost Hamper
Absolutely Sama sekali
Together Bersama
Alone Sendirian
Sadly Dengan sedih
Happily Dengan senang
Excitedly Dengan gembira
Angrily Dengan marah
Clumsily Dengan ceroboh

There are more to learn, such as: Indonesian Grammar Exercise

4. Conjunct Adverbs (Keterangan Penghubung)

These adverbs functioned as conjunction in sentence. Take a look at these examples:

  • I love you but you are too old for me
  • Aku mencintaimu tapi kamu terlalu tua untuk aku
  • Today’s weather is great however I have lot of assignments
  • Cuaca hari ini bagus akan tetapi aku punya banyak tugas

Here are the list of conjunct adverbs:

Conjunct Adverbs Keterangan Penghubung                              
But Tapi
However Namun/Akan Tetapi
So Jadi
Therefore Oleh sebab itu
Then Lalu/Kemudian
Although Meskipun
Hence Jadi
Thus Oleh karena itu

There are more to learn, such as: A Student’s Guide to Indonesian Grammar

5. Interrogative Adverbs (Keterangan Tanya)

These adverbs functioned as questions mark. Take a look at these examples:

  • When your class begin?
  • Kapan kelasmu dimulai?
  • Where is your parents?
  • Dimana orang tuamu?

Here are the list of interrogative adverbs:

Interrogative Adverbs Keterangan Tanya
When Kapan
Where Dimana
Why Mengapa / Kenapa
Who Siapa
Which (Yang) Mana
Whose Milik Siapa
How Bagaimana

There are more to learn, such as: Indonesian Conjunctions

6. Frequency Adverbs

These adverbs functioned as questions mark. Take a look at these examples:

  • I always think about you
  • Aku selalu memikirkanmu
  • I occasionally go to museum to learn Indonesian’s history
  • Saya kadang-kadang pergi ke museum untuk belajar sejarah Indonesia 

Here are the lists of adverbs of frequency:

Adverbs of Frequency Keterangan Frekuensi
Always Selalu
frequently Sering
Usually Biasanya
sometimes Kadang-kadang
occasionally Kadang-kadang
Seldom Jarang
Rarely Jarang
Never Tidak pernah
Often Sering
Sometimes Kadang-kadang / Terkadang
Occasionally Sekali-kali
Hardly Ever Hampir Tidak Pernah
Daily Setiap Hari
Weekly Setiap Minggu
Monthly Setiap Bulan
Annually Setiap Tahun

Have you read it all about the list of Indonesian adverbs? If you had, try to make an example on each of adverb.

You can combine the words you know with these adverbs. Try to make simple sentence that consist of 3 words like “Dimana saya sekarang?” (Where am I now?) and keep practicing.

Don’t forget to always listen to Indonesian song or playing some games on your learning application thus you can pratice your language daily.

Good luck on your studies and we wish you have a nice day~

Categories: Adverbs