11 Indonesian Lesson Plan for Primary School Students

Indonesian National Curriculum are composed to help students to pass national final exam. The curriculum applied is “Kurikulum 2013” which contains topics and methods how teacher delivers the lesson. By using this curriculum, students are supported to have active learning.

Indonesian Lesson Plan for Primary School Students

If you start to prepare for class in Indonesian school, there are some points should be prepared for making lesson plan, they have to include:

  1. Core Competency; which is level of competency to reach graduation competency standar, which should be have by the students for each class level. Example: For grade 1 level 2 –> have an honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, polite, caring,  and confident in term of having interaction in family, friends and teachers.
  2. Basic Competency;  is conducted to achieve core competency. basic competency covers four groups based on core competency grouping, spiritual, social, science, and life skills.
  3. Competency Accomplishment Indicator; is observed behavior to show achievement in certain core competency that a reference to achieve one certain lesson.
  4. Learning Objective; there four main points, 1) Audience (students) for whom the objective adressed, 2) Behavior; which is the competency that should be shown by the students, 3) Condition, which behaviour will be observed, 4) Degree, that skills to be reached and measured.
  5. Learning Material; it describe the activities in general for students in the class based on process standard, which is contained detailed activities, they are observation, question, collecting information, information analytic, communication, and creation.
  6. Time Allocation; the amount of time needed to fulfill one certain topic. It can be break down into how many minutes a day will be allocated to discuss it.
  7. Learning Method; the way of teaching in general that can be applied to all subjects. The activities can be how teacher deliver the lesson to students.
  8. Learning Activities; there are two kind of learning activities: 1) Direct Learning, students develop the knowledge, critical thinking, and psychometric skills with direct interaction to the learning object which is designed by using syllabus. 2) Indirect Learning, it is about developing values and character of students after students observe about topics in class.

Herewith the samples of Indonesian Lesson Plan for Primary School Students class based on “Kurikulum 2013” (curriculum education in 2013):

Lesson Plan

Level : Primary School

Class/ Semester : 1/2

Theme/ Topic : Health and Clean Environment

Meeting : 1

Semester : 2 (two)

Time allocation : 1 day 

1. Core Competency

  • Accept and practice the religious value.
  • Practice honesty, disciplin, responsibility, well mannered, caring, self confident in term of interaction with member of the family, friends, and teachers.
  • Understand factual knowledge by observing and asking based on curiousity about themselves, Good creation dan all activities and everything that they found at home and school.
  • Present factual knowledge in clear and logic language and also systematic way in aesthetic work which reflect healthy children and with all activities that represent religious student with good manner.

2. Basic Competency


  • Pray before and after class activities, as represent of understanding for  Religious values.
  • Having cleanliness on body, clothes, private belongings, and  places as implemation for holly messages. 

PPKN (Civics Study) 

  • Accepted various kind individual characters in religious life as a blessed from God at home and school.
  • Shown honesty, disciplin, responsibility, good manner, caring, and self confident in term of interaction with family, friends and teachers as embodiment of Pancasila values.
  • Understanding code of conduct and rules in daily activities at home and school.
  • Implement good rules at home and school.


  • Accepted Bahasa Indonesia as united languange and learning tools as blessed from God among thousand of local language.
  • Represent healthy life and caring for others
  • Having discipline and responsibility in term taking care of healthy body by implement Indonesian languange and local language as well.

So in Indonesian Lesson Plan for primary students with “Kurikulum 2013” syllabus can integrate some subjects at class in one lesson. So it will be easier for teacher in arranging learning activities in the class to promote an active learning method.

Categories: Learning