Indonesian Letter Writing Phrases – Clear Examples

Hi everyone! I hope you are all have a nice day while reading this! Today we’re gonna learn something deep. Today is all about writing, which is Indonesian letter writing phrases. If you plan to have some correspondence with locals, then this article may helpful for you.

Indonesian Letter Writing – Headings

If you want to write a formal letter, especially within an institution, you have to look at the headings. Here are several examples for letter headings in Bahasa Indonesia.

Bahasa Indonesia English
Kepada To
Dari From
Nomor Number
Tanggal Date
Perihal Subject
Lampiran Attachment

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Indonesian Letter Writing – Opening Greetings Phrases

Opening phrases of letter writing in Bahasa Indonesia can be vary. Below are examples of opening phrases for letter writing in Bahasa Indonesia.

Bahasa Indonesia English
Dengan Hormat, Honorable …
Kepada Yth To Honorable …
Ass.Wrb. Abbreviation for Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Yth Bapak/Ibu, Dear Sir or Madam,
Bapak/Ibu yang terhormat Honorable Sir or Madam
Salam Sejahtera Best Wishes
Yang Kami Hormati To Whom We Give Respect

Indonesian Letter Writing – Opening Paragraph Phrases

After the greetings, letter in bahasa Indonesia should be followed with opening paragraph. Below are example of opening paragraph phrases in Bahasa Indonesia.
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Bahasa Indonesia English
Bersama ini kami sampaikan Hereby we would like to inform that..
Kami informasikan bahwa We would like to inform that
Menunjuk surat saudara pada Appoint to your letter at..
Sehubungan dengan perihal tersebut diatas.. According to subject stated above that..
Menunjuk perihal tersebut diatas Appoint to above subject that..
Menindaklanjuti surat sebelumnya In accordance to previous letter

Indonesian Letter Writing – Letter Body

When writing a letter body in Bahasa Indonesia, it is better if you keep it simple, directly go to the point and be formal and polite. Below are example of several letter body .

Bahasa Indonesia English
Sehubungan dengan rencana saya melanjutkan kuliah, maka bersama surat ini saya bermaksud mengajukan pengunduran diri saya.   In accordance with my plan to continue my study, hereby I submit my resignation.
Menindaklanjuti lowongan pekerjaan yang tertera di website, berikut saya samaikan lamaran pekerjaan saya. Based on the vacancy in the website, hereby I submit my application for the vacant position.
Sehubungan dengan tawaran yang diajukan sebelumnya, dengan ini saya menyatakan untuk tidak menerma tawaran tersebut. In accordance to the previous offering, I would like to inform that I cannot accept the offering.
Sehubungan dengan pengajuan perpanjangan masa tinggal saya, berikut saya sampaikan dokumen-dokumen yang dibutuhkan. In accordance with my living extension application, hereby I submit the documents needed for completing my application.

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Indonesian Letter Writing – Closing Phrases

The closing phrases of a letter writing in Bahasa Indonesia mostly commonly used in every letter type in Bahasa Indonesia. Whether it is a formal letter or informal letter, mostly they use the same closing phrases. Below are example of the closing phrases of letter writing in Bahasa Indonesia.

Bahasa Indonesia English
Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih. Thus we convey, Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation.
Demikian kami sampaikan untuk ditindaklanjuti dan dilaksanakan. Terima kasih. Thus we stated for the follow up and implement. Thank You.
Demikian kami sampaikan. Kami menunggu jawaban pada kesempatan pertema. Terima kasih. Thus we convey. We are looking forward to hear from you in the first occasion. Thank you.
Kami mohon untuk dapat memberikan jawaban pada kesempatan pertama. Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih. We are looking to hear from you at the first occasion. Thank you for your kind attention.

Indonesian Letter Writing – Closing Greetings Phrases

After the final statement above, Indonesian letter writing is oftenly use closing greetings in the end of the letter. Below are example of closing greetings phrases in Indonesian letter writing.

Bahasa Indonesia English
Wassalam. Abbreviation for Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh
Salam Hormat, With respect
Dengan segala hormat With all respect
Sampai jumpa lagi See you again later

All of the examples above showed how you write a letter in Bahasa Indonesia. The letter writing in Bahasa Indonesia consisted of several part such as headings, opening greetings, opening paragraph, letter body, closing phrases, and closing greetings. All of example above teach you a more formal letter writing example in Bahasa Indonesia. That’s all about the
Indonesian letter writing phrases.

Now you already know how to write a letter in Bahasa Indonesia. Keep practicing and don’t be afraid to implement new things in your learning process. Good luck!

Categories: Writing