Indonesian Verb Prefixes – Formula – Examples

Learning Indonesian grammar rules is important, but it is also in another level. One most difficult topic in learning Indonesian is the prefixes. Most Indonesian words are compounded from the combination of prefix and root words. In this post we are going to explain about prefixes with verbs.

Indonesian Prefix Me-

Verb root words Me- Verbs Meaning
Lihat ( to see) Me + lihat Melihat See
Masak ( to cook) Me + masak Memasak Cook
Makan (to eat) Me + makan Memakan Eat
Buat (to make) Me + (m) +buat Membuat Make
Lempar (to throw) Me + lempar Melempar Throw
Hitung (to count) Me + (ng) + hitung Menghitung Count
Dorong (to push) Me + (n) + dorong Mendorong Push
Tulis (to write) Me + (n) + tulis (drop the ‘t’) Menulis Write
Baca (to read) Me + (m) + baca Membaca Read
Bakar (to burn) Me + (m) + bakar Membakar Burn
Eja (to spell) Me + (ng) + eja Mengeja Spell
Dengar (to listen) Me + (n) + dengar Mendengar Listen
Tendang (to kick) Me + (n) + tendang (drop the ‘t’) Menendang Kick
Minum (to drink) Me + minum Meminum Drink
Pakai ( to wear) Me + (m) + pakai (drop the ‘p’) Memakai Wear
Simpan ( to save) Me + (ny) + simpan (drop the ‘s’) Menyimpan Save
Tes ( to test) Me + (nge) + tes Mengetes Test
Lap ( to wipe) Men + (nge) + lap Mengelap Wipe
Gosok (to scrub) Me + (ng) + gosok Menggosok Scrub
Sambung ( to connect) Me + (ny) + sambung (drop the ‘s’) Menyambung Connect
Tawar (to bargain) Me + (n) + tawar (drops the ‘t’) Menawar Bargain

The general rules of prefix me-

Here’s the explanation about Indonesian verb prefixes:

  • Me + verb root words

Verb root words start with L, M, N, R, W, and Y can be directly paired with prefix me- without any addition.

  • Me- + (n) + verb root word

Verb root words starting with C,D, and J can be directly paired with prefix me- but should inserting ‘n’ in between the words but does not necessarily omit the first letter. But for words starting with T, the letter ‘t’ should be omitted.

  • Me- + (ng) + verb root word

Words starting with A,I,U,E,O, G, and H can be directly paired with prefix me- with inserting ‘ng’ in between the words but does not necessarily omit the first letter. Verb root words starting with ‘K’ when paired with prefix me- follows same rule but the first letter is omitted.

  • Me- + (m) + verb root words

Words starting with B,F, and V can be directly paired with prefix me- with inserting ‘m’ in between the words without omitting the first letter. However, words starting with ‘P’ when paired with prefix me- follow the same rule but the first letter should be omitted. 

  • Me- +(ny) + verb root words

This formula is used only for words starting with S and the first letter should be omitted.

  • Me- +(nge) + verb root words

This formula is specifically used only for words with one syllable for example tes, cek, lap, and more.

Also learn more about Indonesian verb prefixes phonology.

Indonesian Prefix Ber-

Prefix ber- is usually used to construct a verb into new words which has meaning of ‘being something, doing something, having certain attribute, and have something’.

Verb root words Prefix ber- Verbs Meaning
Dansa (to dance) Ber+dansa Berdansa to have a dance
Hitung (to count) Ber + hitung Berhitung To have count
Canda (to joke) Ber + canda Bercanda To tell joke
Main (to play) Ber + main Bermain Playing
Renang ( to swim) Ber + renang (drop the ‘r’) Berenang Swimming
Pura-pura (to pretend) Ber + pura-pura Berpura-pura Pretending
Santai (to relax) Ber + santai Bersantai Relaxing
Kerja (to work) Be-+ kerja (drop the ‘r’ in the prefix) Bekerja Working
Ajar (to teach) Bel + ajar (replace the ‘r’ with ‘l’) Belajar Studying

In general, prefix ber- can be paired with almost any verb root words with no pattern change. Both the prefix and verb root word should be read and written as it is. However, there is little exception for prefix ber- as the following.

  • For some verb root words which has ‘r’ or ‘er’ element, the prefix ‘ber-‘ wil become ‘be-‘ the ‘r’ is omitted for words adjustment. For example ber- + kerja = bekerja (working), ber- + renang = berenang, and more. Both verb root words has ‘r’ and ‘er’ element on it, so the ‘r’ in the prefix is omitted.
  • This special exception only applies for prefix ber- and verb root words ‘ajar’ in which when paired the ‘r’ in the prefix is replaced with ‘l’. In short, it is written as (ber- + ajar = belajar) because the prefix ber- is changed into bel-.

Also learn more about Indonesian prefix ber-.

Indonesian Prefix Pe-

The combination of prefix pe- and verb root words is usually referred the doer of the action or certain tools. In English, we have the same pattern as suffix ‘er’ which turns verbs into nouns.

Verb root words Prefix pe- Verbs/nouns Meaning
Lari (to run) Pe- + lari Pelari Runner
Lukis (to draw) Pe- + lukis Pelukis Painter
Hapus (to erase) Pe + (ng) + hapus Penghapus Eraser
Renang (to swim) Pe- + renang Perenang Swimmer
Ajar (to teach) Pe- +(l) + ajar Pelajar Student
Bawa (to carry) Pe + (m) + bawa pembawa Carrier
Tari (to dance) Pe + (n) + tari (omit the ‘t’) Penari Dancer
Curi Pe + (n) + curi Pencuri Thief

Prefix pe-, in general, is used to change verbs into noun. It mostly refers to the doer of the action or tools being used in the action. The general formula is prefix pe- + verb root words with few exceptions as the following.

  • Pe + (n) + verb root words

This is formula can be used for verb root words starting with D, C, and J, for example pe- + (n) + dengar = pendengar (listener), pe+ (n) + curi = pencuri (thief), and many more. But for words starting with ‘T’, it follows the same formula but the ‘t’ is omitted. For example pe +(n) + tari = penari (dance), pe- +(n)+ tunjuk = penunjuk (pointer), and many more.

  • Pe- + (m) + verb root words

The addition of ‘m’ with prefix pe- is used when the first letter of the words start with B and V for example pe- +(m)+bawa = pembawa (carrier), pe- +(m) + baca = pembaca (reader), and more. For words start with letter P, the formula is the same but the first letter is omitted. For example pe- +(m)+ pakai = pemakai (user), pe- + (m) + panjat = pemanjat (climber), and more.

  • Pe- + (ng) + verb root words

This formula is used when the first letter of the words start with A, I, U, O, G, H and K for example pe- +(ng)+ hapus = penghapus (eraser), pe- +(ng)+ gosok = penggosok (scrubber), pe- +(ng)+ iris = pengiris (slicer), pe- +(ng)+ambil = pengambil (taker), and many more.

  • Pe- +(ny)+ verb root words

The addition of ‘ny’ is used when the words start with letter S and the first letter should be omitted as well. For example pe- +(ny)+ sayang = penyayang (lover), pe- + (ny) + sambung = penyambung (connector), and many more.

Another exception

This formula only occur for the root word ‘ajar’ with prefix pe- only because it creates two different meaning as the following.

  • Pe- +(ng)+ajar = pengajar (teacher)
  • Pe- +(l) +ajar = pelajar (student)

Also learn more about Indonesian prefixes.

Indonesian Prefix Di-

Prefix di- is the opposite of prefix me-. If prefix me- indicates that the subject is the doer of the action, while prefix di- the subject is the object of the action. In English, we may recognize prefix me- as active sentence while prefix di- passive sentence. The general formula is the same as prefix di- + verb root words without any change or addition in between the words.

Verb root words Prefix di- Verb Meaning
Beli (to buy) Di- + beli Dibeli Being bought
Bawa (to bring) Di- + bawa Dibawa Being brought
Hapus (to erase) di- + hapus Dihapus Being erased
Urus (to take care) di- + urus Diurus Being taken care
Iris (to slice) di- + iris Diiris Being sliced

Important note:

It is important to note that prefix di- in some cases also serve as preposition. The difference between di- as prefix and di- as preposition is the writing system. Di- as prefix is written without space while di- as preposition is written with space.

Also learn Indonesian language basic.

Indonesian Prefix Ter-

The prefix ter- is similar to the English –ed or passive form in which the actor of the action is not significant. Also, prefix ter- sometimes indicates unintentional accident.  Take a look at the following examples.

  • Ter- + injak = terinjak (being stepped on, accidentally)
  • Ter- + hapus = terhapus (being erased, accidentally)
  • Ter- + makan = termakan (being eaten, accidentally)

Among other grammar subject, the use of prefix is indeed the most complicated part. Many foreigners claim that they have a hard time learning prefix. How about you? Do you also confuse learning Indonesian prefix? We hope you understand Indonesian verb prefixes better with Masteringbahasa.

Categories: Verbs