Most Used Indonesian Verbs – Vocabularies – Definition – Examples

Hello, everybody are you ready to learn the next lesson of Bahasa Indonesia? So, the last week we already learn about Indonesian subject verb objectthe most common Indonesian verbs also me-kan verbs Indonesian. Today, we will learn the most used Indonesian verbs that usually we used in our daily life. What are they? Below here the lists of the most used Indonesian verbs in our daily life.

The lists of the most used Indonesian verbs

No.[/th] [th]Indonesian Verbs[/th] [th]The meaning

1.[/td] [td]Aduk[/td] [td]Stir

2.[/td] [td]Ajar[/td] [td]Teach

3.[/td] [td]Ambil[/td] [td]Take

4.[/td] [td]Bangun[/td] [td]Get Up

5.[/td] [td]Beli[/td] [td]Buy

6.[/td] [td]Beri[/td] [td]Give

7.[/td] [td]Bersih[/td] [td]Clean

8.[/td] [td]Buka[/td] [td]Open

9.[/td] [td]Cuci[/td] [td]Wash

10.[/td] [td]Dengar[/td] [td]Listen

11.[/td] [td]Diam[/td] [td]Silence or quiet

12.t[/td] [td]Ikut[/td] [td]Follow

13.[/td] [td]Jual[/td] [td]Sell

14.[/td] [td]Kerja[/td] [td]Work

15.[/td] [td]Ketik[/td] [td]Type

16.[/td] [td]Kumpul[/td] [td]Collect or gather

17.[/td] [td]Lari[/td] [td]Run

18.[/td] [td]Lihat[/td] [td]See

19.[/td] [td]Masak[/td] [td]Cook

20.[/td] [td]Naik[/td] [td]Up

21.[/td] [td]Pakai[/td] [td]Wear

22.[/td] [td]Pangkas[/td] [td]Potong

23.[/td] [td]Pergi[/td] [td]Go

24.[/td] [td]Simpan[/td] [td]Save

25.[/td] [td]Tahan[/td] [td]Hold

26.t[/td] [td]Tanam[/td] [td]Plant

27.[/td] [td]Tarik[/td] [td]Pull

28.[/td] [td]Tulis[/td] [td]Write

29.[/td] [td]Ubah[/td] [td]Change

30.[/td] [td]Undang[/td] [td]Invite

Above lists of the most used Indonesian verbs are always found in our daily activities. The verbs in Indonesia is kata kerja. Kata kerja (verbs) on the above is basic verbs in Bahasa Indonesia we call it kata kerja dasar. Where these basic verbs can change if we add some particle in the front (prefix), at the end (suffix), or in both. It is like our previous lesson on verbs me-i Indonesian formula examples

How many particles that we can add to our verbs? Below here are the examples and formula of a prefix in Indonesia.

Root Word    [/th] [th] di + root word [/th] [th]Verb[/th] [th]Meaning

Makan[/td] [td] di + makan [/td] [td] dimakan [/td] [td] eaten

Cuci[/td] [td] di + cuci [/td] [td] dicuci [/td] [td] washed

Simpan[/td] [td] di + simpan [/td] [td] disimpan [/td] [td]saved

Jual[/td] [td] di + jual [/td] [td] dijual [/td] [td]sold

The example of the prefix in the sentences


  • Ikan itu dimakan oleh kucing. (That fish was eaten by a cat)
  • Bajuku dicuci oleh ibu. (My clothes are washed by my mother)
  • Seragam Doni disimpan di almari. (Doni’s uniform was saved in wardrobe)
  • Bakso dijual dengan harga lima ribu rupiah satu porsi. (The meatball was sold with the price five thousand rupiahs a portion)

Now, see the first example; ikan itu dimakan oleh kucing. The word of di is a prefix in Indonesia. The verbs that followed by prefix di it has a function as a passive verb. So, the first example is clear that fish was eaten by a cat. However, you should notice these, the prefix of -di it doesn’t change the voice of the verb.

It just adds in the front of the verb and has a function as a passive verb.

Root Word    [/th] [th] root word + kan [/th] [th]Verb[/th] [th]Meaning

Bersih [/td] [td] bersih + kan [/td] [td] bersihkan [/td] [td] clean

Beli [/td] [td] beli + kan [/td] [td] belikan [/td] [td] buy

Pakai [/td] [td] pakai + kan [/td] [td] pakaikan [/td] [td] putthe new clothes on your 

Dengar [/td] [td] dengar + kan [/td] [td] dengarkan [/td] [td] listen

The example of the suffix in the sentences

  • Segera, bersihkan piring-piring kotor sebelum ibumu pulang. (Immediately, clean the dirty dishes before your mother comes home.)
  • Tolong, belikan satu pak rokok untuk ayahmu. (Please, buy a pack of cigarettes for your father.)
  • Tolong, pakaikan baju baru itu kepada adik perempuanmu. (Please, put the new clothes on your little sister.)
  • Jangan berisik, tolong dengarkan nasihat beliau. (Do not be noisy, please listen to his advice.)

Besides, –di is one of the prefixes in Indonesia, now we will learn of one of the suffixes -kan. The suffix of -kan is used for command people to do something, while we put the word -kan it will be an imperative verb (a verb in which there is a command word), like the above example.

Tolong, pakaikan baju baru itu kepada adik perempuanmu. The word of tolong is mean, please. this sentence command you to put the new clothes on your little sister. It must be we should use the word “tolong” if we want to command other people (polite ways).

Other examples; jangan berisik, tolong dengarkan nasehat beliau. This sentence has the same meaning, we should be in silence and we should listen to his advice. However, what is the word beliau mean? In Indonesia, beliau has the same meaning of the word kamu but beliau is used to older people, important people or people who have a position.

Hopefully, the above of most used Indonesian verbs could be the new knowledge for you. Please check on me-kan verbs Indonesian. With these, you also have more knowledge of  Indonesian’s verb. Digg your knowledge and never stop to learn. Good luck.

Categories: Verbs