Me-kan Verbs Indonesian – Formula – Examples

The use of affixes in Bahasa Indonesia may be the most confusing part. The addition of affixes changes partial or entire meaning of root words. This can be quite confusing for those who do not completely understand the basic concepts. Another problem with Indonesian affixes is there are several types of prefixes, suffix, infixes, and also combination of it.

One of the combinations of prefix and suffix which are commonly used is Me-kan Verbs Indonesian. This combination of prefix me- and suffix –kan is mostly used in everyday conversation both formal and informal occasion. The main function of combination Me-kan Verbs Indonesian is to create active transitive verb but it is not limited to the field only.

Also learn more about Indonesian prefix me-.

The basic form of me- / -kan

In general the combination of prefix me- and suffix –kan can be used for any class of words. However, each class word with the combination of the affix may have different function as well.

Root word

The Me-kan Verbs Indonesian combination when paired with root word (can be verb, adjective, or noun) becomes verb. The general pattern is me + root word + kan

For example:

  • Mengecilkan (to make small, verb) : me +tinggi (root, adj) + kan
  • Membenarkan (to make right, verb) : me + benar (root, adj) + kan
  • Meminumkan (to give drink, verb) : me + minum (root, verb) + kan

Repetitive word

Besides paired with root word, combination of Me-kan Verbs Indonesian can also be paired with repetitive word. But the repetitive word does not necessarily mean plural. The general pattern is me+ repetitive word +kan. Also learn more about Indonesian acronym.


  • Menggaruk-garukkan (to scratch, verb): me+ garuk-garuk (root: garuk, verb)+ kan

Compound word

In Bahasa Indonesia, compound word is also known as kata majemuk. It is a combination of two words which create completely new meaning. Combining prefix me-/-kan with compound word is also common. The general pattern is me+ compound word + kan.


  • Mengatasnamakan (in the behalf of, verb): me + atas nama (compound word, verb) + kan
  • Mengkambinghitamkan (scapegoating, verb); me + kambing hitam (compound word, verb) +kan

The function of me-/-kan

In general, the combination of me-/-kan is functioned to create active transitive verb. This affix combination can be paired with any class of words but each class of word may have different function. Also learn more about Indonesian prefix and suffix.


  • Kreativitas siswa meningkat. (Students’ creativity is increased.)
  • Kreativitas siswa meningkatkan (Students’ creativity increases productivity.)

From the example above, it can be concluded that the first sentence the word ‘meningkat’ creates intransitive sentence (does not need object), meanwhile in the second sentence, the word ‘meningkatkan’ creates transitive verb (requires object). 

Me-/-kan with verb

Combination affixes me-/-kan with verb creates transitive verbs. The general pattern is me + kata kerja (root form) + kan. More about Indonesian prefixes and suffixes example.

Example of Me-kan Verbs Indonesian:

Root words Me +root+kan Active verb Translate
Beli Me + beli + kan Membelikan To buy
Sembur Me + sembur + kan Menyemburkan To spray
Pecah Me + pecah + kan Memecahkan To break

Sentence example:

  • Ayah membelikan adik baju baru. (Dad buys little brother new clothes.)
  • Gajah menyemburkan air dari belalainya. (Elephant sprays water from its trunk.)
  • Adi memecahkan kaca jendela saat bermain bola. (Adi breaks the window when plays football.)

Me-/-kan with adjective

The combination of affixes me-/-kan with adjective also creates transitive verbs. Almost all adjectives can be paired with this affix combination. The general pattern is still the same which is me + kata sifat (adjective) + kan. Learn more about Javanese slang and meaning.


Root words Me+root+kan Active verb Meaning
Lebar Me + lebar + kan Melebarkan To widen
Ringan Me + ringan + kan Meringankan To lighten, to lessen
Rasa Me + rasa + kan Merasakan To feel

Sentence example:

  • Pemerintah telah melebarkan jalan utama di pedesaan. (The government has widened the main road in country side.)
  • Dina bekerja keras untuk meringankan bebab keluarga. (Dina works hard to lessen the family burden.)
  • Semua orang ingin merasakan cinta dan bahagia. (All people want to feel love and happy.) 

Me-/-kan with noun

The combination of me-/-kan with noun creates verb as well but the meaning and function depend on the noun. The general pattern stays the same, me + noun + kan.


Root words Me + noun+ kan Verb Meaning
Hadiah Me+hadiah+kan Menghadiahkan Give gift
Kalung Me +kalung + kan Mengalungkan To put necklace on the neck
Bungkus Me+bungkus+kan Membungkuskan To wrap

Sentence example:

  • Ibu menghadiakan topi baru untuk adik. (Mom presents new hat for brother.)
  • Presiden mengalungkan bunga untuk pemenang lomba. (President put flower necklace for the contest winner.)
  • Ibu membungkuskan bekal makan Ardi. (Mom wraps up Ardi’s lunch.)

The writing pattern of prefix Me-kan Verbs Indonesian follows the general rule in which some words may be dropped for easier pronunciation. Check here for more lesson of prefix me- and the writing system.

Categories: Grammar