Wise Quotes of the Day in Indonesian with English Translation

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As you know language is used to express our mind and feeling. Therefore, in a song, literature, movie or even when we talk, sometimes we use beautiful chain of words. At this lesson let’s learn Bahasa Indonesia through Quotes of the Day in Indonesian. You will learn several popular Indonesian quotes and also translation of most popular quotes in Bahasa Indonesia, ranging from life lesson, love as well as motivation. Before we start, take a look of these following articles.

Quotes of the day in Indonesian

Here are several quotes that were taken from public figure, movie, song and literature.

  • Jas Merah (Jangan sekali-kali melupakan sejarah) (Do not ever forget the history) – Ir.Soekarno
  • Beri aku 10 pemuda, maka aku akan mengguncang dunia (Give me ten young people, then I will shake the world) – Ir. Soekarno
  • Menarilah dan terus tertawa, walau dunia tak seindah surga (Dance and keep laugh even when the world as not as gorgeous like the heaven) – Laskar Pelagi (song)
  • Malaikat juga tahu siapa yang jadi juaranya (The angel also know who is the real winner) – Malaikat Juga Tahu (Song and short story)
    *It is a quote that describe an unconditional and sincere love (which represented by a mother to son in the movie adaptation)
  • Menulis adalah bekerja untuk keabadian (Writing is a work of eternity) – Pramoedya Ananta Toer
    *You like to be remember, right?
  • Aku mau hidup 1000 tahun lagi (I want to live for thousand more years) – Chairil Anwar’s poetry “Aku” (I)
    Check: Examples of Poetry in Indonesia
  • Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana (I want to love you simply) – Sapardi Djoko Damono’s poetry “Aku ingin” (I want)
  • Jangan rindu! Berat. Kamu tak akan kuat. Biar aku saja (Do not miss me. It would be heavy. You won’t strong enough. Let me hold it by myself) – Dilan 1990
  • Rangga, yang kamu lakukan ke saya itu… jahat (Rangga, what you did to me is… evil) – Ada Apa dengan Cinta? 2 
  • Masa lalu saya adalah milik saya. Masa lalu kamu adalah milik kamu. Tapi, masa depan adalah milik kita (The past is mine. Your past is yours. But, the future is us) – B.J. Habibie to his wife, Ainun
  • Walaupun raga terpisah oleh karena kematian, namun cinta sejati tetap di relung hati (Even though our body are separated by the death, but our love is eternal in our deepest heart) – B.J. Habibie to his wife, Ainun
  • Cinta kita melukiskan sejarah, menggelarkan cerita penuh suka cita sehingga siapa pun insan Tuhan pasti tahu cinta kita sejati (Our love describes the history, creates blare to a happily ever after love. Therefore, every God’s creation must know that our love is everlasting) – Cinta Sejati (OST of Habibie Ainun movie)
  • Karena hati tak perlu memilih, ia selalu tahu kemana harus berlabuh (Because the heart does not need to choose, it always know where to harbor)

Further readings: Indonesian Songs That Help You Learn Bahasa Indonesia and Indonesian Proverbs Donald Trump Should Learn Today

Another Indonesia Quotes

Beside those examples, let’s also learn another group of quotes of the day in Indonesian. To add up your knowledge about translation, here are several international quotes with Indonesian translation. Take a look!

  • I’ve a very good feeling about it (Aku punya perasaan yang sangat baik tentang ini)
  • Keep your friends close, but your enemy closer (Jagalah teman-temanmu, tapi jagalah musuhmu lebih dekat kepadamu) – The Godfather
  • Carry coals to Newcastle (Membawa batu bara ke Newcastle). In Bahasa Indonesia, it has equal translation as ‘buang garam ke laut’ (throw the salt into the sea) – which mean pointless thing
  • What’s in a name (Apalah arti sebuah nama) 
  • Love means never having to say you’re sorry (Cinta berarti tidak pernah harus berkata maaf) – Love story (1970)
  • After all, tomorrow is another day (Setelah semua ini, besok adalah hari yang baru) – Gone with The Wind
  • Frankly, my dear. I don’t give a damn (Sebetulnya, sayang. Aku tidak peduli sama sekali) – Gone with The Wind
  • You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one (Kamu mungkin mengira saya adalah seorang pemimpi, tapi saya bukanlah satu-satunya. Saya berharap suatu saat kamu akan bergabung dengan kami dan dunia akan menjadi satu kesatuan) – Imagine (John Lennon)

Yes. These are the end of Quotes of the Day in Indonesian lesson. If you want to see more about Bahasa Indonesia, take a look at these following examples.

Categories: Literature