Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Indonesia

In Bahasa Indonesia, communication is divided into two, verbal and nonverbal communication. Both communications way is always used for everyday conversation. However, do you know the difference between Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Indonesia? Here is the explanation of verbal and nonverbal communication in Indonesia:

Verbal Communication in Indonesian 

In Bahasa Indonesia, verbal communication is a way to tell information by an individual to others both orally and written. Verbal communication is also a communication way using symbols of verbal. Verbal language symbol is the most impressive human creation. It includes some rules for every language which is syntax, phonology, pragmatic, and semantic.

Verbal communication can be done in two ways which are orally and written. In simple, verbal communication is a language interaction between humans. It can be in the form of oral, written on paper and electronically. In Bahasa Indonesia, verbal communication has the biggest portion. The truth is, delivering ideas, thoughts, and decisions are way easier using verbal communication rather than nonverbal. This is because people (both listeners and readers) are expected to understand messages better through verbal communication.

Example of verbal communication in Indonesian 

As the most used communication way, verbal communication can be used to express feeling, emotion, thought, ideas, intention as well as delivering data, facts, and information. Below are some examples of verbal communication.

  1. Discussion with individual or group of people
  2. Read books, novel, and magazine
  3. Listen to radio
  4. Writing a letter, curriculum vitae, brochure, and more.
  5. Speech in front of crowd

Besides those examples, oral verbal communication can also be done through media such as making a phone call, texting, and such. On the other hand, writing verbal communication mostly done indirectly between the communicator and communicate. The process to deliver the information in verbal communication uses some media such as a letter, picture, graphic, painting, and more. Here is the example of Indonesian Sentence Structures with Examples .

Nonverbal communication in Indonesian 

Nonverbal communication has an important portion of the communication. There are lots of verbal communication types which turn out ineffective because the communicator does not use verbal communication well at the same time. Nonverbal communication uses body languages, symbols, eye contact, intonation, stressing, and facial expression instead of words to deliver the messages.

This type of communication helps strengthen the messages to deliver as well as understand the communication reaction when receiving the messages.

Example of nonverbal communication  in Indonesian 

Nonverbal communication consists of body language, facial expression, symbols, intonation and much. Below are some examples of nonverbal communication.

  1. Touch – touching includes holding hands, shake hands, kissing, hugging, punching, and more. Each type of the communication is made to deliver the certain message with purpose or feelings.
  2. Body language – in nonverbal communication, body movement includes facial expression, manner, and codes. Body language is used to replace certain word such as nodding for saying yes, smashing table for showing anger, and more.
  3. Paralanguage – paralanguage is considered as a non verbal element in a conversation. This includes intonation, the speed of speech, stressing, voice quality, the loudness of voice, and such.

That is the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication in Indonesia (Bahasa Indonesia). Most people use the combination of both verbal and nonverbal communication, so, it will be easier to deliver the intended messages. Do not forget to also read Ways on How to talk with Indonesian Like A Pro.

Categories: Conversation