What Does Ceu Mean as Slang in Indonesia? – Meaning and Examples

Indonesia is a large country that consist of many cultures and traditional language. Even in daily conversation, Indonesian people have many ways to call other people.

Ceu is one of the traditional Indonesian words that can be used as a slang to call other people. To know more about the word ceu in Indonesian, read the complete explanation below.

Origin of the word ceu

Originally, the word ceu is not an Indonesian word. The word ceu come from Sundanese language.

The Sundanese language is used by Sunda people mostly in West Java area. The word comes from “ceuceu”, but abbreviated become only “ceu”.

Ceu meaning as a slang in Indonesia

In Sundanese, ceuceu or ceu is used to call older female or older sister. However, if the person is much older, for example aunties and grannies or miss and ma’am, we don’t use ceuceu. In Javanese, it is similar with mbak. The word become popular and used in many other areas of Indonesia.

In Sundanese language, we can use many words to call older sister. For examples we can use ceuceu, eceu, teh, or teteh. All of the words have the same meaning. Usually every region has their own preferences.

As a slang in Indonesian, the word ceu also has meaning of older sister. It is a popular slang word that come from one of Indonesian traditional languages. We can also use the word to call older female friends or close friends with same age.

Read more about how to call other people in Indonesian:

How to pronounce ceu in Indonesian easily

Pronouncing the word “ceu” in Indonesian is not difficult. The letter c is pronounced similar with c in chapter.

However, the letter u is not pronounced. The u after e (eu) indicates that eu is pronounced similar to the way we pronounced e in the word learn. As a result, when we pronounce the word ceu it will be heard like a word consists of only on syllable. 

ceu [ch-]

Read more about Indonesian pronunciation:

Examples of using the word ceu in Indonesian daily conversations

To know more about the meaning of the slang, you need to know how to use the word in daily conversations. Below are several examples of using the word ceu in Indonesian daily conversations:

  • A: Ceu Rani, kemarin kamu kemana aja?

A: Ceu Rani, where did you go yesterday?

  • A: Kemarin aku makan nasi goreng loh ceu.

A: I ate a fried rice yesterday, sist.

  • A: Aku mau datang ke rumah ceuceu siang nanti kalau ceuceu gak keberatan.

A: I want to come to your house sist if you don’t mind it

That’s all about the answer to the question what does ceu mean as slang. I hope the information will be helpful for all the readers.

Categories: Vocabulary