Basic Words You Should Know If You Want to Study in Indonesia (Important Vocabularies)

Learning and living in another country is a good opportunity that not everyone can achieve. It will also be a good experience for your life. If you have a chance to study in Indonesia, it will be a wonderful experience more than you can imagine. You can learn about Indonesian culture, taste the food, and travel to wonderful places.

Basic Words You Should Know If You Want to Study in Indonesia

If you want to study in Indonesia, speaking in English is maybe understandable. However not all of Indonesian people can speak English comfortably. If you want to live in Indonesia, it will be better if you learn the basic words or sentences. Here, we will present you basic words you should know if you want to study in Indonesia.

Greetings in Indonesian 

Below are several useful greeting words in Indonesia.

  • Halo : Hello
  • Selamat pagi : Good morning
  • Selamat siang : Good day
  • Selamat sore : Good afternoon
  • Selamat malam : Good night
  • Hai : Hi, hey
  • Apa kabar? : How are you doing?
  • Senang bertemu Anda : Nice to meet you

You can learn more about greetings in Indonesia:

Introduction in Indonesian 

Below are several sentences useful for introduction.

  • Nama : name

Nama saya Linda (My name is Linda).

  • Umur / usia : age

Umur saya 10 tahun (I’m 10 years old).

  • Dari : from

Saya dari Rusia (I’m from Russia).

Thank you in Indonesian 

Thank you is a polite word that you should say a lot to people that help you. Below are translation of the word thank you and how to reply it.

  • Terima kasih : Thank you (FORMAL)
  • Terima kasih banyak : Thank you very much  (FORMAL)
  • Makasih : Thanks (INFORMAL)
  • Sama-sama : You’re welcome

You can learn more about thank you and how to reply it in Indonesia:

Excuse me in Indonesian 

Excuse me is other polite word that you should say often. Indonesian people usually say it if they have to walk in front of other people, when they want to talk to other people, when they will do something that may distrub others, etc.

  • Permisi : Excuse me (FORMAL)
  • Misi : Excuse me (INFORMAL)
  • Silakan : Yes, please

Apologize in Indonesian

When talking about polite word, you cannot forget the word sorry. Here are how to say it in Indonesian.

  • Maaf : Sorry
  • Saya ingin meminta maaf : I want to apologize
  • Tidak apa-apa : It’s okay (FORMAL)
  • Nggak apa-apa / gapapa : It’s okay (INFORMAL)

Learn more:

Asking directions in Indonesian 

It’s normal if you don’t know the direction to a place that you want to go. Below are several ways on how to ask directions and several words related to it:

  • Di mana? : Where?

Permisi, toilet di mana? : Excuse me, where is the toilet?

  • Lurus kesana : straight ahead
  • Kiri : Left
  • Kanan : Right
  • Belok : Turn

Belok Kiri : Turn Left

Belok Kanan : Turn Right

  • Di sebelah : Next to

Toilet ada di sebelah taman : The toilet is next to the park.

  • Di depan : in front of

Toilet ada di depan taman : The toilet is in front of the park.

  • Di seberang : across
  • Jalan : Road
  • Perempatan : crossroad
  • Pertigaan : T-junction
  • Lampu merah : traffic lights
  • Bundaran : roundabout
  • Bridge : Jembatan

Vocabulary about School and Class

Below are Indonesian vocabulary related to school and class:

  • Sekolah : school
  • Universitas : university
  • Kelas : class
  • Siswa/murid : Student
  • Guru : teacher
  • Dosen : lecturer

Stationery in Indonesian 

Below are Indonesian vocabulary related to stationery:

  • Pensil : pencil
  • Pulpen / bolpoin : pen / ballpoint
  • Penggaris : ruler
  • Penghapus : eraser
  • Buku : buku
  • Gunting : scissor

That’s all about basic words you should know if you want to study in Indonesia. Thank you for reading.

Categories: Vocabulary