80 Common Greetings In Indonesian for Beginner

What do you know about common greetings in Indonesian? Every language has its own greetings and it is probably different each other. In English, we are used to hear ’’hi’’,’’hello’’, ‘’what’s up’’, while common greetings in Indonesian, we are used  to listen and write’’ hai’’,’’halo’’, ‘’ada apa’’ and more. Whatever it is, greetings aimed to greet everyone we meet. So much greetings we are used to say in every country and culture.

It must be something unique to learn common greetings in every language. However,in this section, we are going to learn common greetings in Indonesian. As we have learned on the previous section, Indonesian has formal and informal language in formal and informal situation.

For now, it is also applied on greetings. In Indonesian, there are formal and informal greetings in formal and informal situation. We also need to learn special greetings in Indonesian in common way. Let’s learn some formal and informal, or special common greetings in Indonesian.

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Here are kinds of common greetings in Indonesian

Common Informal Greetings in Indonesian

Common Formal Greetings in Indonesian is used to greet people by using informal Indonesian in informal way. We can use this formal greetings to friends or family we meet. For instance:

Hai Hi
Hai sist/ bro Hi sister/brother
Halo Hello
Gimana kabarnya? How is it doing?
Apa kabar? How are you?
Sehat kan? You are okay, aren’t you?
Kamu kenapa? What’s happening with you?
Pagi Morning
Siang Good day
Malam Night/ evening
Senang bisa ketemu kamu lagi It is nice to see you again
Udah lama banget ya It’s been a long time
Lama gak ketemu lagi Long time no see

These kind of informal greetings are usually used by young people when they meet their friends or cousins and others.

Here are the examples on sentences of common greetings in Indonesian

  • Hai, John!
    Hi, John!
  • Hai, sist! Darimana aja kamu?
    Hi, sister!’’ Where have you been?
  • Hey  Apa kabar?
    Hey, you! How are you?
  • Halo, Mary! Kamu mau kemana?
     Hello,bMary! Where are you going?

Those are some examples in common greetings. However, not only young people use this. Those are some words that are usually used by young people in daily activities.

1. Asking for the Situations 

These kind of informal greetings are usually used by everyone in all ages when they meet each other. Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Apa kabar, John? Udah lama gak ketemu!
    How are you, John? Long time no see!
  • Ayah sehat kan? Jangan sakit lagi ya!
    You are okay, aren’t you Dad?
    Don’t get sick anymore!
  • Kamu gimana kabarnya? Aku kangen nih!
    How is it going? I miss you!
  • Kamu kenapa, John? Kamu kayaknya lagi sakit!
    What’s going on, John?
    It seems like you are sick!

Those are examples used when you want to make sure about someone’s condition.

2. Informal Gretting

These kind of informal greetings are usually used by everyone in all ages in informal situation.

Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Pagi, Bu! Lagi masak ya?
    Morning, Mom! Are you cooking?
  • Siang, bro! Lagi sibuk nggak?
    Good day bro! Are you busy?
  • Sore, John! Kamu lagi apa?
    Afternoon, John! What are you doing?
  • Malem, Yah! Ayah udah makan?
    Good evening, Dad! Have you had your dinner?
  • Oke. Selamat malam dan selamat mimpi indah ya!
    Okay. Good night and have a nice dream!

It is necessary to remember that ‘’good  night or good evening’’ in Indonesia are the same.It shows our greetings when you say’’ selamat malam’’. Whatever the situation, it has the same meaning  when you greet people at night.As we have learned on previous section,Indonesian has no strict rules.

3. Expressions

This kind of informal greeting is usually used by people in all ages when they meet each other after a long time they haven’t seen each other or used when they meet each other while they have met each other before.

Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Mary! Senang deh bisa ketemu kamu lagi!
    Mary! It is good to see you again!
  • Nenek! Senang bisa ketemu Nenek lagi!
    Grandmo! Nice to see you again!

Those are examples that commonly used when you meet someone that you have met before in informal situation

4. Another Expression Phrases 

These kind of greetings are usually used by people in all ages when they meet each other after along time they haven’t seen each other. Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Kakek! Lama gak ketemu kakek lagi! Aku rindu kakek!
    Grandpa! Long time no see! I miss you!
  • John! Udah lama banget ya kita gak nongkrong barenglagi!
    John! It’s been a long since we hang out together!

Those are examples that commonly used by two best friends or ex boyfriends/girlfriends or someone that has meaning to someone or people who are closed each other.

Finally,we are already finished learning informal greetings in Indonesia. Those are just some examples in common way. You can understand it easily as long as you develop your vocabulary.

Common Formal Greetings in Indonesian

Common Formal Greetings in Indonesian is used to greet people by using formal Indonesian in formal situation. We can use this common formal greetings when we are in a meeting, at office,or company,even school. It is necessary to remember that in informal greetings, we also use informal language.

Selamat pagi Good morning
Selamat siang Good day
Selamat sore Good afternoon
Senang bisa berjumpa dengan anda It is good to see you
Anda baik- baik saja kan selama ini? How have you been?
 Selamat Datang  Welcome
 Terima Kasih!  Thank You!

For instance of common greetings in Indonesian:

1.  Formal Phrases 

These kind of formal greetings are used in informal situation with formal language. Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Selamat pagi, rekan- rekan sekalian! Hari ini kita akan mengadakan rapat!
    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today we are going to have a meeting!
  • Selamat siang, Pak Alex! Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
    Good day, Mr. Alex! Would you like to me to help you?
  • Selamat sore, Bu Mira! Maaf mengganggu! Apakah anda sedang sibuk?
    Good afternoon, Miss Mira! I am sorry for disturbing! Are you busy?
  • Selamat malam, Pak! Anda mau makan malam?
    Good evening, Sir! Would you like to have a dinner?

We need to remember that ‘’good evening or good night’’ is just the same in Indonesia. It shows time at night.As you learned on the previous part before,Indonesian has no strict rules.

1. Expressions 

This kind of formal greeting is usually used in informal situation by people in all ages. Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Senang bisa berjumpa dengan anda lagi, Pak Alex!
    It is pleased to meet you, Sir Alex!
  • Senang berjumpa dengan anda lagi, Bu Mira!
    It is nice to meet you, Miss Mira!

Those are examples when someone meets someone after they have met before. Remember,it isin formal situation.

2. Asking Conditions 

This kind of formal greetings is usually used when you want to know if she/he has been well since the last time both of them met each other. Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Pak John! Anda baik- baik saja kan selama ini?
    Sir John! How have you been?
  • Selamat pagi, Bu Mira! Anda baik- baik saja selama ini?
    Good morning,bMiss Mira! How have you been all this time?

Those are examples when you want to check someone’s condition in all this time.Remember,it is still in informal situation.

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3. Common Special Greetings in Indonesian

Common special greetings in Indonesian is greetings used by all Indonesians on every situation (formal and informal situation). Why it can be used in formal and informal situation? Because it is special greetings. That is why it is called special greetings.

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri Happy Eid
Selamat Natal Merry Christmast
Selamat Tahun Baru Happy New Year
Selamat Imlek Happy Imlek
Selamat Congratulations
Kerja yang bagus Well done!
Kita berhasil We did it!
Semoga berhasil Good luck!
Semoga cepat sembuh Get well soon!

For instance:

  • Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
    Happy Eids
  • Selamat Natal
    Marry Christmas
  • Selamat berbuka puasa
    Happy Break fasting
  • Selamat Tahun Baru
    Happy new year!
  • Selamat Imlek
    Happy Chinese New Year

These kind of special greetings are usually used by all Indonesians on a big day such as Eid Fitri and Christmast,even Imlek. Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Bu Mira!
    Happy Eid, Miss Mira!
  • Selamat Natal, Pak Alex!
    Merry Christmast, Sir Alex!
  • Selamat Imlek, Bu Cika!
    Happy Imlek Day, Miss Cika!
  • Selamat berbuka puasa!
    Enjoy breaking the fast!

Indonesians have 5 religions, so Indonesians have so many big days to remember. Those examples are special greetings on big days.

These kind of special greeting is usually used by all people in Indonesia to show their happines expression to people they know upon the people do something great. Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Selamat!
  • Kerja yang bagus!
    Good job!
  • Selamat ya, John udah dapat ranking 1 di kelas!
    Congratulations, John for your first ranking!
  • Kerja yang bagus, tim! Horeeee!
    Well done, team! Huraaay!
  • Kita berhasil, tim! Yesssss!
    We did it, team! Yeaah!
  •  Semoga cepat sembuh!
    Get well soon!

See? It is easy to apply those special greetings on sentences, isn’t it?

This kind of special greetings is usually used by all people in Indonesia to show their cares to people so the people will be succeed and get well soon. Here are the examples on sentences:

  • Semoga berhasil ya mengerjakan ujiannya!
    Good luck for the test!
  • Semoga berhasil Pak Alex!
    Good luck, Sir Alex!
  • Semoga cepat sembuh, bung!
    Get well soon, man!
  • Semoga cepat sembuh ya, Kek!
    Get well soon, Grandpa!

Those examples are usually used  in formal or informal situation. People hope the best for other people

From the explanation above,we can conclude that greetings in Indonesian are the same as greetings of other foreign people. Indonesians have formal, informal, and special common greetings in Indonesian. The different is Indonesian has no strict rules in sentences. It means Indonesian has no strict grammar in common way. Remember,we only need to memorize the greetings as well as its meaning. Still, try hard and work hard. Results never betray its process.

Categories: Greetings