How Do You Say Yes in Balinese? Phrase – Example

As Indonesia is rich by its culture and language, if people visit Indonesia, they must need to learn each tribes’ language from the region they want to visit. It is important to learn each tribes’ language, even though people have learnt about Indonesian Language. Each tribes has each language and so Bali province does.

Bali language is called Balinese. When people visit Bali, they may speak in Indonesian Language. However, there is nothing wrong to learnt Balinese if people may visit just for a week. Balinese are rich by its language combination from the Javanese or Indonesian Language itself.

Balinese has three different level of languages. They are Bahasa Bali Halus, Bahasa Bali Madya, and Bahasa Bali Kasar. They are almost like Javanese level language. Bahasa Bali Halus is spoken among formal situation, in the meeting or in the tradition event. Bahasa Bali Madya is spoken between friends or the older to the younger. Bahasa Bali Kasar is spoken among maid or the people who are severe.

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As you want to learn how to speak Balinese, you must want to know the first words called ‘yes’. So, how do you say yes in Balinese?

  • The Word Yes in Balinese

To say agreement and positive thought of somebody, some people might use the short word ‘yes’. The ‘yes’ in Balinese can be spoken as Inggih, Patut, and Beneh.

  • How and When to Say Yes

So, after knowing the word ‘yes’ in Balinese, here the explanation of how do you say yes in Balinese.

As we know that the word ‘yes’ is used for emphasizing agreement or positive though of a person who talk to other people in a conversation. In Bali, there is a word Inggih which means that you speak that word for saying yes to a person’s opinion or to a person’s order or command in formal way. The meaning of this word is ‘yes’.

Inggih: Read > Enggih means yes.

Balinese English
Inggih, suksma Yes, thank you
A: Sampun ngajeng?

B: Inggih, sampun

A: Have you eaten?

B: Yes, I have.

A: Ayam Betutu nya jaen sajan!
B: Inggih, jaen sajan, tyang nyak ngajeng apisan
A: This Ayam Betutu is so delicious!

B: Yes, it is so delicious, I eat it again.

There is a word Patut. This word is spoken when people are agree with someone’s choices. This word is also spoken when someone say the right thing to other people in a conversation. The meaning of the word Patut is patut, benar, and betul or in English appropriate and correct. 

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Patut: Read > Patut means correct or right.

Balinese English
A: Wastane Beli Made?

B: Patut, Bisa basa Bali?

A: Your name is Beli Made?

B: Correct, can you speak Balinese?

A: Cai saking Jimbaran?

B: Inggih, Patut

A: Are you from Jimbaran?

B: Yes, right.

The last word which you can use to say yes is Beneh. Beneh in Balinese means benar or betul or in English correct. The word is spoken when someone agrees by other people decision, choice, or behavior.  The word Beneh is used in daily conversation among Balinese.

Beneh: Read > Benah means correct or right.

Balinese English
A: Wastane Beli Made?

B: Beneh, Bisa basa Bali?

A: Your name is Beli Made?

B: Correct, can you speak Balinese?

A: Cai saking Jimbaran?

B: Inggih, Beneh.

A: Are you from Jimbaran?

B: Yes, right.

Those are the expressions and the words of how do you say yes in Balinese. Do you want to visit Bali soon? Hope they may help you.

Categories: Vocabulary