How to Ask for A Bill in Indonesian – Phrases – Meaning

Hi everybody!

Today I’ll give you about “how to ask for a bill in Indonesian”. When you first learn Bahasa Indonesia, most books teach “minta” as a way to ask for something. You can use “minta” for example to order a food menu like “minta Nasi Goreng!”

In addition to asking for a food menu, you can also ask for a bill. This phrases is for after your order some food in restaurant. And this is how to ask for a bill in Indonesian :

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Indonesian Formal Ways :

This is how to ask for a bill in Indonesian in formal ways :

1. Boleh minta nota? (Can I have the bill, please?)

2. Bolehkah saya meminta nota? (May I have the bill, please?)

3. Permisi, minta nota. (Excuse me, Bill please.)

4. Permisi, minta bil (Excuse me, Bill please.)

You may also learn: How to Order Food in Restaurant in Indonesian Language

Indonesian Informal Ways :

This is how to ask for a bill in Indonesian in informal ways :

1. Nota-nya dong. (Bill, please.)

2. Aku minta nota-nya. (I want Nota.)

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This is an example conversation

The example on how to ask for a bill in Indonesian

Formal Language – Example Conversation in English :

In restaurant

B          : “What do you want to eat sir/mam?”

You      : “I would like one Nasi Goreng, please. Not spicy.”

B          : “Anything else?”

You      : “mmm. Can I have Sate, please?”

B          : “OK. Anything else?”

You      : “No, That’s all.”

B          : “Alright, wait a moment.”

You      : “Thank you.”

After you eat

You      : “Sir, can I have the bill, please?”

B          : “Yes, wait.”

Example Conversation in Indonesian :

Di restaurant

B          : “Apa yang mau Anda makan, pak/bu?”

You      : “Saya mau pesan Nasi Goreng. Tidak pedas.”

B          : “Ada lagi?”

You      : “mmm. Boleh minta Soto Ayam?”

B          : “OK. Ada lagi?”

You      : “Tidak, itu saja.”

B          : “Baik, tunggu sebentar.”

You      : “Terima kasih.”

Sesudah kamu makan

You      : “Mas, boleh minta nota?”

B          : “iya, sebentar.”

Informal Language

Example Conversation in English :

In restaurant

B          : “What do you want to eat sir/mam?”

You      : “One Gado Gado, please.”

B          : “Anything else?”

You      : “I also want one Bakso, please.”

B          : “OK. Anything else?”

You      : “No, That’s all.”

B          : “Alright, wait a moment.”

You      : “Thank you.”

After you eat

You      : “Sir, bill, please”

B          : “Yes, wait.”

Example Conversation in Indonesian

Di restaurant

B          : “Mau makan apa, pak/bu?”

You      : “Gado Gado-nya satu dong.”

B          : “Ada lagi?”

You      : “Aku juga mau Bakso satu.”

B          : “OK. Ada lagi?”

You      : “Tidak, itu saja.”

B          : “Baik, tunggu sebentar.”

You      : “Terima kasih.”

Sesudah kamu makan

You      : “Mas, nota-nya dong.”

B          : “Iya, sebentar.”

Categories: Phrases