How to Say “Have A Good Time” in Indonesia Language

Indonesia has its own culture including in language. they have their own ethics and manners to say. It is differentiated in two ways, namely formal and informal. Formal language is usually is spoken up when in formal situation such as in school, in office, in meeting, etc. on the other side, informal language is applied in informal situation such as talking with friend, with parents, with family, and so forth.

Indonesia formal Language

in Indonesia language is similar with English. It has its own pattern. In formal situation, the speaker has to use formal Indonesia language. Therefore, Formal language is used for formal situation. it is like polite and has ethics to say it. it also has pattern to say. Usually after saying the phrase, it is followed by nick name such as pak, bu, teman, ayah, ibu, and so on. This is only used for formal conversations and formal events.

  • semoga waktu anda menyenangkan, pak (have a good time, sir)
  • semoga waktu anda menyenangkan, bu (have a good time, miss)
  • semoga waktu anda menyenangkan, para hadirin  (have a good time, ladies and gentlemen)
  • semoga waktu anda menyenangkan, teman (have a nice day, friend)
  • semoga waktu anda menyenangkan, bu (have a good time, mom)
  • semoga waktu anda menyenangkan, yah (have a good time, daddy)

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Indonesia informal language (Indonesia Slang)

Informal language is to daily activity with family, friends, so on. It sounds like socialable sounds in daily life. This is usually used for certain periods. It is slang language, or called as alay. This is usually only in short phrase or term. Sometime, the use of verb in alay words is not completed such as bro, sis, temen- temen, and so forth.

Although, informal language is not taught in school it widely spread so fast. This is because the use of social media. Almost all people use social media, it also impacts the use of language.

  • moga harimu bahagia, bro (have a good time, bro)
  • moga menyenangkan, kawan (enjoy it bro)
  • moga harimu indah, sis (have a nice day, sister)
  • moga lebih bahagia, ya (have a good day)
  • moga bahagia (have a good day)
  • moga lebih menyenangkan ya, temen –  temen (have a good day)

Those are two uses of formal and informal language for saying “have a good day”. If foreigner comes to Indonesia, he/ she can learn how use formal and informal language, how the ethic is, how the pattern is, and how differentiate both formal and informal language.

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Those are only used for informal conversation with peers. Informal conversation is easily found in facebook, whatsapp, blackberry messengers, so on. Teenagers are mostly using it for their conversation with their friends.

Categories: Conversation