How to Order Food in Restaurant in Indonesian Language

Hi everybody!

Today I’ll give you about “how to order food in restaurant in Indonesian Language”. While traveling in Indonesian, it is very important to know a few words to communicate with local people.

Food in Indonesian is “Makanan”. If you want to order some food in restaurant, you can use this phrases :

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Formal Ways :

This is how to order food in restaurant in formal ways :

1. Saya mau pesan nama makanan. ( I would like one food name, please.)

Example : Saya mau pesan Nasi Goreng.  (I would like one Nasi Goreng, please.)

2. Boleh minta nama makanan? (Can I have food name, please?)

Example : Boleh minta Soto Ayam?  (Can I have Soto Ayam, please?)

Informal Ways :

This is how to order food in restaurant in informal ways :

1. Nama makanan satu dong. (One food name, please.)

Example : Sate Ayam-nya satu dong.  (One Sate Ayam, please.)

2. Aku mau nama makanan satu. (I want one food name, please.)

Example : Aku mau Bakso satu.  (I want one Bakso, please.)

Foods in Indonesian :

  • Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice)
  • Sate Ayam
  • Soto Ayam
  • Bakso
  • Ayam Goreng (Fried chicken)
  • Telur Goreng (Fried egg)
  • Sop (Soup)
  • Mie Ayam (Chicken noodles)
  • Mie Goreng (Fried noodles)
  • Gado Gado (Steamed vegetables with peanut sauce)
  • Nasi Campur (Rice and assorted vegetables)

In Indonesian, you will always find some chili on the side with black sauce. It is called kecap manis. You will always find tofu and tempe in any restaurant too. For dessert, called “kue” in Indonesian. Cakes in Indonesian come in many shapes and colours, they are delicious and unique.

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Formal Language

Example Conversation in English :

In restaurant

A          : “What do you want to eat sir/mam?”

You      : “I would like one Nasi Goreng, please. Not spicy.”

A          : “Anything else?”

You      : “mmm. Can I have Sate Ayam, please?”

A          : “OK. Anything else?”

You      : “No, That’s all.”

A          : “Alright, wait a moment.”

You      : “Thank you.”

Example Conversation in Indonesian :

Di sebuah restaurant

A          : “Apa yang mau Anda makan, pak/bu?”

You      : “Saya mau pesan Nasi Goreng. Tidak pedas.”

A          : “Ada lagi?”

You      : “mmm. Boleh minta Sate Ayam?”

A          : “OK. Ada lagi?”

You      : “Tidak, itu saja.”

A          : “Baik, tunggu sebentar.”

You      : “Terima kasih.”

Informal Language

Example Conversation in English :

In restaurant

A          : “What do you want to eat sir/mam?”

You      : “One Gado Gado, please.”

A          : “Anything else?”

You      : “I also want one Bakso, please.”

A          : “OK. Anything else?”

You      : “No, That’s all.”

A          : “Alright, wait a moment.”

You      : “Thank you.”

Example Conversation in Indonesian :

Di sebuah restaurant

A          : “Mau makan apa, pak/bu?”

You      : “Gado Gado-nya satu dong.”

A          : “Ada lagi?”

You      : “Aku juga mau Bakso satu.”

A          : “OK. Ada lagi?”

You      : “Tidak, itu saja.”

A          : “Baik, tunggu sebentar.”

You      : “Terima kasih.”

Indeed, let’s learn more about how to learn Indonesian like a pro here!

Categories: Phrases