How to Say Amazing in Indonesian – Phrases – Meaning

Actually cool and amazing are not much different in Indonesia, they are equally reveals a sense of amazing. And, how to say amazing in Indonesian? This is how to say amazing in Indonesia :

Formal Ways

This is how to say amazing in Indonesian in formal ways:

1. Mengagumkan

“Mengagumkan” is one meaning of amazing. This word is formal language, so you can use it for everyone, and everywhere. You can say : “Wow, kamu mengagumkan!” (“Wow, you are amazing!”)

2. Luar Biasa

“Luar biasa” are also same with “mengagumkan” and have the same mean with amazing. You can use it for everyone and everywhere too because it is formal language in Indonesia.

3. Menyenangkan

You can use it for everyone and everywhere too because it is formal language in Indonesia.

Notes :

“Mengagumkan” and “luar biasa” can be :

  • Mengagumkan sekali
  • Luar biasa sekali

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Informal Ways

This is how to say amazing in Indonesian in informal ways:

1. Keren

This word almost have the same mean with  cool, the different is in how to use it. Contoh : Kamu keren! (Example : You’re amazing!)

Notes :

“Keren” can be :

  • Keren banget
  • Keren gila
  • Keren baday 

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Example conversation :


Jinny : “Well it’s an amazing Sunday, isn’t it?”

Jonny : “Why?”

Jinny : “Because next week we gonna have a final exam. And, we can holiday after the final exam.”

Jonny : “Yeah, it is true. Btw, where you’ll go to holiday?”

Jinny : “I’ll go to Merapi. I’ll climb the mountain.”

Jonny : “Wow, it’s amazing. You’re amazing!”

Jinny : “Thank you.” 

Bahasa Indonesia

Jinny : “Betapa hari Minggu yang menyenangkan, bukan?”

Jonny : “Kenapa?”

Jinny : “Soalnya, minggu depan kita akan mengikuti ujian akhir. Dan, setelah ujian akhir kita bisa liburan.”

Jonny : “Yaa itu benar. Btw, kamu mau liburan kemana?”

Jinny : “Aku akan pergi ke Merapi. Aku akan mendaki gunung.”

Jonny : “Wow, itu keren. Kamu sangat keren!”

Jinny : “Terima kasih.”

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Categories: Phrases