50+ Indonesian Words That Start with W – Meaning

Aloha!! Hopefully your eager to learn Bahasa Indonesia keeps rising up.

In English, the letter W is pronounced as “double U”. But, the pronouncation is much differrent in Bahasa Indonesia that the letter W sounds ” Wae”.

You should know the pronunciation first before we begin our lesson today in this article. Yeah, we will talk about all Indonesian Words that begin with W. So that, check them out the Indonesian words that start with W letter.

  1. Wabah (Wha-buah) = Epidemic
  2. Wacana (Wha-cha-nua) = Word/ Exression/ Discourse
  3. (1) Wadah (Wha-dah) = Container/ Bowl
  4. (2) Wadah (Wha-dah) = Organization/ Institution
  5. Waduk (Wha-dook) = Lake/ Rumen
  6. Wafat (Wha-fuat) = Die/ Pass away/ Death/ Fade away
  7. Wah (Whuah) = (Expression to show surprise or exprasation) Gosh/ Why/ Amazing/ Well
  8. Wahana (Wha-hua-nua) = Mode/ Vehicle
  9. Wahid (Wha-hid) = One/ Alone/ Unique
  10. Wahyu (Whah-you) = The vision from God to man/ Apocalypse/ Revelation/ Vision
  11. Wajah (Wha-juah) = Face
  12. Wajan ( Wha-juan) = Pan/ Casserole
  13. Wajar (Wha-juar) = Natural/ Genuine/ Proper/ Without deceit
  14. Wajib (Wha-jib) = Obligatory
  15. Wajik (Wha-jik) = Rhomboid shape
  16. Wakaf (Wha-kaf) = Property donated for religious foundation
  17. Wakil (Wha-keel) = Representative/ Vice/ Deputy/ Agent
  18. Waktu (Whak-two) = Time
  19. Walang (Wha-lung) (In Java vocabulary) = Grasshopper/ Locust
  20. Walau (Wha-lau) = Although/ Despite/ In spite of
  21. Walaupun (Wha-lau-poon) = Despite/ Although
  22. Wali (Wha-lee) = male relative legally for the bride/ Father/ Guardian/ Proxy/ High civil servant/ Religious leader
  23. Wangi (Wha-ngi) = Odor/ Fragrance
  24. Wangsa (Whang-sua) = Dynasty
  25. Wanita (Whan-ita) = Woman/ Women/ Lady
  26. Waras (Wha-ruas) = Having full state of sense/ Being Healthy (related to pschology)/ Revovered
  27. Warga (War-gua) = Citizen/ Member of an association/ Denizen/ Member/ Class
  28. Warganegara (War-gua-nae-gua-rua) = National
  29. Waria (Wha-ria) (Stands for Wanita pria) = Transexual/ Transgender/ Transvetite/ Homosexual
  30. Waris (War-is) = Heir
  31. Warisan (War-is-uan) = Heir/ Inheritence/ Legacy/ Bequest
  32. Warna (War-nua) = Color
  33. Warya (War-tua) = Report/ Communication
  34. Wartawan (War-ta-wan) = Reporter/ Journalis/ Correspondent/ Presser 
  35. Warung (War-oong) = Small shop/ Little stall
  36. Wasangka (Was-uang-kua) = Suspicion
  37. Wasiat (Was-iat) = Dying exhortation/ Last will and testament/ Magic power
  38. Wasilah (Was-e-luah) = Bond/ Connection/ Relation
  39. Wasit (Was-it) = Referee/ Arbitrator/ Umpier/ Arbiter
  40. Wasitah (Was-it-uah) = Medium/ Spirit.
  41. Waskita (Was-key-tua) = Clairvoyant/ Psychic
  42. Waslap (Was-luap) = Scrubbing towel/ Washcloth
  43. Waspada (Was-pua-dua) = Watchful/ Wide awake/ Vigilant/ Attentive/ Wary/ On guard
  44. Wastafel (Was-tough-fael) = Bathroom sink/ Wash basin
  45. Watak (Wha-tuak) = Temper/ Nature/ Disposition/ Character
  46. Wawancara (Wha-whan-cha-rua) = Interview
  47. Wawasan (Wha-wha-sun) = Insight/ Perception/ Concept
  48. Wayang (Wha-young) = Shadow play with leather puppet (Traditional drama perfomance of Java and Bali).
  49. Wejangan (Whe-juang-uan) = Instruction/ Advice
  50. Wesel (Whae-sell) = Money order/ Draft 
  51. Wibawa (We-bha-wua) = Authority/ Power
  52. Widuri (We-do-re) (Java Tradition) = Shrub
  53. Widyawisata (Wid-ya–we-sha-tua) = Study Tour
  54. Wilayah (We-luay-uah) = Region/ Area/ Zone/ District
  55. Wira (We-rua) = Man/ Hero
  56. Wisata (We-sha-tua) = Tour/ Trip/ Journey
  57. Wisatawan (We-suat-aw-uan) = Tourist
  58. Wiski (We-ski) = Whiskey/ Scotch
  59. Wisma (Whis-mua) = Public building
  60. Wisuda (Whis-ouda) = Graduation ceremony
  61. Wujud (Who-jood) = Shape/ Appearance/Figure
  62. Wol (Whol) = Wool
  63. Wortel (Wor-tael) = Carrot

Okay then, those are the Indonesian words that start with W letter. Hopefully, what we inform you can help you learning Bahasa Indonesia. Especially this article can increase your Indonesian Vocabulary. See you, good people!!

Categories: Vocabulary