How to say “No, Thank you” in Bahasa Indonesia

When someone offers us help or the other kindness, we should thank to him/her (even for me, it is a must). In English, to show our gratitude, we can say :

  1. Thank you
  2. Thanks
  3. I am all gratitude
  4. You have my gratitude.

All of the ways above to appreciate the kindness is as simply as saying Thank You is “Terima Kasih” (Read : Te-ree-mah ca-see) in Bahasa Indonesia. Even sometimes informally, the Indonesians say it shorter as “Makasih”. Here’s to make it clear: How to Say Thank You in Bahasa Indonesia

However, there are circumstances when any gift or offer should be declined. When your co-worker or clients give their kindness, but you think to accept it could potentially damage a business relationship, then it is better for you to refuse tactfully. You might have a stranger who try to be kind by giving you something, then you should be careful refusing it without offending him/her.

Unless we receive what they give or offer, we still appreciate it though, then how to say no thank you politely ? Especially how to say it in Bahasa Indonesia based on the Indonesian social culture. Thus, let’s talk more about it.

How to say “No, Thank you” in Bahasa Indonesia is still as simple as saying “Tidak, Terima kasih” (Read : Ti-duck te-ri-mah ca-see). In other circumstance, besides saying “No, thank you”, here the ways to decline any kindness politely:

  • If you’re the one who give or offer any kindness, don’t be confused if you find an Indonesian say “Thank you” or “Terima Kasih”, but s/he rejects what you give. Actually, a lot of locals here also say “Terima Kasih” as their etiquette to say “No, thank you.” The most important thing if you’re in this kind of situation, you should pay attention to their body language, included the mimic or gesture. Sometimes they shake their head when they decline your kindness and say “Terima kasih”. Of course, it means their way to say “No, thank you” politely.
  • “Maaf, tetapi saya tidak membutuhkan itu”. It’s the same way you say that you don’t need what they offer. However, you should begin with apologizing in order to keep being friendly and not hurt them.
  • “Saya menghargai pemberianmu, tetapi saya tidak dapat menerimanya.”—You  can say it if you respectfully request to refuse their offer or gift, especially in formal conversation.
  • “Kamu tidak perlu melakukan hal itu.”—It is similar to tell someone that s/he doesn’t need to do or offer something for you. In this case, it is a polite manner either in formal situation or not.
  • “Kamu tidak perlu repot-repot”—It is also the way you state that someone doesn’t need doing or offering something. Yet, this statement is used for informal circumstance, such as saying it to your peer group or to the younger one. 
  • “Saya harap, lain waktu saya membutuhkan, kamu dapat memberikannya”—You say this statement to wish someone will give or offer their kindness someday in case you need it later. Actually, you should prefer using this statement in formal circumstances
  • “Kamu terlalu baik dan tidak seharusnya memberikan itu padaku”—This statement to express that someone is too generous and s/he shouldn’t have given or offered you something. It can be used both in informal or formal situation.

Besides showing your gratitude sincerely, refusing gift or offer  should be done tactfully to keep a healthy positive relationship with anyone, included the relation, friend, or even a stranger.

By then, you may also want to learn:

We never know whom we need to help us in any business later, so that we should always be kind and never hurt anyone.

Hopefully, this chapter can help you how to say “No, Thank you” in Bahasa Indonesia to decline any kindness without offending. Happy Learning Bahasa! Selamat Belajar!

Categories: Vocabulary