How to Say The Days of The Week in Indonesian – Vocabulary and Example

Learning about basic Indonesian vocabulary is quite important if you want to start learning foreign language. To learn vocabulary effectively, you can learn it based on several specific topic. For example you can learn about vocabulary related to house, school, color, and so on.

On this article, we will discuss about time, especially about the days of the week in Indonesian. If you are curious about how to say months in Indonesian, you can read it here.

How to Say The Days of The Week in Indonesian

Below are the translation for the days (hari) of the week (minggu) in Indonesian. Counting days in Indonesian usually starts with Monday until Sunday.

  • Monday : Senin
  • Tuesday : Selasa
  • Wednesday : Rabu
  • Thursday : Kamis
  • Friday : Jumat
  • Saturday : Sabtu
  • Sunday : Minggu

We will discuss about the name of the day one by one.

Monday (Senin)

Monday is Senin in Indonesian. You can pronounce it as the way it written (Se-nin). E in se is pronounced similar with e in power. I in nin is pronounced similar with i in miss. Below is example on how to use Senin in conversation.

  • Senin minggu depan adalah hari pertama saya bekerja.

Next monday is my first day at work

Tuesday (Selasa)

Tuesday is Selasa in Indonesian. You can pronounce it as the way it written (Se-la-sa). E in se is pronounced similar with e in power. A in la and sa are pronounced similar with a in last. Below is example on how to use Selasa in conversation.

  • Aku akan pergi ke kantor pos pada hari Selasa.

I will go to the post office on Tuesday.

Wednesday (Rabu)

Wednesday is Rabu in Indonesian. You can pronounce it as the way it written (Ra-bu). A in ra is pronounced similar with a in last. U in bu is pronounced similar with u in multiple. Below is example on how to use Rabu in conversation.

  • Pada hari Rabu nenek saya akan datang.

On Wednesday, my grandma will come.

Thursday (Kamis)

Thursday is Kamis in Indonesian. You can pronounce it as the way it written (Ka-mis). A in ka is pronounced similar with a in last. Mis is pronounced similar with miss. Below is example on how to use Kamis in conversation.

  • Kami biasanya pergi berenang setiap hari Kamis.

We usually go swimming every Thursday

Friday (Jumat)

Friday is Jumat in Indonesian. You can pronounce it as the way it written (Ju-mat) or Jum-at. U in jum is pronounced similar with u in multiple. A in at is pronounced similar with a in last. Below is example on how to use Jumat in conversation.

  • Saya tidak percaya bahwa besok sudah hari Jumat.

I can’t believe that tomorrow is Friday.

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Saturday (Sabtu)

Saturday is Sabtu in Indonesian. You can pronounce it as the way it written (Sab-tu). A in sab is pronounced similar with a in last. U in tu is pronounced similar with u in multiple. Below is example on how to use Sabtu in conversation.

  • Hari Sabtu adalah hari kesukaan saya dalam seminggu.

Saturday is my favorite day of the week.

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Sunday (Minggu)

Sunday is Minggu in Indonesian. You can pronounce it as the way it written (Ming-gu). I in ming is pronounced similar with i in miss. U in gu is pronounced similar with u in multiple. Below is example on how to use Minggu in conversation.

  • Setiap hari Minggu biasanya saya bangun siang.

Every Sunday I usually get up late.

That’s all about how to say the days of the week in Indonesian. Keep practicing the words using sentences in you everyday conversation to help you memorize. Thank you for reading.

Categories: Vocabulary