How to Say Toilet in Indonesian – Asking Direction – Phrases

In this article, we will discuss about toilet in Indonesia, asking directions to the toilet, and asking permission to go to the toilet. Remember several words about direction in Indonesian.

Toilet in Indonesian 

There are many Indonesian words that you can use to describe “toilet”. The most common words are toilet, kamar kecil, jamban, and WC. We will discuss the meaning of the words one by one below.

  1. Toilet

Toilet is originally an English word. It has been adapted into Indonesian words and used very frequently in Indonesia. Usually, people live in the city or urban area use this word a lot. The pronunciation is not very different with the English pronunciation. Say it as written to-i-let.

  1. Kamar kecil

Kamar kecil literally means “small room” in English. This word is a pure Indonesian word. It is considered more polite because it doesn’t really specify the toilet. You can say it in a formal occasion. Pronounce it as it written ka-mar ke-cil. “E” in “ke” is pronounced similar with “e” in “performance”.

  1. Jamban

Jamban is other Indonesian word that can be used to describe toilet. However, this word is not really common to be used in daily conversation. Pronounce it as it written jam-ban.

  1. WC

WC is other informal adapted Indonesian word that can be used to describe toilet. People use it a lot in daily conversation. However, if you ask most of them don’t really know the meaning of WC. Actually, WC is abbreviation for Water Closet. In Indonesian daily conversation, it means toilet. You can pronounce it as we-se. “E” in “we” and “se” is pronounced similar with “e” in “let”.

Asking Directions to the Toilet in Indonesian

Sometimes, you may want to go to the toilet in the middle of your vacation. If you want to ask the directions to the locals, you may want to try asking using their language.

Here are several sentences you can use to ask Indonesians about directions to the toilet:

  • Formal way

Could you tell me where the toilet is please?

Permisi, boleh tanya kamar kecilnya ada di mana?

Di mana letak kamar kecilnya?

  • Informal way

Could you tell me where the toilet is?

Toiletnya ada di mana ya?

WC-nya ada di mana ya?

Di mana toiletnya?

Di mana WC-nya?

Asking Permission to Go to the Toilet in Indonesian

In several events, or when visiting someone, sometimes you have to ask for permission to go to the toilet or to use their toilet. You may want to ask for apologies if needed. Here are several Indonesian sentences that you can use:

  • Formal way

Can I use your toilet please?

Permisi, bolehkah saya menggunakan kamar kecil?

May I go to the toilet please?

Permisi, bolehkah saya pergi ke kamar kecil?

  • Informal way

Can I use your toilet?

Boleh nggak aku pake toilet?

Boleh nggak aku pake WC kamu?

May I go to the toilet?

Boleh nggak aku pergi ke toilet?

Boleh nggak aku pergi ke WC?

That’s all about how to say toilet in Indonesian. Hope this information will be helpful. Thank you for reading.

Categories: Vocabulary