A-Z Indonesian Words for Direction Plus Clear Examples

When in Indonesia, what do you think is more important than learning common phrase? Yes, you are right. Learning direction in Bahasa Indonesia is as important as other subject. Understanding Indonesian words for direction will help you get around easily with less chance of getting loss. Also learn Indonesian words for transport.

Some of you may rely on GPS map for getting to once place and another. But it is hard to admit that sometimes GPS is not working well in the country for many reasons. Whether it is because of poor internet connection and signal or isolated places, you will need to ask for direction to the local residents.

Indonesian Words for Direction

Here are some words related to direction in Bahasa Indonesia.

  • Arah – direction
  • Kanan – right
  • Kiri – left
  • Belok kanan – turn right
  • Belok kiri – turn left
  • Perempatan – intersection
  • Pertigaan – T-Junction
  • Lampu lalulintas – traffic light
  • Belok – turn
  • Putar balik – turn around
  • Belokan kedua – second turn
  • Tempat penyeberangan – zebra cross
  • Lurus – straight
  • Berhenti – stop
  • Tempat parkir – parking lot
  • Jalan – street, road
  • Jalan kembar – boulevard
  • Jalan layang – flyover
  • Jalan tol – highway
  • Trotoar – sidewalks
  • Jembatan penyeberangan – pedestrian bridge
  • Rambu lalu lintas – traffic sign
  • Kerucut jalanan – traffic cone
  • Maju – forward
  • Mundur – backward, retreat
  • Turun – go down
  • Melewati – pass
  • Pelan – slow down
  • Berliku – zig-zag
  • jarak – distance

Arah angin – wind direction

You may never think that you will need to learn wind direction in bahasa Indonesia. The fact is Indonesians commonly use it to show direction. Also learn more high frequency words in Indonesia.

  • Utara – north
  • Barat laut – northwest
  • Timur laut – northeast
  • Selatan – south
  • Tenggara – southeast
  • Barat daya – southwest
  • Timur – east
  • Barat – west 

Asking for direction example 1

Now you know the Indonesian words for direction and wind direction. Let’s use the words in sentence.

James: Permisi. Apakah anda tahu dimana Hotel A?

Polisi: Oh, hotel A. Anda bisa berjalan kearah utara melalui jalan kembar itu kemudian belok ke kanan kira –kira 100 meter. Di sebelah kiri anda akan terlihat Hotel A.

James: Penjelasan yang rinci. Terima kasih atas bantuannya.

Indonesian Translate:

James: Excuse me. Do you know where Hotel A is?

Police: Oh, Hotel A. you can walk straight to the north through that boulevard and then turn right for about 100 meters. You will see Hotel A on your left.

James: very clear explanation. Thank you for the help.

Related: Useful Indonesian Phrase and Words.  

Example 2

Joe: Hai, saya Joe, murid baru di sekolah ini.

Mira: Hai juga, saya Mira. Ada yang bisa aku bantu?

Joe: Bisakah kamu memberitahu saya dimana ruang kepala sekolah? Saya harus menyerahkan surat rekomendasi ini.

Mira: Tentu saja. Jalan lurus melewati ruang kelas A, B, dan C, kemudian belok kanan.Nanti kamu akan melihat ruang kepala sekolah di ujung lorong.

Joe: Saya mengerti. Terima kasih infonya dan sampai jumpa lagi.

Mira: Sama-sama. Sampai jumpa besok.

Indonesian Translate:

Joe: Hi, I am Joe, new student in this school.

Mira: Hi there, I am Mira. Is there anything I can help you?

Joe: Can you tell me where the headmaster office is? I have to submit this recommendation letter.

Mira: Sure. You can walk straight passing the A, B, and C class, then turn left. You will see the headmaster’s office in the end of the hall.

Joe: I get it. Thanks for the info and see you later.

Mira: you’re welcome and see you tomorrow.

Related: Indonesian everyday phrase.

Examples 3:

Hera: Hai James, apakah kamu tahu seberapa jauh Monah ke Hotal A?

James: Aku enggak yakin sih, tapi kira-kira 4 kilometer.

Hera: Wah, cukup jauh juga ya.

James: Kalau terlalu jauh dengan jalan kaki. Kamu bisa naik taksi saja. Ada banyak taksi di jalan utama.

Hera: Ide bagus tuh. Terima kasih James.

Indonesian Translate:

Hera: Hi James, do you know how far it takes to Monas from Hotel A?

James: I am not sure, but I think it is around 4 kilometers.

Hera: Wow, it is quite far away.

James: if it is too far to walk, you can get a taxi. There are plenty of them in the main street.

Hera: good idea. Thanks James.

Related: Indonesian language examples

Additional note:

When asking for direction to Indonesian, you may be surprised when they use meter and kilometer for showing distance. Yes, Indonesians use meter and kilometer, instead of miles or yard to show distance. If you usually use miles, yard, or block, you may need to understand the conversion between those two.

The kilometer system is also used when showing speed and other distance-related matter. Other measurement is rarely used in daily life.

When learning a language, practice is important. The more you practice will make you understand the language better. From the conversation examples, you can try to ask for direction to local people. Happy trying.

Categories: Vocabulary