How to Teach Bahasa Indonesia to Foreigners – Tips and Guidances

Language is the most important thing we need to know in order to communicate with people. We can learn more than one languages- instead of our original language- to let us know about other countries’ language. If you want to learn about other countries’ language, you can have many benefits. One of the benefit is you can interact and communicate well with the native, and you won’t get into any troubles when you are going to other countries. One of the countries for foreigners to go, which has many beautiful places for tourism is Indonesia.

If you already able to speak and understand Bahasa Indonesia, that means you are able to teach Bahasa Indonesia to foreigners. It doesn’t matter whether you are a native or a foreigner that is fluent in Bahasa, you can still teach foreigners about the Indonesian Language. In order to help you on teaching Bahasa Indonesia to Foreigners, here is the article about how to teach Bahasa Indonesia to Foreigners.

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Practice More to Help You Understand More About Bahasa Indonesia

This is definitely the most important thing before you start teaching the foreigners about Bahasa Indonesia. By practicing more, you can be more fluent in Bahasa, and that means you can teach the foreigners easily. Remember that when people learn about new language, most of them are going to ask a lot of questions about the language.

Especially in Bahasa Indonesia, there are many things that is different from English as the International Language, such as the pronunciation, grammar, etc. You definitely need to practice more Bahasa Indonesia, in order to help you answer any questions from the foreigners.

Be Brave to Promote Yourself to The Foreigners

This Is one of the important thing for you before you offer yourself to teach Bahasa Indonesia to foreigners. You don’t need to master it first, because you can be better in Bahasa Indonesia by the time you teach other people about it. If you can promote yourself, and you can convince the foreigners to trust you on teaching them about Bahasa Indonesia, it will make you easier to teach them.

Start Teaching From the Basic Bahasa Indonesia

If you have already decided to teach Bahasa Indonesia to foreigners, you should start teaching them from the basic Indonesian. As you know, the basic contains the pronunciation, daily conversation, vocabularies, etc. Here are the examples of the daily conversation (basic Bahasa Indonesia)

1. Greetings (Salam)

  • Selamat pagi, pak = good morning, sir
  • Selamat siang, bu = good afternoon ma’am
  • Selamat malam, kawan = good evening / good night, friend
  • Apa kabar? = what is going on? / how are you?
  • Lama tak jumpa = long time no see

2. Farewell (Perpisahan)

  • Sampai jumpa kembali / sampai jumpa = good bye/ see you again / see you soon
  • Hati-hati di jalan = be careful / take care
  • Senang berjumpa dengan anda = nice to see you

3. Date and time (Tanggal dan Waktu)

  • Tanggal berapa sekarang?/ = what date is it today?
  • Jam berapa sekarang/ pukul berapa sekarang? = what time is it now?
  • Sekarang sudah jam 4 sore = it is already 4 p.m
  • Hari ini tanggal 19 desember 2018 = today is 19 December 2018

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Find many references to improve the Bahasa Indonesia skill

Learning without understanding means nothing. Especially in learning Bahasa Indonesia, you are going to need to learn from anywhere. You can give the recommendations for the foreigners you teach in order to help them improve Bahasa Indonesia.

Some of the recommendations, such as learning Bahasa Indonesia from movies, songs, books, videos on the internet (especially Youtube, because it has many great contents), etc. You can also remind your students, in order to master or be fluent in anything, we need to learn about it from many sources, and we need to practice it everyday.

Ask for the help from native

This is one of the important thing to do, if you are not a native Indonesian who teaches foreigners about Indonesian Language. Ask for the help, such as correcting any mistaken grammar, basic Bahasa Indonesia, etc to the native Indonesian can let you know if you have any mistaken in learning Bahasa Indonesia.

Remember, even though you think that you have mastered Bahasa Indonesia, you still need the guidance from the native (because Bahasa Indonesia is their mother tongue). Feel free to ask the native, because they will teach you and guide you on learning Bahasa Indonesia. Once you have learned from the native, that means you are better prepared to teach Bahasa Indonesia to foreigners.

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Practice more with the Foreigners

Remember, learning without practicing can not make you fluent and a master at anything. If you want to get the maximum and the best skill, you are going to need to practice it more and do not stop practicing. You can teach this practicing Indonesian Language method everyday with your students. This will help them to be more fluent in Bahasa Indonesia, and also it has a good benefit for you too.

That is all for the how to teach Bahasa Indonesia to foreigners article. You can follow the information above in order to teach Bahasa Indonesia. Remember to be patient, and enjoy teaching.

Categories: Learning