5 Types of Indonesian Adverbs (Grammar and Examples)

Selamat datang di Mastering Bahasa! Welcome to Mastering Bahasa. We believe you are here to learn more about Indonesian language. As one of the language that is largely spoken, Indonesian language is much simpler than English. If you don’t believe us, you can check Indonesian Grammar. In this article, we are going to teach you about Indonesian Adverbs.

If you have seen Indonesian Vocabulary served in this page, then this article will be no brainier for you! In this article of Indonesian Adverbs, we will serve more complete version of Indonesian Adverbs!

In Indonesia, Indonesian people define Adverbs as “Kata Keterangan.” So Indonesian Adverbs, as what English Adverbs are, is used to define any kind of sentences. A quick example, in Indonesian we may say “Saya lapar” (I am hungry). Then we can add Indonesain Adverbs of “sekarang” (now) which is an adverb of time. Therefore, the complete sentence will be “Saya lapar sekarang”. (I am hungry now) A simple Indonesian Adverb that define the sentence completely!

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That is all of the Indonesian Adverbs example. Now let’s start for our overall Indonesian Adverbs!

1. Indonesian Adverbs of Time

Here are the list of Indonesian Adverbs of Time:

Keterangan Waktu[/th] [th]Adverbs of Time

Kemarin[/td] [td] Yesterday

Besok[/td] [td]Tomorrow

Lusa[/td] [td]The Day after Tomorrow

Pagi[/td] [td]Morning

Siang[/td] [td]Afternoon

Sore[/td] [td]Evening

Malam[/td] [td]Night

Seminggu[/td] [td]A Week

Minggu Depan[/td] [td]Next Week 

Minggu Lalu[/td] [td]Last Week

Sebulan [/td] [td]A Month

Bulan Depan[/td] [td]Next Month

Bulan Lalu[/td] [td]Last Month

Setahun[/td] [td]A Year

Tahun Depan[/td] [td]Next Year

Tahun Lalu[/td] [td]Last Year 

Sekarang[/td] [td]Now

Nanti[/td] [td]Later

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Grammar Adverbs:

  • Besok = Tomorrow
    Saya akan kembali lagi besok.
    I will come back tomorrow.
  • Lusa = The Day after tomorrow.
    Maafkan saya, pak. Saya berjanji akan membawakan tugas saya lusa.
    I am so sorry, sir. I promise I will bring my task the day after tomorrow.
  • Pagi = Morning
    Pagi ini kucing saya muntah di kasur saya.
    This morning my cat threw up on my bed.
  • Siang = Afternoon
    Presiden Direktur akan melakukan inspeksi mendadak siang
    The director president will have a sudden inspection this afternoon.
  • Sore = Evening
    Nanti sore ibu saya akan mengunjungi ibu kamu di rumah sakit.
    Later this evening my mother will visit your mother at the hospital.
  • Malam = Night
    Beberapa kelelawar masuk ke dalam ruang tamu setiap malam.
    Some bats are entering the front room every night.
  • Seminggu = A week
    Perkemahan sekolah diadakan selama seminggu.
    The school camp is held for a week.
  • Minggu Depan = Next Week
    Roti ini tidak layak konsumsi minggu depan.
    This bread cannot be consumed next week.
  • Minggu Lalu = Last Week
    Dia dan kekasihnya telah memutuskan hubungan sejak minggu lalu.
    He and his girlfriend had broken up since last week.
  • Sebulan = A month
    Orientasi mahasiswa di Fakultas Seni diadakan selama sebulan.
    The college student orientation of Art Faculty is held in a month.
  • Bulan Depan = Next Month
    Ayah akan berangkat ke Taiwan bulan depan.
    Father will go to Taiwan next month.
  • Bulan Lalu = Last Month
    Ibu sudah bekerja keras menjual jajanan pasar sejak bulan lalu.
    Mother has been working hard to sell street foods since last month.
  • Setahun = A Year
    Saya telah menjadi mahasiswa di universitas ini selama setahun.
    I have been a college student in this university for a year.
  • Tahun Depan = Next Year
    Saya ingin mengikuti pelatihan memasak tahun depan.
    I want to join the cooking training next year.
  • Tahun Lalu = Last Year
    Kakek saya meninggal dunia tahun lalu.
    My grandfather passed away last year.
  • Sekarang = Now
    Saya sedang mengerjakan proyek ini sekarang.
    I am doing this project now.
  • Nanti = Later
    Saya akan menghubungi anda nanti.
    I will call you later.

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2. Indonesian Adverbs of Manner

Here are the list of Indonesian Adverbs of Manner:

Keterangan Sikap[/th] [th]Adverbs of Manner

Dengan Sedih[/td] [td]Sadly

Dengan Senang[/td] [td]Happily

Dengan Gembira[/td] [td]Excitedly

Dengan Marah[/td] [td]Angrily

Dengan Ceroboh[/td] [td]Clumsily

Dengan Cepat[/td] [td]Quickly

Dengan Perlahan[/td] [td]Slowly

Dengan Senang[/td] [td]Gladly

Dengan Hati-Hati[/td] [td]Carefully

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Adverbs of Manner:

  • Dengan sedih = Sadly
    Eugene menceritakan hubungannya dengan kekasihnya dengan sedih.
    Eugene tells about his relationship with his girlfriend sadly.
  • Dengan Senang = Happily
    Adikku membeli barang-barang di toko mainan dengan senang.
    My brother buys stuffs in the toy store happily.
  • Dengan Gembira = Excitedly
    Dengan gembira, Alexandra berjalan-jalan di lorong rumah sakit setelah diopname sebulan.
    Excitedly, Alexandra walks in the hospital hallway after being hospitalized for a month.
  • Dengan marah = Angrily
    Ayah menasihati kakakku dengan marah.
    Father is advising my brother angrily.
  • Dengan Ceroboh = Clumsily.
    Alberto menjatuhkan buku-bukunya dengan ceroboh.
    Alberto is dropping his books clumsily.
  • Dengan Cepat = Quickly.
    Sony menembakkan bola basket ke dalam ring dengan cepat.
    Sony shoots the basketball to the ring quickly.
  • Dengan Perlahan = Slowly
    Dengan perlahan, pelayan menuangkan te ke dalam cangkir.
    Slowly, the waiter pours tea to the cup.
  • Dengan Senang, = Gladly
    Dengan Senang, kepala sekolah menerima piala atas kemenangan sekolah dalam lomba debat Bahasa Inggris.
    Gladly, the headmaster receives a trophy for the school’s victory in the English Debate Competition.
  • Dengan hati-hati = Carefully
    Pelukis mewarnai kanvas dengan hati-hati.
    The painter colors the canvas carefully.

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3. Conjunct Indonesian Adverbs

Here are the list of Indonesian Adverbs:

Keterangan Penghubung[/th] [th]Conjunct Adverbs

Tapi[/td] [td]But

Namun / Akan Tetapi[/td] [td]However

Jadi[/td] [td]So

Oleh sebab itu[/td] [td]Therefore

Lalu / Kemudian[/td] [td]Then

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Grammar Adverbs

  • Tapi = But
    Saya senang kamu datang tapi tidak di waktu yang tepat.
    I am glad you come but not in the right time.
  • Namun = However
    Kepala Sekolah kecewa dengan para guru namun tidak memarahi mereka.
    The head master is disappointed with the teacher however he does not scold them.
    b. Akan tetapi = However
    Kepala Sekolah kecewa dengan para guru akan tetapi tidak memarahi mereka.
    The head master is disappointed with the teacher however he does not scold them.
  • Karenanya = So
    Uang saku saya habis jadi saya tidak bisa pulang ke rumah dengan bus kota.
    My allowance has ran out so I cannot go home with city bus.
  • Oleh sebab itu = Therefore
    Ibu marah. Oleh sebab itu ibu tidak mau melihat saya.
    My mother is angry. Therefore she does not want to look at me.
  • Lalu = Then
    Betty memakan sarapannya lalu berlari keluar rumah.
    Betty ate her breakfast then ran outside the house.
    b. Kemudian = Then
    Betty memakan sarapannya kemudian berlari keluar rumah.
    Betty ate her breakfast then ran outside the house.

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4. Interrogative Adverbs

Here are the list of Indonesian Adverbs:

Keterangan Tanya[/th] [th]Interrogative Adverbs

Apa[/td] [td]What

Kapan[/td] [td]When

Dimana[/td] [td]Where

Mengapa / Kenapa[/td] [td]Why

Siapa[/td] [td]Who

(Yang) Mana [/td] [td]Which

Milik Siapa[/td] [td]Whose

Bagaimana[/td] [td]How

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Grammar Adverbs:

  • Apa = What
    Untuk apa kamu membaca kamus bahasa Spanyol itu?
    For what you read the Spanish dictionary?
  • Kapan = When
    Kapan orang tuamu datang ke rumahku?
    When your parents come to my house?
  • Dimana = Where
    Dimana kamu berada sekarang?
    Where are you now?
  • Mengapa = Why
    Mengapa kamu terlambat memberitahuku untuk segalanya?
    Why are you late to tell me everything?
    b. Kenapa = Why
    Kenapa kamu terlambat memberitahuku untuk segalanya?
    Why are you late to tell me everything.
  • Siapa = Who
    Dengan siapa kamu berjalan ke sekolah?
    With who you walk to school?
  • (Yang) Mana = Which
    Yang mana di antara kalian yang memecahkan vas kesayangan pak Guru?
    Which one of you who breaks our teacher’s beloved vase?
  • Milik siapa = Whose
    Botol minuman ini milik siapa?
    water bottle is this?
  • Bagaimana = How
    Bagaimana caranya kamu bisa mengalahkan musuh dari sekolah lain?
    How can you defeat the enemies from other schools?

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  1. Adverbs of Frequency

Here are the list of Indonesian Adverbs of Frequency:

Adverbia Frekuensi[/th] [th]Adverbs of Frequency

Selalu[/td] [td]Always

Sering[/td] [td]Often

Frequently[/td] [td]Seringkali

Biasanya[/td] [td]Usually

Kadang-kadang / Terkadang[/td] [td]Sometimes

Jarang[/td] [td]Seldom

Jarang Sekali[/td] [td]Rarely

Sekali-kali[/td] [td]Occasionally

Hampir Tidak Pernah[/td] [td]Hardly Ever

Tidak Pernah[/td] [td]Never

Setiap Hari[/td] [td]Daily

Setiap Minggu[/td] [td]Weekly

Setiap Bulan[/td] [td]Monthly

Setiap Tahun[/td] [td]Annually

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Here are the explanation of Indonesian Grammar Adverbs:

  • Selalu = Always
    Anak ini selalu makan nasi kuning di warnet.
    This kid always eats yellow rice in the internet café.
  • Sering = Often
    Ivan sering berkunjung ke perpustakaan universitas.
    Ivan is often visiting the university library.
  • Frequently = Seringkali
    Seringkali Frank membantu ibunya memasak.
    Frank frequently helps his mother to cook.
  • Biasanya = Usually
    Biasanya adikku mandi jam lima sore.
    Usually my sister has her shower at five in the noon.
  • Kadang-kadang = Sometimes
    Kadang-kadang nenek menjahit pakaian untuk cucu perempuannya.
    Sometimes our grandmother sews dresses for her granddaughter
    b. Terkadang = Sometimes
    Terkadang nenek menjahit pakaian untuk cucu perempuannya.
    Sometimes our grandmother sews dresses for her granddaughter
  • Jarang = Seldom
    Ayah jarang pulang terlambat.
    Our dad seldom comes home late.
  • Jarang Sekali = Rarely
    Sebastian jarang sekali belajar pada waktu tengah malam.
    Sebastian rarely studies in the middle of the night.
  • Sekali-kali = Occasionally
    Mencoba menjadi vegetarian, Hana sekali-kali memakan daging.
    Trying to be a vegetarian, Hana occasionally eats meat.
  • Hampir Tidak Pernah = Hardly Ever
    Lala hampir tidak pernah menuangkan kecap pada baksonya.
    Lala hardly ever pours soysauce to her meat balls.
  • Tidak Penah = Never
    Kakak perempuanku tidak pernah menggunakan gaun.
    My sister never wears dress.
  • Setiap Hari = Daily
    Saya berjalan bersama anjing saya setiap hari.
    I walk with my dog daily.
  • Setiap Minggu = Weekly
    Kami pergi ke taman hiburan setiap minggu.
    We go to amusement park weekly.
  • Setiap Bulan = Monthly
    Ayah menyumbangkan penghasilannya kepada panti asuhan setiap bulan.
    My dad donate his income to an orphanage monthly.
  • Setiap Tahun = Annually
    Artis Jepang itu datang ke Indonesia setiap tahun.
    That Japanese artist comes to Indonesia annually.

Here are more Adverbs in Indonesian:

So those are Indonesian Adverbs. Not that hard right? Please stay tune in Mastering Bahasa as we update our articles frequently! Terima Kasih! Sampai Jumpa lagi!

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Categories: Adverbs