Indonesian and English Conversation at the Market (Phrases and Examples)

Indonesian and English Conversation at the Market

Indonesia has the fourth biggest populace in a nation all through the world. So that thus make Indonesian Population among the most astounding rundown of clients of dialects that are utilized. Indonesian viewed its dialect as the official dialect of Indonesia. At that point, Indonesian Language ordinarily known as Bahasa Indonesia. It’s an individual from the Malay-Polynesian dialect family alongside utilization in Malaysia and Philippines.

Bahasa Indonesia is known as a dialect that is made authority in 1928 amid youth of vow development. In the 1930s, as a feature of the autonomy development, the Indonesian dialect was finished and the term Bahasa Indonesia was embraced as the name of the dialect.

Bahasa Indonesia is an institutionalized lingo that originated from Malay. It has been utilized as a default dialect in the Indonesian archipelago for a considerable length of time. The dialect accomplished the status of an official utilization with the presentation of autonomy of Indonesia from the Japan in 1945.

Bahasa Indonesia, a fundamental adaptation of Malay, is the 6th most generally talked dialect on the planet (after Mandarin, English, Hindi, Spanish and Arabic). Along these lines, Indonesian is a second dialect for another 250 million individuals. In excess of 800 nearby dialects are talked in Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesia actually implies the dialect of Indonesia, and is regularly abbreviated by outside speakers as Bahasa. Despite the fact that this word just means dialect, it is comprehended that it alludes to the Indonesian dialect particularly.

Living in Indonesia and talking with the general population will at long last improve you see how to utilize the talked dialect. Bahasa is very mind boggling than different dialects since it develops after some time. Also learn more about Indonesian Conversation Phrases

Helpful Daily Phrases in Indonesia

Past having the capacity to grasp you, local people will be better value your endeavor and they’ll for the most part gave you more prominent regard. To accomplish effective correspondence with Indonesian individuals, you ought to have in any event essentials learning of day by day states. At that point, the reason I assembled you a table of words and expressions in Indonesian beneath which empower you to perform satisfactory typical day by day discussion in the nearby dialect Bahasa.

Bahasa is a simple dialect to examine on the grounds that its verbs typically don’t have numerous structures for linguistic sex, tenses, or plural. Likewise, with only a smidgen of training, the articulation ought not to be risky by any stretch of the imagination. Also learn more about Conversation in Indonesian

The majority of the sentences beneath are utilized for regular daily existence discussions as Daily Phrases in Indonesia, so they may come helpful on the off chance that you become more acquainted with them.

Dealing utilizing Numbers

Knowing a couple of words and expressions of the dialect will dependably assist you with getting better arrangements in Indonesia. As a guidance, endeavor to deal around 30% off the underlying cost offered when you arrange, particularly in tourism territories:

  • 1: Satu
  • 50: Lima puluh
  • 100: Seratus
  • 1000: Seribu
  • 10.000: Sepuluh ribu
  • 100.000: Seratus Ribu
  • 1.000.000: Sejuta

Also learn more about How to Say Indonesian Numbers

Indonesian Conversation at Market Example 

Seller     : Ini buah bagus (this is a good fruit).

Buyer    : Sungguh? Buah apa ini? (Really? What kind of fruit is this?)

Seller     : ini buah semangka. (This is a watermelon.)

Buyer    : Wow, saya suka semangka. (Wow, I like watermelon.)

Seller     : Ini buah khas tropis. (This is a typical tropical fruit.)

Buyer    : Tentu, berapa harganya? (Of course, how much does this cost?)

Seller     : Lima pulih ribu rupiah saja, murah. (It’s cheap. It’s only fifty thousand rupiah.)

Buyer    : Uh, terlalu mahal. (Uh, it’s too expensive.)

Seller    : Ya, tapi ini buah yang bagus. Kalau begitu tiga puluh ribu rupiah saja, silakan. (Yes, but it’s a good one. Thirty thousand, then.)

Buyer    : Okay, saya akan beli. (Okay, I’ll purchase it.)

Seller     : Terima kasih. (Thank you.)

Buyer    : Sama-sama. (You are welcome.)

Also learn more about Indonesian Shopping Phrases

Market-Related Conversation

Shopping Conversation and its meaning

Berapa harga sayur ini? – How much does this vegetable cost?

Buah ppakah ini? – What fruit is this?

Ini apa? – What is this?

Saya ingin buah ini.  – I want this fruit.

Saya ingin membeli ikan ini. – I’ll buy this fish.

Maaf, itu terlalu mahal. -Sorry, that’s too expensive.

Also learn more about Indonesian Bargaining Words for Travelers Shopping Guide.

  • Berapa harganya? = How much does this cost?

This is a typical expression on the off chance that you are shopping in customary market or purchasing road nourishments. A few spots where you are looking up close and personal with the merchant. On the off chance that you are occupied with something, yo can ask the cost with “Berapa harganya?”

  • Apakah ini? Ini apa? = What is this?

In the event that something is new for you, you can ask the vender “Apakah ini?”. The vender will clarify what they are offering for you.

  • Saya ingin ini = I need this.

This is helpful in the event that you are shopping with your Indonesian companion. You can express your fervor in shopping by saying “Saya ingin ini.”

  • Saya membeli ini = I purchase this.

You can state “Saya membeli ini” to the merchant in the event that you need to purchase the thing that draws in you most.

  • Terlalu mahal = Too costly

You can tell the merchant if something is overrated by saying “Terlalu mahal”.

The most effective method to Say No at Market Conversation in Indonesian Language 

Indonesian has various approaches to state “no”.

Tidak (tak, nggak) : “Not” — used to nullify verbs and descriptive words.

Ada daging babi? : (Do you) have a prok?

Tidak ada : (No, I) don’t have.

Daging babi enak? : (Is it a) decent pork?

Tidak baik : (No, it’s) bad.

Bukan (kan) : “No” — used to nullify things.

Ini daging babi? : Is this a pork?

Bukan. Ini ayam : No, it’s most certainly not. It’s a chicken

Belum : “Not yet” — utilized when something has not occurred (yet).

Sudah makan daging babi? : (Did you) as of now eat the pork?

Belum : Actually no, not yet.

Jangan : “Don’t” — to advise someone not to accomplish something.

Jangan makan babi! : Try not to eat the pork

Dilarang : “Forbidden” — utilized for the most part on signs.

Dilarang makan babi : Eating pork is prohibited. Also learn more about How to Say “No Problem” in Indonesia

The Difference with English Culture at the Market

In English culture, the bargaining may not go too complicated. Once the buyer considers the price is too expensive, he will leave the stall immediately. But, if the expensive price is reasonable, he will take it. In Indonesia, that kind of thing will not happen very often. You need to do the bargaining really well in in order to get a reasonable price at the end of it.

One good tips for bargaining at the Indonesian market is that you need to bring a local person you can trust. Make sure that man will not be on the bad seller’s side and go against you and tell you the price is reasonable, which is of course not.

Categories: Conversation