150 Indonesian Everyday Phrases – Meaning and Examples

Halo, mari belajar Bahasa Indonesia! Hello, let’s learn Bahasa Indonesia! Learning Indonesian language will be a lot easier if you practice it in your daily conversations. There are a lot of Indonesian words you need to know as well as phrases that can be used in different areas or topics like Indonesian shopping phrases and Indonesian business phrases.

Indonesian Everyday Phrases to Learn Easily 

You also need to learn these phrases commonly used in everyday life for Indonesians. They can be applied in a wide range of situations and you might encounter them when talking to a fellow Indonesian! Here are the everyday phrases along with the English meaning.

English Phrases Indonesian Phrases
 By the Way  Sambil Lalu/Ngomong-ngomong
English Greetings Indonesian Greetings
Hi! Hai!
Good morning! Selamat pagi
Good evening! Selamat malam
Welcome! (to greet someone) Selamat datang
How are you? Apa kabar?
I’m fine, thanks! Baik, terima kasih
And you? Dan kamu?
Good/ So-So. Baik / Biasa saja
Thank you (very much)! Terima kasih (banyak)!
You’re welcome! (for “thank you”) Kembali (complete form: Terima kasih kembali)
Hey! Friend! Hei teman!
I missed you so much! Saya/ aku sangat or Saya/ aku kangen kamu (informal)
What’s new? Ada kabar baru?
Nothing much Tidak banyak
See you later! Sampai jumpa
Good bye! Selamat tinggal

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Asking for Help and Directions Indonesian Phrases

I’m lost Saya tersesat
Can I help you? Bisa saya bantu?
Can you help me? Bisa bantu saya?
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Kamar (mandi/apotik) dimana?
Go straight! then turn left/ right! lurus terus! lalu belok kiri/kanan!
I’m looking for john. Saya mencari John
One moment please! Tunggu sebentar!
Hold on please! (phone) Tunggu sebentar!
How much is this? ini harganya berapa?
Excuse me …! (to ask for something) Permisi!
Excuse me! ( to pass by) Permisi!

Indonesian Everyday Phrases You Need to Learn 

Come with me! ikutilah saya
How to Introduce Yourself Indonesian Phrases
 I’m Scared Saya takut
Do you speak any language? Apakah kamu bisa berbahasa?
Just a little. Sedikit.
What’s your name? Siapa namamu?
My name is Nama saya
Mr…/ Mrs.…/ Miss… Tuan../ Nyonya../ Nona…
Nice to meet you! Senang bertemu denganmu
You’re very kind! Kamu baik sekali
Where are you from? Dari mana asal kamu?
I’m from the USA Saya dari Amerika
I’m American Saya orang Amerika
Where do you live? Kamu tinggal dimana?
I live in the U.S Saya tinggal di Amerika
Did you like it here? Kamu suka disini?
Indonesia is a wonderful country Indonesia adalah negara yang indah
What do you do for a living? Apa pekerjaanmu?
I work as a translator Saya bekerja sebagai penerjemah
I like Indonesian Saya suka orang Indonesia
I’ve been learning Indonesian for 1 year Saya telah belajar bahasa Indonesia selama setahun
Oh! That’s good! Oh, bagus sekali!
How old are you? Berapa umurmu?
I’m twenty years old. Saya dua puluh tahun
I have to go Saya harus pergi
I will be right back! Saya akan segera kembali

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Indonesian Everyday Phrases to Practice 

Wish Someone Something  Indonesian Phrases
Good luck! Semoga sukses
Happy birthday! Selamat ulang tahun
Happy new year! Selamat tahun baru
Merry Christmas! Selamat hari natal
Congratulations! Selamat
Enjoy! Selamat menikmati
I’d like to visit Indonesia one day Saya ingin mengunjungi Indonesia suatu hari nanti
Say hi to Luana for me Salam untuk Luana dariku
Bless you (when you sneeze) no reaction whatsoever in Indonesia
Good night and sweet dreams! Selamat malam, mimpi indah
Solving a Misunderstanding  Indonesian Phrases
I’m Sorry! (when you don’t hear anything) Maaf…
Sorry (for a mistake you made) Maaf
No Problem! Tidak apa-apa
Can You Say It Again? Bisa tolong diulangi?
Can You Speak Slowly? Bisa bicara pelan-pelan?
Write It Down Please! Tolong tulis
I Don’t Understand! Saya tidak mengerti
I Don’t Know! Saya tidak tahu
I Have No Idea. Saya tidak tahu
What’s That Called In Indonesian? Apa maksudnya dalam bahasa Indonesia?
What Does “maaf” Mean In English? Apa maksudnya “Maaf” dalam bahasa Inggris?
How Do You Say “Please” In Indonesian? Bagaimana kamu berkata “please” dalam bahasa Indonesia?
What Is This? ini apa?
My Indonesian is bad. Bahasa Indonesia saya buruk
I need to practice my Indonesian Saya harus berlatih bahasa Indonesia saya
Don’t worry! Jangan kuatir
Indonesian Expressions and Words  Indonesian Phrases
Good/ Bad/ So-So. Baik/ Buruk/ Biasa saja
Big/ Small Besar/ Kecil
Today/ Now Hari ini/ Sekarang
Tomorrow/ Yesterday Besok/ Kemarin
Yes/ No Ya/ Tidak
Here you go! (when you’re giving something) Ya/ Tidak
Do you like it? Kamu suka ini?
I really like it! Saya suka sekali!
I’m hungry/ thirsty. Saya lapar/haus
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. Pada pagi hari/ Sore hari/ Malam hari
This/ That. Here/There ini/ itu. Disini/ Disana
Me/ You. Him/ Her. Saya/ Kamu. Dia/ Dia
Really! Benar!
Look! Lihat!
Hurry up! Cepat!
What? Where? Apa? Dimana?
What time is it? Jam berapa sekarang?
It’s 07:30pm. Jam setengah delapan malam
Give me this! Berikan pada saya
I love you! Saya cinta kamu
I feel sick. Saya merasa tidak sehat
I need a doctor Saya perlu dokter
One, Two, Three Satu, dua, tiga
Four, Five, Six Empat, lima, enam
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Tujuh, delapan, sembilan, sepuluh

Good luck with these new phrases! Also check out Indonesian grammar exercise  as well as Indonesian sentence structure to make sure you use the language properly.

Categories: Phrases