A-Z Indonesian Inspirational Quotes about Life with English Translation

Welcome back. When we feel down, some motivation and inspiration could be the cure to move on. Every nation has its own public figure. Therefore, why don’t we learn language through Indonesian inspirational quotes about life? In addition, we could also learn some life lesson from them. However, before we start, take a look at these following useful related articles.

Indonesian Inspirational Quotes about Life from some well-known public figure

Here are quotes from some most respected person in Indonesia.

  • Gantungkanlah cita-citamu setinggi langit. Bermimpilah setinggi langit. Jika engkau jatuh, engkau akan jatuh di antara bintang-bintang (Hang your dream as high through the sky. Dream as far as the sky. If you fall, you will fall between the stars) – Ir. Soekarno
  • Kalau perempuan itu baik, maka jayalah negara. Tetapi, kalau perempuan itu buruk, maka runtuhlah negara (If the women are good [kind, educated, happy], a nation will be prosperous, but if it happened the opposite, the nation will fall apart) – Ir. Soekarno
  • Negara Republik Indonesia bukan milik sesuatu golongan, bukan milik sesuatu agama, bukan milik sesuatu suku, bukan milik sesuatu golongan adat istiadat, tetapi milik kita semua dari Sabang sampai Merauke (Indonesian Republic does not belong to certain group, religion, ethnicity, nor certain customs group. It belongs to us, all Indonesians, from Sabang until Merauke) – Ir. Soekarno
    *Sabang is the westernmost region belongs to Indonesia, while Merauke is considered as the easternmost. It is term that used as replacement of ‘whole Indonesia’
  • Ketika seseorang menghina kamu, itu adalah sebuah pujian bahwa selama ini mereka menghabiskan waktu untuk memikirkan kamu, bahkan ketika kamu tidak memikirkan mereka (When someone insult you, it is a praise for you because they spent so much time to think about you, although you did not think about them) – B.J. Habibie
  • Pengalaman tidak bisa dipelajari, harus dilalui (Experiences could not be studied/trained, but it must be passed) – B.J. Habibie
  • Hanya anak bangsa sendirilah yang dapat diandalkan untuk membangun Indonesia, tidak mungkin mengharapkan bangsa lain (Only in our own nation child’s hands we could build Indonesia, no way we could depend on other nation) – B.J. Habibie
    I guess it is implied to all nations, right?
  • Kesempurnaan tidak datang dengan sendirinya. Kesempurnaan harus diupayakan. Kesempurnaan harus dinilai dan hasil pekerjaan harus diawasi (Perfection does not come like magic. It comes from effort. It should be valued and its results must be supervised) – B.J. Habibie
  • Anda tidak boleh diam. Orang-orang bersih tidak boleh dibungkam (You could not be quiet. Good people should not be silenced) – Najwa Shihab
  • Indonesia tak tersusun dari batas peta, tapi gerak dan peran besar kaum muda (Indonesia is not a composed of maps borders, but contribution and movement by the youth) – Najwa Shihab
  • Bukankah melelahkan jika selalu ikut tren, apalagi hanya agar dianggap keren (Isn’t it tiring to always follow the tren, especially only to collect people praises) – Najwa Shihab
  • Bagi saya definisi kemenangan dan keberhasilan itu ada tiga: Selama saya tidak mengkhianati kebenaran, selama saya tidak mengingkari hati nurani, dan selama saya bisa menjaga harga diri san martabat saya (For me, the definition of winning and success consist these three factors: as long as I did not betray the truth, did not disavow conscience, but still mantain my pride and dignity) -Sri Mulyani

Read also: Indonesian High Context Culture

Indonesian Inspirational Quotes about Life from Movie and Books

Beside public figures, you may found the inspiration through movies and books. Here are some of very popular quotes by movies or books.

  • Bagaimanapun semua hal akan berlalu. Suatu hari kita pasti akan terbangun dan tersenyum menyadari bahwa kita telah melewatinya (Nevertheless, everything would gone. One day we would wake up and smile, realize that we have passed through) – Mengejar Matahari (Check also: Indonesian Songs That Help You Learn Bahasa Indonesia)
  • Bermimpilah karena Tuhan akan memeluk mimpi-mimpi itu (Dream! Because God would hug those dreams) – Sang Pemimpi
  • Bahagia itu kita yang ciptain, bukan mereka (Happiness is our own creation, not them) – Radit dan Jani
  • Tertawalah, seisi dunia akan tertawa bersamamu. Jangan bersedih karena kau hanya akan bersedih sendirian (Laugh, a whole world would laugh together with you. Do not be sad because you would griefing on your own) – Laskar Pelangi
  • Berhenti bercita-cita adalah tragedi terbesar hidup manusia (Give up dreaming is the biggest human life tragedy) – Laskar Pelangi 

How’s the quotes? I hope you are inspired to and could add some vocabulary to your mind palace. Hopefully, you would still curious about learning Bahasa Indonesia, both its languages and culture. After learn Indonesian Inspirational Quotes about life, you could also check these following articles. Good luck and keep practice!

Categories: Literature