Indonesian Interjection – Defination – Vocabulary – Example

Bahasa Indonesia is an expressive language. There are numerous interjections to express admiration or satisfaction. In English, we have this kind of expression such as wow, yeay, and more.

Indonesian Interjection

Here are the examples of interjection in Bahasa Indonesia in which some of it has similarity to English. Also learn Indonesian useful expression.

1. Ehem (Ahem) – means ‘Attention, please!”


  • Ehem, nama kamu siapa? (Ahem, what is your name?)
  • Ehem, boleh kenalan enggak? (Ahem, may I know you?)

Also learn how to introduce yourself in Indonesian.

2. Aw – showing hurt or when someone or something hit you.


  • Aw, kenapa kamu memukulku? (Aw, why you hit me?)
  • Aw, kamu menginjak kakiku. (Aw, you step on my foot.)

3. Wow, Wah– showing admiration or satisfaction


  • Wow, pemandangannya cantik sekali. (Wow, what a view.)\
  • Wow, kamu membuat kue ini sendiri? (Wow, you make this cake on yourown?)

Also learn Indonesian idioms and expression.

4. Ah – showing distrust or annoyance

  • Ah, kamu bohong. (Ah, you lie.)
  • Ah! Jangan begitu! (Ah! Don’t be like that!)

5. Cie – used when tease someone


  • Cie! Kamu pacaran ya sama dia. (Cie! You date her, right?)
  • Cie, yang juara kelas. (Cie, you are the class winner.)

6. Hmm – similar to English ‘umm’, use when you are thinking.


  • Hmm, mungkin aku tidak bisa datang. (Umm, I don’t think I can come.)
  • Hmm, kamu saja yang beli. (Umm, you buy it first)

7. Idih, dih– showing disgust or dislike, similar to English ‘yuck.


  • Idih, kamu belum mandi. (Yuck, you do not even take a shower.)
  • Idih, belum sikat gigi sudah makan. (Yuck, you don’t even brush your teeth but have a breakfast.)  

8. Kok – used when something is against the common habit.

Example of Indonesian interjection:

  • Kok, kamu tidak mandi dulu? (Why you do not take a shower first?)
  • Kamu tahu tapi kok diam saja. (you know it why you stay silent.)

9. Ih – similar to English ‘eww’ to show disgust.

Example of Indonesian interjection:

  • Ih, baju kamu kotor sekali. (Eww, your clothes is so dirty.)

10. Astaga – similar to English ‘OMG’, usually used to show shock.


  • Astaga, aku tidak membawa dompet. (OMG, I do not bring my wallet.)
  • Astaga, kamu membuang semua makeup ku. (OMG, you throw away all of my makeup.)

11. Sstt – similar to English ‘hush’ or ‘shh’, usually used to make someone be quiet. Sometimes follow with non-verbal expression such as put the index finger in front of the mouth.


  • Sstt, jangan gaduh. (Shh, stay silent.)
  • Sstt, jangan bilang begitu. (Hush, do not say that.) 

12. Hahaha – showing laughter or joy.

Example of Indonesian interjection:

  • Kamu lucu sekali, hahaha. (you are so funny, hahahah.)
  • Hahaha, film itu lucu sekali. (Hahaha, that film is so funny.)

12. Wkwkwkw – Indonesian version of hahaha. Usually used in text or short messages.


  • Dia lupa pakai topi, wkwkwkwk. (He forgot to wear a hat, wkwkwkwk)

13. Jijay – another version of ‘eww’. Usually use to show disgust.


  • Jijay banget aku sama kecoak. (Eww, I do not like cockroaches.)

14. Ck– similar to English ‘tsk-tsk’. It is the sound you make when disappointed of something.

Example of Indonesian interjection:

  • Ck, lama banget sih. (Tsk, why it takes so long.)
  • Ck, kenapa kamu lupa membawanya? (Tsk, why you forget to bring it?)

15. Woy – similar to English, ‘hey’. It is usually used to call someone or informal greeting.


  • Woy, kemana aja kok enggak pernah kelihatan? (hey, where have you been?)
  • Woy, jangan diam saja. (hey, say something!)

Also learn Indonesian greeting customs.

16. Aduh, duh – to show annoyance, hurt, and dislike.


  • Aduh, kamu meninjak kakiku. (Aww, you step on my foot.)
  • Duh, kamu dibilangi kok enggak nurut. (Ugh, you never listen to what I say.)

17. Oh – showing realization.

Example of Indonesian interjection:

  • Oh, kamu sudah punya bukunya. (Oh, you own the book.)

18. Hore – similar to English ‘hooray’. Usually use to show exclamation of joy.


  • Hore, ayah sudah pulang. (Hooray, dad is home.)
  • Hore, kamu beli snack favoritku. (Hooray, you bought my favourite snack.) 

19. Ya, ampun – similar to English ‘Oh my god’. Usually used to show shock or annoyance.


  • Ya ampun, aku lupa mematikan lampu. (Oh my god, I forgot to turn of the lamp.)
  • Ya ampun, kenapa kau tidak memakai sandal? (Oh my god, why you do not wear slipper?)

20. Sialan – similar to English ‘shoot’ or ‘sh*t’. showing anger and annoyance.


  • Sialan, ponselku rusak lagi. (Sh*t, my smartphone is broken again.)
  • Sialan, aku dapat nilai jelek lagi. (Shoot, I got bad mark again.)

21. Oke – similar to English ‘okay’. Usually used to show approval.


  • Oke, nanti kita beli nasi goreng. (Okay, we are going to buy fried rice later.)

22. Ayo, ayuk – similar to English, ‘come on’, usually used to show invitation.


  • Ayo, nanti kita terlambat. (Come on, we are so late.)

Also learn verbal and non-verbal communication in Indonesia.

The use of interjection is usually followed with non-verbal expression such as shaking head, nodding, put index finger in front of the mouth, and other expression. Even if there is no exact translation of interjection, most people understand the meaning from the facial expression used.

Categories: Phrases