20 Indonesian Quotes with English Translation

Reading is one great way to enrich vocabulary. Though reading, you can open the gate of knowledge and learn the language at the same time. Well, reading in this term does not necessarily to be a book reading. It can be articles, news, or even quote reading. Speaking of quotes, there are numbers of Indonesian quotes with profound meaning which surely will improve your language comprehension. Also learn more about Indonesian Idioms and Proverbs.

  1. “ Jika kalian ingin menjadi pemimpin yang besar, menulislah seperti wartawan dan bicaralah seperti orator.” (HOS Tjokroaminoto)
    Translate: If you want to be a great leader, then write like a journalist and speak up like an orator.
  2. “Kemarin adalah kenangan, esok adalah harapan, tapi yang terpenting, hari ini adalah kenyataan yang harus dijalani baik-baik.” (Merry Riana)
    Translate: Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a hope, but most importantly, today is a reality which should be done well.
  3. “Kebosanan itu kejam, tetapi kesepian lebih biadab dari pada kebosanan. Kesepian adalah salah satu penderitaan manusia yang paling pedih.” (Andrea Hirata in novel ‘Ayah’)
    Translate: Boredom is cruel, but loneliness is more barbarous than boredom. Loneliness is one of the most dreadful human’s grieves. Also learn quotes from Indonesian presidents.
  4. “Jangan pernah menyerah jika kamu masih ingin mencoba. Jangan biarkan penyesalan datang karena kamu selangkah lagi untuk menang.” (RA Kartini)
    Translate: Do not ever give up if you still want to try. Do not let regret come because you are one more step to win.
  5. “Saat suatu hubungan berakhir, bukan berarti orang berhenti saling mencintai. Mereka hanya berhenti saling menyakiti.” (RA Kartini)
    Translate: When a relationship comes to an end, it does not mean people stop loving each other. They just stop to hurt each other. Also learn about Indonesian romantic quotes.
  6. “Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit tapi selama ia tak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam masyarakat dan dari sejarah.” (Pramoedya Ananta Toer)
    Translate: People may become as smart as the sky but as long as they do not write, they will be forgotten in the society and from history.
  7. “Jika ada yang sudah menyentuh inti jantungmu, mereka yang datang kemudian hanya menyentuh kemungkinan.” (from a movie ‘Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2)
    Translate: If there is someone who ever touched the core of your heart, those who come after only touch possibility.
  8. “Carilah orang yang enggak perlu meminta apa-apa, tapi kamu mau memberikan segalanya.” (Dee Lestari in novel ‘Perahu Kertas’)
    Translate: Find someone who does not need to ask for anything, but you are willing to give everything. Also learn about Indonesian popular phrases.
  9. “Bermimpilah, karena Tuhan akan memeluk mimpi-mimpi itu.” (Andrea Hirata in novel ‘Sang Pemimpi’)
    Translate: Dream up, because God will hug those dreams.
  10. “Kita tidak akan pernah benar-benar berhenti mencintai seseorang. Kita hanya belajar untuk hidup tanpa mereka.” (Winna Efendi in novel ‘Unforgettable’)
    Translate: We will never actually learn to stop loving someone. We just learn to live without them.
  11. “Jagalah namamu, jangan sampai disebut pengkhianat negara.” (Jenderal Gatot Subroto)
    Translate: Mind your name, do not let it called as national traitor.
  12. “Sebagai pengarang saya lebih percaya kepada kekuatan kata daripada kekuatan peluru yang gaungnya hanya akan berlangsung sekian bagian dari menit bahkan detik.” (Pramoedya Ananta Toer)
    Translate: As an author, I believe more in the power of words than the power of bullets which the echo will only last in some parts of minute even seconds. 
  13. “Hiduplah untuk memberi yang sebanyak-banyaknya, bukan untuk menerima yang sebanyak-banyaknya.” (Andrea Hirata in novel ‘Laskar Pelangi’)
    Translate: Live to give as much as you can, not to receive as much as you can.
  14. “Tertawalah, seisi dunia akan tertawa bersamamu, jangan bersedih karena kau hanya kaan bersedih sendirian.” (Andre Hirata in novel ‘Edensor’)
    Translate: Laugh, the entire world will laugh with you, do not be sad because you will only be sad alone.
  15. “Tidak ada niat yang baik yang boleh dicapai dengan cara buruk, dan sebaliknya tidak ada niat buruk yang berubah baik meski dilakukan dengan cara-cara baik.” (Tere Liye in novel ‘Rembulan Tenggelam Diwajahmu’)
    Translate: There is no good intention which should be achieved in an evil way, and on the contrary there is no evil intention which turns out good even if it is done in good ways.

Also learn about Indonesian proverbs with English equivalent.

Indonesian quotes mostly come from nationalists, litterateurs, authors, movies, and so much more. Most people use those famous quotes as motivation in life or simply as social media status or caption. How about you? Is there any quotes which suits your feeling?

Categories: Literature