120 Indonesian Romantic Quotes to Express – Meaning

Good thing you are here. Sometimes learning a language can be quite boring but you can ignite the spirit back through inspirational and romantic quotes. Indonesians mostly use romantic quote when they are about to ask someone for a date. In Bahasa Indonesia, it is known as ‘gombal’.

Indonesian Romantic Quotes

Gombal is an Indonesian slang refers to overly sweet talk, too sweet it can give you chill in the spine. Many romantic quotes are used to seduce someone or mostly for fun. However, you can definitely use some of these romantic quotes to express your feeling to the one you love.

Also learn Funny Indonesian Jokes.

  • Kamu memang bukan yang pertama dihidupku, tapi kamu yang terakhir untukku (You are indeed not the first in my life, but you are surely the last one for me).
  • Bahagia bukanlah memiliki semua yang kita cintai. Bahagia itu mencintai semua yang kita miliki (Happiness does not necessarily means to own everything that we love. Happiness is to love everything we already own).
  • Saya belajar agar tidak memaksa orang yang saya cintai untuk mencintai saya (I learn not to force the one I love to love me).

Related: Quotes from Indonesian presidents

  • Cinta bukan masalah berjanji untuk tidak saling menyakiti tapi berjanji untuk tetap bertahan ketika salah satu tersakiti (Love is not a matter of promise not to hurt each other but it is a promise not leave when one of us is hurt).
  • Ingat, yang terbaik tidak akan pernah pergi (remember, the right one will not going to leave).
  • Ketika cinta dipisahkan oleh jarak, maka disaat itulah sesorang diajarkan tentang arti ketulusan dan kesetiaan cinta yang sebenarnya. (When distance split the love, only then someone learns the truest meaning of loyalty and sincerity).
  • Karena hati tidak perlu memilih, ia selalu tahu kemana harus berlabuh. (Because the heart does not need to choose, it always knows where to anchor). – Quote from a novel, Perahu Kertas by Dee Lestari.
  • Bahagia itu sederhana, sesederhana kamu tersenyum dan bersyukur dengan apa yang sudah kamu punya. (Happiness is simple, as simple as you smile and gratefull on what you have owned).
  • Yang terbaik bukanlah yang datang dengan segala kelebihanya namun yang tidak pergi karena segala kekurangan kita. (The best person is not the one who come with all his/her excess, but the one who does not leave because of our lack).
  • Kadang kamu harus melepaskan, bukan karena tidak cinta, tapi karena kamu lebih mencintai dirimu yang terus terluka. (Sometimes you have let her/him go, not because you do no longer love them, but because you love yourself more who continuously get hurt).

Also learn Indonesian Popular phrases.

  • Cinta bisa datang dan pergi kapan saja, tapi cinta sejati pasti datang tepat pada waktunya. (Love may come and go at anytime, but a true love will definitely come in the right time).
  • Apa nasihat terbaik untuk orang yang jatuh hati? Hati-hati dengan hati. (What is the best advice for those who fall in love? Be careful with heart).
  • Puncak kangen paling dahsyat adalah ketika dua orang tak saling menelepon, tak saling SMS, BBM-an. Tapi diam-diam keduanya saling mendoakan. (The most powerful pinnacle of longing is when to people no longer call each other, no longer send texts and BBM. But both pray for each other in silent). – From a poem by Sujiwo Tejo.
  • Jarak hanyalah cara Tuhan untuk membuat kita memperjuangkan bahagia. (Distance is only a God way to make us pursue happiness.)
  • Jika doa bukan sebuah permintaan, setidaknya itu adalah sebuah pengakuan atas kelemahan diri manusia di hadapan Tuhannya. (If a pray is not a form or request, at least it is a form of confession for the weakness of a human in front of his God.) – a quote from Indonesian writer, Pidi Baiq.
  • Aku ingin bersamamu cuma pada dua waktu: Sekarang dan Selamanya. (I want to be with you only in two times: Now and Forever.)

Also learn Indonesian words of wisdom. Here are more Indonesian romantic quotes.

  • Cinta itu seperti sakit pungung. Enggak kelihatan di X-Ray, tapi kamu sadar itu ada. (Love is like a back pain. It does not visible in X-Ray, but you realize it is there.)
  • Aku tidak tahu bagaimana cara cemburu. Meski kamu meninggakan aku, aku tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa. Aku hanya bisa mencintaimu. (I do not know how to get jealous. Even when you leave me, I can do nothing. The only thing I can do is to love you).

Also learn Indonesian useful expression.

  • Kita harus janji, apapun warnamu kita tetap akan satu. (We have to make promis, whatever your color, we will still together).
  • Aku tidak bisa berjanji untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Tapi aku berjanji akan selalu mendampingi kamu. (I cannot promise to be the best. But I can promise to always there beside you). – quote from a movie, Habibie & Ainun. Read: Indonesian Words for I Love You

I have to agree with you that most of these quotes are beautiful and inspirational. Make sure to express your feeling with these Indonesian Romantic Quotes.

Categories: Phrases