5 Types of Indonesian Reading Comprehension with Examples

Indonesian Reading Comprehension

Reading is an effective way to learn a language. Through extensive reading, you can learn new vocabularies and improve your grammar. In Indonesia, the government has a specific program called ‘Indonesia Membaca’ which encourages the people to read. Reading in this context does not necessarily means to read literature or science book, but it means to read articles, news, and other kind of texts.

In Bahasa Indonesia, texts are divided into five forms. The classification of texts for reading comprehension is based on sentence structure and certain criteria. Here are the text classifications for Indonesian reading comprehension.

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1. Description text in Indonesian Language 

Description text is a text which explains or describes an object from certain point of view. The main purpose of this text is to share information and makes reader feel the experience of the writer. Description text is then classified into two according to the structure which are identification and description text.


Gunung Bromo adalah sebuah gunung berapi aktif yang terletak di Jawa Timur dan termasuk dalam kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru. Terletak di ketinggian 2392 meter, Gunung Bromo menyuguhkan pemandangan matahari terbit yang menakjubkan. Untuk menuju Gunung Bromo, pengunjung bisa melalui salah satu jalur yang tersedia di tiga kota yaitu Malang, Pasuruan, dan Probolinggo.


Mount Bromo is an active volcano located in East Java and included in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Located in 2392 meter above the sea, Mount Bromo is a perfect place to spot magical sunrise. To get to Mount Bromo, tourists can go through one of the available track in three towns which are Malang, Pasuruan, and Probolinggo.

2. Narration text in Indonesian Language 

Narration text is a kind of fiction and non-fiction text which tells a story with clear plot and time chronology based on the author whim. The main purpose of narration text is to entertain the reader. Narration text includes novels, short stories, autobiography, biography, roman, and the like. Also learn more about Indonesian exclamations guide.


Tepat hari ini, Ganda sudah menunggunya selama dua tahun. Masih teringat dengan jelas senyum dan tatapan hangat itu, namun semuanya semakin kabur. Tidak adalagi kabar dari Karin, tidak telpon ataupun SMS. Gadis itu bagai ditelan bumi dan membiarkan Ganda menunggunya ditengah suasana New York yang membeku.


Exactly to this day, Ganda has been waiting for her for the past two years. He still clearly remembers the warm smile and gaze, but everything seems fade away. No more to be heard from Karin, no phone or SMS. The girl has gone into nowhere and let Ganda wait for her in the middle of freezing New York. 

3. Procedure text in Indonesian Language 

Procedure text is a kind text which includes procedure or steps to do or make something. We know it in recipe, tutorial, and the like. The main purpose is to educate the reader in making or doing something. Also learn Indonesian written language.


Cara membuat roti kapas

Sebelum mulai membuat roti, siapkan alat dan bahan.

Bahan: ….

Cara membuat: ….



Setelah matang, keluarkan dari oven dan siap dihidangkan.


How to make cloud bread

Before start making the break, prepare the required tools and ingredients.

Ingredients: ….

How to:…



After the bread is golden brown, remove from oven and ready to serve.

4. Report text in Indonesian Language 

Report text is a kind of text which contains report or information about an event or topic. Usually, this text is found in newspaper or online news. Also learn about Indonesian language examples.


Hujan Deras Melanda, Waspadai Banjir.

Jakarta, hari ini (26/3) Hujan deras kembali melanda sebagian wilayah di Indonesia. Dengan intensitas hujan yang tinggi selama 3 hari terakhir, warga diharapkan untuk siaga bila banjir datang.


Jakarta, today (26/3) heavy rain surges some of places in Indonesia. Due to high intensity of rain during the past 3 days, residents are expected to standby if flood comes at any time. 

5. Exposition text in Indonesian Language 

This kind of text consists of information or explanation of events which is accurate. Exposition text can be found in scientific non-fiction writing such as thesis, argumentation, and the like. Learn more about Indonesian reading practice.


Pendidikan adalah satu hal yang paling efektif untuk perkembangan dunia. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pendidikan merupakan salah satu pondasi dan juga pusat infomasi dan ilmu yang ada.


Education is one most effective thing to the development of the world. This is because education is one of foundations as well as center of existing knowledge and information.

Indonesian writing or texts are classified into five categories with different characteristic for each category. You can choose one that you prefer to enhance your reading comprehension and understanding of Bahasa Indonesia.

Meanwhile. that’s all the complete explanation about Indonesian reading comprehension. Selamat Belajar! Happy learning Bahasa Indonesia!

Here’s more explanation about Indonesian reading comprehension!

Categories: Reading