Welcome back! How’s your progress in learning Indonesian so far? Have you learned to introduce yourself in Indonesian, learned about 100 useful Indonesian conversation phrases, and 5 ways to speak with Indonesian accent? How about enrich your Indonesian vocabulary now to broaden your skill even more?
One of the important vocabulary categories is body parts. You’re likely to use them in everyday life! Think of describing someone’s physical features, or an exercise you’re doing or a pain you’re having or explaining to your doctor about what your body is feeling. It will be hard without knowing the proper vocabularies right? So let’s get started to learn Indonesian words for body parts.
Here are some common body part vocabularies along with how to pronounce them as well as sentence examples.
English | Indonesian | Pronunciation | Example |
bone | tulang | Too-lung | Ia patah tulang saat naik sepeda (He broke his bone when riding a bike) |
arm | lengan | Luh-ngun | Atlet itu punya lengan yang kuat (The athlete has strong arms) |
knee | lutut | Loo-toot | Adik punya bekas luka di lutut (Little brother has a bruise on his knee) |
back | punggung | Poong-goong | Ia membawa tas sekolah di punggung (He brings a schoolbag on his back) |
liver | hati | Huh-tee | Bergadang tidak bagus untuk hati (Staying up late is not good for the liver) |
tooth | gigi | Gee-gee | Aku punya janji dokter untuk mengobati sakit gigi (I have a doctor’s appointment to treat my toothache) |
foot | kaki | kuh-kee | Anjing itu punya gelang di kakinya (The dog has a bracelet on its foot) |
heart | jantung | Jun-toong | Makan alpukat baik untuk kesehatan jantung (Eating avocados is good for the heart’s health) |
kidney | ginjal | Geen-jul | Ia sedang mencari donor ginjal (He is looking for a kidney donor) |
lung | paru-paru | Puh-roo-puh-roo | Aku menjaga paru-paruku dengan tidak merokok (I take care of my lungs by not smoking) |
chest | dada | Duh-duh | Ia mengalami cedera di dada (He experienced an injury on his chest) |
eye | mata | Muh-tuh | Mata bayi itu seperti mata boneka (The baby’s eyes are like a doll’s) |
neck | leher | Le-her | Ibu dikenali dengan kalung emas di lehernya (Mom is known by the golden necklace on her neck) |
skin | kulit | Koo-leet | Aku tidak berolahraga di siang hari karena takut kulitku terbakar (I do not play sports in the afternoon because I’m afraid my skin will get burned) |
face | muka | Moo-kuh | Seniman itu mahir melukis muka orang (The artist is skilled in painting faces) |
hand | tangan | Tuh-ngun | Ibu menggandeng tangan anaknya sepanjang jalan (Mom holds her child’s hand all the way) |
nose | hidung | Hee-doong | Bau itu membuat hidungku gatal (The smell makes my nose itch) |
muscle | otot | Oh-tot | Otot nenek nyeri kalau terlalu banyak bergerak (Grandma’s muscles ache if she moves too much) |
throat | tenggorokan | Teng-go-ro-kun | Aku memesan sup ayam karena sedang sakit tenggorokan (I order chicken soup because I’m having a sore throat) |
chin | dagu | Duh-goo | Anak itu memiliki dagu bundar seperti ayahnya (The kid has a round chin like his father) |
stomach | perut | Pe-root | Aku selalu makan pagi untuk mengisi perut (I always have breakfast to fill my stomach) |
shoulder | bahu | Buh-hoo | Jimmy menggendong anaknya di bahunya (Jimmy carries his child on his shoulders) |
finger | jari | Juh-ree | Jari pianis itu bergerak sangat cepat di piano (The pianist’s fingers move very fast on the piano) |
mouth | mulut | Moo-loot | Aku suka makan permen untuk menyegarkan mulut (I like eating candies to freshen my mouth) |
ear | telinga | Te-lee-nguh | Annie punya tiga tindikan di telinganya (Annie has three piercings on her ear) |
head | kepala | Ke-puh-luh | Anak itu selalu berjalan dengan kepala tertunduk (The child always walks with her head down) |
Get familiar with these new Indonesian words for body parts! Also check out Indonesian sentence structure with examples to help you build sentences with these new vocab.
And don’t forget to read 8 easy ways to learn Indonesian language in a day so that you pick up on this new lesson quicker!