“Kok” in Indonesian Meaning – Slang Word – Examples

Indonesian language has several versions, from formal to informal. In informal Indonesian daily conversation, people use several words that maybe unfamiliar for other people. They use lot of list of  Indonesian slang words that come from several regional language in Indonesia. The most often used are for example from Javanese words Mas in Indonesian, Mba in Indonesian, and from Betawi dong in Indonesian meaning, and so on.

On this article, we will discuss about the word “kok” in Indonesian, its meaning, and examples on daily conversation. The word kok is used a lot in daily conversation. There are several meanings of the word depend on the context of the sentence. To pronounce the word, instead of saying it as “cocktails”, people say it as only ko, without the “ck”.

1. Using kok in questions

“Kok” in questions can means “why” or in Indonesia “kenapa” or “mengapa”. Below are several examples of its use in daily conversation.

  • “Kok kalian mau pulang sekarang? Di luar hujan deras.”

Why are you want to go home now? It’s raining hard outside.

  • “Kok aku yang disalahkan?”

“Why are you accusing me?

  • “Kamu kok memakai baju warna biru? Kita seharusnya memakai baju warna merah.”

“Why are you wearing blue colored shirt? We should wear red colored shirt.

2. Using kok to emphasize the use of word “also” or “too”.

People use “kok” in a sentence to emphasize “also” or “too”. Below are several examples of its use in daily conversation.

  • Tidak apa-apa kalau kita datang siang. Mereka juga banyak yang terlambat kok.

It’s okay if we come at noon. They are also will come late.

3. Using kok to emphasize the use of word “only” or “just”.

People use “kok” in a sentence to emphasize “only” or “just”. Below are several examples of its use in daily conversation.

  • Pakai saja uangku. Cuma lima ribu kok.

You can use my money. It’s only five thousands rupiahs.

4. Using kok to emphasize the use of word “anyway”

People use “kok” in a sentence to emphasize “anyway”. Below are several examples of its use in daily conversation.

  • Tidak apa-apa kalau baru mulai belajar. Ujiannya masih dua bulan lagi kok.

It’s okay if you just started to study. The exam is still two months away anyway.

5. Using kok to emphasize the use of word “really” or “how could it be”

People use “kok” in a sentence to emphasize “really” or “how could it be”. Below are several examples of its use in daily conversation.

  • Kamu mau pergi seminggu kok belum beres-beres?

You will go on a one week vacation but how could you haven’t started packing yet? 

6. Using kok to emphasize the use of word “it’s okay”

People use “kok” in a sentence to emphasize “it’s okay”. Below are several examples of its use in daily conversation.

  • Cerita saja kepadaku, akan aku dengarkan kok.

Just tell me, it’s okay, I will listen to you.

7. Using kok to express surprise, astonishment, or amazement

People use “kok” in a sentence to express surprise, astonishment, or amazement. It’s a little bit similar with point number one where people use it as a replacement of word “why” or “mengapa” or “kenapa”. Below are several examples of its use in daily conversation.

  • Kok kamu ada di sini?

Why are you here?

  • Kok kamu belum berangkat sekolah

How come you haven’t go to school yet

  • Kok kamu terluka?

Why are you bleeding?

That’s all about kok in Indonesian meaning. Thank you for reading.

Categories: Vocabulary